Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31: Ursher out 2014

New Year's Folklore: 

Some customs and beliefs are simply passed down through the ages. Here are some of our favorite age-old sayings and proverbs.

On New Year's Eve, kiss the person you hope to keep kissing.
If New Year's Eve night wind blow south, It betokened warmth and growth.
For abundance in the new year, fill your pockets and cupboards today.
If the old year goes out like a lion, the new year will come in like a lamb.
Begin the new year square with every man. (i.e., pay your debts!) –Robert B. Thomas, founder of The Old Farmer's Almanac 

So, whether we resolve to return borrowed farm equipment (as did the Babylonians) or drop a few pounds, we're tapping into an ancient and powerful longing for a fresh start

During the early 1970's, there was a saying that the old man goes out and the new baby comes in at the stroke of midnight.  Our son (age 3-4) heard this and always wanted to stay up till midnight to watch the "Old Man" leave and see "The New Baby" arrive!  Hence, he never stayed awake till midnight--he was always fast asleep by 10 PM! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30: Wrapping Up 2014

well, there it is!  the end of another year--I can see the lights shining for 2015

We have taken many a journey throughout the year
and now it is time

to open another door to adventure
as we close out 2014
and walk into 2015!

Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29: What's Wrong With This????

The end of 2014 hasn't even come yet and I'm thinking well into 2015 for new projects!  What is wrong with me?  I haven't even finished the UFO's on my list and here I'm signing up with new projects--that will most likely become 2015 UFOs!!  I'm blaming Ravelry!  Yes, that has got to be the culprit.  And then the Brown headed kid, Dr. Dawn, introduced me to Pinterest--now, that website is a real time suck!!

1) Colorworks by Debi --we are doing Mitts with Deborah

2) contrapposto--sock pattern by Claire Ellen and Heidi Nick

3) New Year Socks KAL-- pattern by Maria Rosa Spighetti

4) 12 Hats in 12 Weeks--pattern by Meagheen Ryan Designs (She donates 100% of profits to charities)

5) Vernal Equinox Shawl Surprise --this will certainly be a surprise if I finish!  what a lovely shawl pattern though!

6)    Okay--I want to take a trip from my comfy chair--first stop-- rock-the-kasbah  by designer Cindy Garland

I should stop now!!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28: Catching My Breath!

What will you do today?  Maybe, all your house guests have departed.  Maybe, you will think about cleaning up the house.  Maybe, you will take a short nap.  Or if you are like me, I'm thinking about all those projects that got started and are languishing--do I hear them calling my name?  "Pick me up--just put in a few stitches" while you are sitting in your comfortable chair! 

Okay, there is that Advent Scarf I began--I did get up to Day 6 (not bad, huh?)  And now the clues keep piling up!  This delightful Chevron and Ripples pattern is designed by Tricia Weatherston.  The idea was to use sock yarn that was self striping.  My yarn was in my stash from Lorna's Laces
I'm also thinking about the 2014 Mystery from Bonnie Hunter.  This year's quilt is titled Grand Illusion--Once again, I'm way behind--but, I am saving the clues and I have seen the Bonnie Hunter Club gals working diligently on their clues.  From what I've seen of the first three clues--this is going to be a beauty!  Bonnie offers the pattern free of charge--but, only for a short time--so, if you are interested in creating a magical quilt--better save the clues!

My friend, Judy P, did last years' mystery and just take look at this marvel!!  Great balls of fiber--super duper work Judy P!  I can always count on her to finish what she has begun.
Okay, I'm still sitting in my comfy chair and thinking about all those UFOs.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 27: Left-Overs.......

The Gifts have been unwrapped--the wrappings have been disposed of--the family is tired of playing with their new toys--and they are also tired of eating that warmed up turkey and dressing.  No one wants turkey sandwiches anymore.  What to feed them today?  We can make turkey gumbo, throw in some sausage.  We could make turkey soup or turkey casserole or turkey pot pie or turkey a la king or turkey tacos or enchiladas.   OR we could make:
                                                         Turkey Tetrazzini!!

A favorite in our household--there are many versions of this dish, but here is my recipe

Chop one medium size onion, sauté in 1/4 lb. of butter till soften.  Now, make that white roux--add 1/4 cup flour to mixture and stir to thicken.  To this add 2 C milk or if you want to start that diet early, use chicken broth.  Stir till thicken.  Now, add chopped turkey bits, sprinkle of Tabasco, 1/4 cup of grated parmesan cheese; continue to stir. Add salt and pepper to taste.  If need, add more liquid. 

