Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fantasy: An exhibition of the Front Range Contemporary Quilters

In the Community Gallery of Foothills Art Center in Golden, Colorado you can view "Fantasy"!
Ann Johnston juried this fanciful quilters exhibit, featuring Front Range Contemporary Quilters.

Here I'm showing you the up close view of these wonderful art pieces--

"Deep Pool" by Charlotte Ziebarth

Susan Apte "Inner Strength"

Laurie Hill Gibb "Eternally Bound"

Margaret Abramshe "Synchronized in the sea of love"

Susan Brooks "Magnifying Glass"

Do Palma "There's a Crack in Everything"

Karen Stalgen "Fractured"

Dorothy Raymond "Persistence of Tangerine Dreams"

"Ziggy"  sorry didn't get the artist's name

"Fantasy Forest"  Karen Stalgren

Margaret Abramshe "Rumi's Two Step"

Ann Johnston "Gold"

Vicki Carlson "Points in Time"

Patti Hawkins "Mirage"

Ginger Quinn Munoz "Cirque:  Hanging by a Thread"

Jean Herman "East"

Jean Herman "Northeast"

Ruth Briggs Wilson "Security Blanket No. 6"

Christi Beckman "Warped Weft NYC"

"Red Canyon Spring" by Patty Hawkins

Now, you have seen some of the pieces up close, visit the exhibit to take in the full effect of the pieces--these artists have created masterful art pieces--well worth a trip to the Foothills Art Center!

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Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...