Friday, July 5, 2013

Justa Stitchin'

First off, we must shout praises for friend Judy's completion of this lovely "Red Ridge Beauty"!  Actually, it's Blue Ridge Beauty from Bonnie Hunter but Judy loves RED so this one is definitely a beauty!

I really like the way she brought in the stripe fabric for the border as well as the binding--way to go Judy!!

We are a stitchin' on a couple of shawls--this one is  designed by Tetiana Otruta and called Leaf Evolution

I'm using this lovely yarn that I had in my stash, but lo, knowing I would not have enough to finish I bought another skein from Noble Knits.  They have free--yes, free--shipping within the US!  Okay, so I now plenty of yarn to finish this shawl over the summer.

So what did I do?  I wound the skein from Noble Knits and promptly left it on the ball winder!!  Can you believe??!! well, I can................
We are almost to the end of the second skein and will wait till end of summer to finish--you see, the third skein on the ball winder is at my Texas home and we are in Colorado for the summer.  I could solve this problem and purchase another skein from Noble Knits.............but, alas, I would have an extra skein on hand--bummer! 
The other shawl I'm stitchin'  is from designers Cristi H. Brockway and Rosi Garmendia--The Soapy Turtles and it is called "There Be Dragonflies".  The first yarn is handspun, hand dyed from the studio of Dicentra Designs

Oh bother (as Winnie the Pooh would say) I ran out of handspun yarn--what to do?  what to do?  dig in the stash and here's what I found.....

This mohair yarn is from Brooks Farm and is perfect!  And in the meantime, you'll never guess what I did............................                                         

I began a new shawl!  Yes, I know--what do I need with another shawl?  Good question!  Guess I just love working with these charts and seeing the pattern progress.  I love using Goodreader app from Apple on my I Pad.  Stitchin' on............................
Finished!  Here is a view of the added mohair yarn to the handspun.  I got lazy and didn't continue with beads through the mohair section--besides, figured they wouldn't show up anyway.
 This was interesting knit--although I didn't knit all the repeats as suggested on the pattern.  I'm sure I would have definitely run out of yarn!  I do like the border lace.

Laid out for blocking--glad to have this off the needles so I can concentrate on other WIPs (works in progress)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out. I really like this quilt. I don't know what it is about the shawls. They are small, challenging, and use great yarns well. I have made many more than I wear.


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