 In another pot, bring to boil several quarts of water--once boiling, add 1 package of spaghetti--cook till tender, drain and add to above turkey mixture.  I like to add the juice of one lemon--gives it a little tang taste.  Combine well.
Pour mixture into one large greased baking dish-- before placing into 350* oven to bake 35-45 minutes, sprinkle the top with grated cheddar cheese and panko crumbs--your choice of how much.
Bake and serve with green salad and fresh baked bread--oh, yes, the bread comes from the local grocery!
Hopefully, this will clear out all that leftover turkey!

Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26: Day After.............................Boxing Day

What do you do on the Day after Christmas?  Return gifts? Shop the bargains? Go on a diet--no wait, that's not till January 2! 

In some countries here is how they celebrate............

Boxing Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated the day following Christmas Day, when servants and tradespeople would receive gifts, known as a "Christmas box", from their bosses or employers, in the United Kingdom, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, South Africa, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and other Commonwealth nations, as well as Norway, the Netherlands and Sweden. Today, Boxing Day is the bank holiday that generally takes place on 26 December.

In South Africa, Boxing Day was renamed Day of Goodwill in 1994. Due to the Roman Catholic Church's liturgical calendar, the day is known as St. Stephen's Day to Catholics, and in Italy, Finland, and Alsace and Moselle in France. It is also known as both St. Stephen's Day and the Day of the Wren or Wren's Day in the Republic of Ireland. In many European countries, including notably Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and those in Scandinavia, 26 December is celebrated as the Second Christmas Day

Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 25: Christmas!

As we gather around
the Christmas Tree
May our hearts be filled with joy as we
celebrate this special day of

Peace, hope, love, family, friends
This Nativity set was made by my Granny in 1967--hence, since brown headed kid, Dr. Dawn was born in 1967, it was a gift to her.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

December 24--And Not a Creature Was Stirring!

This is the Night we light the last candle of the Advent Wreath.
The first candle is for Promise
The second candle is for Light
The third candle is for Love
and the last candle is
As Christians we read Luke's story of Jesus birth (Luke 2: 1-20)
"May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace" (Romans 15:13a)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23--Two Nights Before Christmas!

Two Nights before Christmas!  That should be a song..........................................

And all through the house, family is waiting for that special meal.............................

CRAB BISQUE and for the one who doesn't eat crab--we make a huge pot of Chili--Texas Chili!

So grab, your special ingredients and let's cook!

Crab Bisque:  celery, onions, bell pepper (all chopped fine) Sauté in stick of butter till transparent and tender.  Add some chopped garlic to taste, salt and pepper to taste.  Thicken with corn starch or flour to make a white roux.  Stir in can of chicken stock.  In another pot cook chopped potatoes till tender, drain and add to the above mixture. Now, here comes the good stuff--several cups of half and half--not the fat free stuff either, but full rich half and half.  Let this all marry for a few minutes.  Toward the end, add 1 lb. of fresh cracked peeled crabmeat--claw or whatever you can find.  Take that Tabasco bottle and shake, shake!  Almost ready for the bowl and spoon! 

In the oven we have buttered hot French bread, just ready to sop up all the goodness left in the bowl.

This will always be our two nights before Christmas meal!!

Now, if you need a recipe for Texas Chili...........................................let me know!

Monday, December 22, 2014

December 22--Ready for Another Cookie!

Mexican Wedding Cakes
This is one of those go to recipes when you need a quick cookie.
1 C of butter
1/2 C powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
cream together till fluffy
Then add 1/4 tsp salt
2 1/4 C all purpose flour
Mix well
1 C chopped nuts (your choice)
Mix till dough holds together nicely.
Roll into balls, place on parchment paper lined cookie sheets
Bake in 400* oven for about 8-9 minutes
Once removed from the oven, roll the balls into powder sugar
and pop into your mouth!

Any number of different items can be added--chocolate chips, crushed peppermint, Hersey kisses in the middle of ball before baking--it's fun to experiment.

