Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 27: Left-Overs.......

The Gifts have been unwrapped--the wrappings have been disposed of--the family is tired of playing with their new toys--and they are also tired of eating that warmed up turkey and dressing.  No one wants turkey sandwiches anymore.  What to feed them today?  We can make turkey gumbo, throw in some sausage.  We could make turkey soup or turkey casserole or turkey pot pie or turkey a la king or turkey tacos or enchiladas.   OR we could make:
                                                         Turkey Tetrazzini!!

A favorite in our household--there are many versions of this dish, but here is my recipe

Chop one medium size onion, sauté in 1/4 lb. of butter till soften.  Now, make that white roux--add 1/4 cup flour to mixture and stir to thicken.  To this add 2 C milk or if you want to start that diet early, use chicken broth.  Stir till thicken.  Now, add chopped turkey bits, sprinkle of Tabasco, 1/4 cup of grated parmesan cheese; continue to stir. Add salt and pepper to taste.  If need, add more liquid. 

 In another pot, bring to boil several quarts of water--once boiling, add 1 package of spaghetti--cook till tender, drain and add to above turkey mixture.  I like to add the juice of one lemon--gives it a little tang taste.  Combine well.
Pour mixture into one large greased baking dish-- before placing into 350* oven to bake 35-45 minutes, sprinkle the top with grated cheddar cheese and panko crumbs--your choice of how much.
Bake and serve with green salad and fresh baked bread--oh, yes, the bread comes from the local grocery!
Hopefully, this will clear out all that leftover turkey!

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