Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Kimono! Kimono! Kimono!

GREETINGS! What a way to enter an exhibit! The first thing you see as you enter the gallery space is this lovely impressive kimono.........................................
Kimono: Textiles and Traditions from Japan
This special presentation is at TACtile Arts Center in Denver.
The opening reception included not only wine along with savory and sweet treats but a mini fashion show.  There will be other exciting happenings during the showing of this exhibit--check the webpage.

The room was filled with delightful costumes from Japan--some used for formal occasions while others were for every day wear.

Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves.  Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right (except when dressing the dead for burial.), and secured by a sash called an obi which is tied at the back, as shown in the following photo.

This fabric looks to be either weft or warp ikat.  Kimonos can be worn by men, women and children. 

This garment had a lovely painted scene around the bottom of the silk fabric.

More awesomeness! 

Looking closely--one can see where tiny threads have been tied to give this Shibori technique

Love this touch of shibori on the Obi.

More shibori technique

If you love Japanese textiles as I do, this is a must visit!  I'm hoping to attend one of the special events planned during this exhibit.  Maybe I'll see you there too!
July 7th, 1-3pm - Tea Ceremony demonstration
July 12th & 13th, 6pm - Fashion show, Kimono: A Thing to Wear
July 20th - Kimonos in Your Wardrobe workshop
July 21st, 1-3pm - Oshi-e workshop
August 3rd, 1-3pm - Furoshiki: A Very Practical Cloth workshop

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