There are lots of names for this cookie--what do you call them? 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21--The Candy Man

Remember I told you--I was not a candy maker!  That job goes to my hubby who makes all the best fudge, pralines and sometimes caramels.  You are guaranteed a good batch of candy when he takes a turn at the stove (little secret--he doesn't cook anything else that's good!)
Can't read the recipe??  It's mimeographed!  Do you remember those machines?
Here is his recipe for Pralines--the best!  This recipe comes from Ellendale, LA
1 1/2 C white sugar, 3/4 C brown sugar (packed), 1/2 stick butter, 1/2 C evaporated milk, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 C whole pecans, pinch of salt and the secret ingredient--1 tsp white Karo syrup!
Cook sugars, salt and milk until it comes to a rolling boil.  Add butter and let remain on heat until butter has completely melted.  Remove from heat.  Beat until it begins to thicken.  Add nuts and vanilla.  Drop by teaspoon on wax paper.  If it gets too hard to drop, return to heat and remelt.
Yummy--good for the tummy!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20--EGGNOG!

  Let's have a cup of eggnog!   
Here's our recipe for this delicious drink: 
Eggnog is not my favorite drink by a long shot!  Everyone else in the family loves it!  They drink it with a little fresh ground nutmeg on top.  They drink it with a dash of rum!  They drink it with their cookies!  They drink it right out of the pitcher!
This recipe comes from our OLD
Hubby makes it every year--he can certainly make up a good batch or two for the holidays.  And you can tell from the photo above he set something down on the recipe--ah, memories go a long ways!

Friday, December 19, 2014

December 19--Want Some Crunch?

If you like a little crunch in your cheese--make up these delightful little yummy goodies!
of course, we don't call it oleo anymore--
let's use butter--delicious creamy butter!
Crunch, Crunch, Crunch!
Thanks friend who gave me this recipe 37 years ago!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

December 18--A week Away From Christmas

One week away from Christmas Celebration!
This recipe brings you the Cheese Ball!
So delicious--best to keep under wraps for several days before spreading on bread or crackers.
The above recipe is easy to prepare and ages well in the refrigerator just in case company comes knocking!
Our all time favorite cheese ball is a cheese log--made with
Velveeta Cheese (can you believe how expensive this product has become?!!)  you can use half brick or the whole thing.
Several cloves of minced garlic--how much garlic do you like?
chopped pecans--how nutty do you want to be?
and thoroughly mix!!
Get in there with your hands--messy, but your hands are the best mixer.
Shape into logs--small logs, long logs, medium logs--your choice ( I know, so many decisions to make!)
now, take out that chili powder, sprinkle on plastic wrap and roll your log in the chili powder--cover that log good.  Wrap tightly, refrigerate and wait--at least five days.  The longer the flavors marry, the tastier it is.
ready to serve, unwrap, set out crackers and wait for the compliments!
Way beyond good! and the easiest you could make!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

December 17--Cole's Brownies

I've forgotten who Cole is or was--
but his recipe for brownies is the best by far!
Of course, today we have all sorts of boxed mixes that are right up there with
Cole's brownies
Try this simple recipe and see if you don't think Cole had the right idea!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16--More Party Favorites

Okay--here comes another old standby--If I need a dip for veggies, this is the one I resort too!
Bright fresh veggies surround this tasty dip.  As you can see, I've scratched out "Accent"--it was one ingredient that we used many moons ago.
And why use Kraft Mayo?  Don't have the foggiest--maybe, it was the only one we could get or maybe, this recipe came from Kraft

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15--Shrimp Makes Appearance

When I use this timeless recipe, I give many thanks to Helen--what a great cook and I'm thankful she would share her recipes with me
This was the most delicious shrimp mold you could ever serve to your guests.
Can you tell how much I've used this index card? 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 14--Party Dips

Tis the season for parties........................and if you are hosting a party, there is a chance you'll need a couple of dip recipes that you can make ahead of time.
This is a hot dip recipe--
1 package of cream cheese + 2 Tbsp milk beaten together.  Add 1/2 tsp garlic salt, 1 Tbsp minced onion, 1/2 tsp black pepper; 1/2 C sour cream
Add one package of chopped beef (we could find this product in a small jar along with the cheese jars--do they make it anymore?)  you can use corned beef or roast beef from the deli
add 1/2 C chopped bell pepper.  Mix these ingredients well; spread in pie dish and sprinkle the top with 1 C crushed pecans.
Bake @ 350* oven for 20 minutes.
Serve with crackers
Yummy good!!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

December 13--Party Time!

It's the weekend--time to party!  Need an idea for a good party punch? 
This is the ONE!
This recipe comes from Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, November, 1978--gee whiz!  I can't believe it has been that long ago!

I've made this punch on numerous occasions--best part of this recipe--it can be made ahead and frozen; ready for the time you need a perfect party drink.  And you can even spike it with something that will definitely give it a PUNCH!  We served this at blond headed daughter's wedding 25 years ago--and to this day, it's still a great recipe! 

Friday, December 12, 2014

December 12--Need a Gift Idea?

Sweet and Spicy Nuts
from a high school friend--boy, we are going back a few years for sure!
After our home and all possessions were destroyed in December 1976 by fire, our friends put out a call to replace my recipe box and file.

This recipe came from a good high school friend whom we even had adventures with during our college days--they had a Volkswagen! and we could go and go on a tank of gas!  Of course, you got to remember gas in those days was only 30 cents a galloon, but we had no money to speak of, so jumping into their Volkswagen and running to parks for picnics ($1 worth of luncheon meat went a long ways) was a great weekend of fun.

I can't tell you how many times I've made this recipe to give as gifts and to have on hand for our munchies time.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11--Another Batch of Cookies

Ahh, the old standby recipe for Christmas cookies!

2C shortening (can you tell this is an oldie but goodie?)
3C sugar
4 Eggs
1 tsp grated nutmeg
1 tsp vanilla and 1 tsp almond
6-7 C flour (all purpose)
Cream shortening and sugar, add eggs and beat till fluffy and light.  Add flavorings, nutmeg, flour (enough to form a stiff dough)  Chill one hour.
If I didn't have time to make them one day, I would roll them out the next day.  Instead of flour on the surface, I would use sifted powdered sugar (added a crackly goodness to the cookie)
This is when you can use those wonderful cookie cutters.
Bake @ 400* 8-10 minutes--no icing needed; just a glass of cold milk to dunk!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 10--Whiskey, Whiskey, Whiskey

Okay, get out that bourbon--because here comes the Whiskey Balls!
These must be aged properly for at least two weeks before you break open the box.
Simple easy to make but delicious to eat.
Remember--aging is the secret!  
Another one of Helen's secret recipes that she shared.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

December 9--Grandma Mac's Peanut Brittle

Someone who could make good candy was my mother-in-law--Grandma Mac!  She made delicious peanut Brittle--the kind that crunch with one bite.  I liked watching her make this brittle recipe because as you added the soda to the cooked mixture, there was an explosion of flavor happening.
Once again, I never made this recipe--it's only for Grandma Mac's hands.
But, I'll happily eat it!

Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8--Candy Making

Divinity Candy!  Melt in your mouth delicious!  But, I never made it--I was never good at making candy.  If I tried my hand at fudge, it would become a soupy mess and we had to eat it with a spoon!  So, when I met this lady, she gave me this recipe from her kitchen and said "Try it.  It's an easy recipe. Just don't make it on a damp day"!  Well, we lived in Louisiana--when most days are damp!  So I never tried it!  But, let me tell you......................
Minnie's Divinity Candy was awesome!    I still bring out the recipe every year and remember Minnie and how she challenged those damp days and won with her divinity!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 7--Baking Those Spritzs!

It was always a treat for the kids, following their dinner, when we were all sitting around the living room, that I would bring out a tray of the cookies that had been baked the precious days. 
There were always glasses of cold milk to go with the treats.  We would continue our discussions from the dinner table. 
I hope they remember those evenings during December as much as I do.  It was definitely a time for each of them to have a say as they gobbled down the goodies.

I have handed over this cookie recipe to the oldest daughter--the blond headed one!  She is now in charge of making these delightful mouth popping cookies. 
Each year now, somehow, she finds time in her busy schedule to press out some colorful designs with the cookie press.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

December 6--Tex-Mex Cooking

Speaking of Tex-Mex cooking, here is the one and only book I rely on!  My Granny gave me this book in early 1977.  My Granny didn't cook much for us kids as we didn't see her much growing up--but she was definitely what you would consider as a GRANNY!
I LOVE this book! and I think about my Granny every time I pull this recipe book out to make Guacamole--I know the recipe, but there is just something about my Granny and this recipe book!
And you can't serve Tex-Mex food without the Guacamole:  ripe avocadoes (not too soft, just firm enough to give a
little)--how many you say?  depends on how much you and your guests can eat!  chopped onions, garlic to taste, lime juice over the top of avocados, and now you mash!  You can leave chunky or make it smooth--what do you like?  how about some jalapenos chopped in as well?  dash of salt, pepper, olive oil and of course, several dashes of hot sauce.  I add chopped tomatoes too.
Bring on the tortilla chips--Yummy! 
Thanks Granny!

Friday, December 5, 2014

December 5--A Gift For You and Me

One of my dear friends from late 1970's gave me this recipe and it has remained a staple in our refrigerator ever since.
When you need a good salsa--this is the one.  We have spent hundreds of dollars on store bought salsas--red ones, green ones, roasted ones, fruit salsas, but we always come back to this one recipe as our favorite.
You can make it as spicy or as mild as you want.  It's great with tortilla chips or over enchiladas.
And I'm a sucker for Tex-Mex food!  Give me a fresh tortilla, pinto beans and this salsa and I'm happy as a lark!

I've bottled this recipe at times for gifts--give it a water bath so the jars seal; tie with a neat ribbon with the recipe and you'll have thankful friends! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

December 4--Unbaking!

Each December Day, I would make at least one cookie recipe--sometimes there would be cookie exchanges, when I baked 12 dozen cookies--a dozen for 12 people who shared their cookies with me.
The kids loved this tradition!  Me, not so much!
This was an easy recipe to have on hand for those days when friends dropped in to visit 
and the kids could make them too.
Unbaking!  is the way to go!
How about making these for your friends?
Unbaked Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies--my version:
2 C sugar, 8 Tbsp. cocoa, 1/2 C milk--bring to a rolling boil; remove from heat and add 1 stick of butter, 3 cups of Quaker one minute oats, 1 tsp vanilla.  Mix well and drop by teaspoon onto wax or parchment paper (we didn't have parchment so used wax paper) 
let harden and then EAT!
there was always some kid standing there to lick the pan!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3--Let's Bake!

See this worn recipe notebook?  I've had it since early 1977--right after our home was destroyed by fire at Christmas time, 1976.  Neighbors opened their arms, homes and hearts to our family.  Thumbing through my recipe book gives loving thoughts of those who gave us comfort and shared their favorite recipes.
Don't you have that book that is stuffed with pages from magazines?  handwritten recipes or newspaper clippings.  Let me assure you--every recipe in this book has been tested many times over.
this is one of those time honored recipes from a loving neighbor, Helen, who being Italian made these every Christmas.  I was honored that she would share her family treat with me.
Fig Cakes! 
1 C shortening, 1 C sugar, 3 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla, 7 C flour, 7 tsp. baking powder, 1 C milk, 1 tsp salt
Cream shortening with sugar; add eggs and vanilla.  Sift flour and baking powder, gradually adding milk until dough is moist.  Roll out dough, cut into strips about 2" wide.
2 pkg. dried figs, 1/2 C raisins, 1/2 C chopped pecans, 1/2 pt fig preserves, grated orange rind and juice of orange, dash of black pepper--soak dried figs about an hour until soft.  grind figs, pecans & orange rind, add to other filling ingredients.  Spread a Tablespoon of filling down the center of each 2" piece of dough; pinch the top over. place on cookie sheet and bake in 400* oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Once the fig cakes are cooled, sift one box of confectioners sugar and little milk and drizzle over the tops--talk about yummy!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2--Delicious Fruit Cake!

 In 1977,  my favorite listening station was WWL out of New Orleans, Louisiana and the host of one program gave recipes and tips on cooking.
This was my absolutely favorite Fruit Cake Recipe of all times!!  And I love fruitcake--not many people do, but if you had tasted this fruitcake, you would have been a lover too!
As you can see this recipe is handwritten--not by me, but the radio personality who hosted the show.  If you wanted a copy, all you had to do--was write (YES, write as in a letter) and send a SASE (Self addressed stamped envelope) and he would send you a copy.
It became the tradition each fall, right before Thanksgiving, to gather all the ingredients and make this fruitcake--you see it had to "Age" for a good while.  Each day, I would pour a small amount of rum over the gauze covered fruitcake and then when I thought I couldn't take it anymore--maybe, a week before Christmas, I would cut into this fruity, nutty cake! 
I'm sure I ate more than the kids or husband!  I absolutely loved this cake!

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1--Down the Path of Reflection

Every year for many years when the kids were younger and all living under one roof, I will prepare for the holidays by making something special each day leading up to Christmas.
This year I brought out my old cookbooks and strolled down that reflection path.  With each page flipped, I remember the person who gave me the recipe and how much we enjoyed the flavors and sharing of the moment.
This Booklet was from Fall, 1981 when a group of us attended the local newspaper sponsored luncheon.  There were demonstrations and tasting, of course! 
Here is one of my favorite recipes from that time and place==pickled eggs!
And here is the recipe that I made as gifts--

What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...