Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Needed: New Jewelry Pouch

Yes, a new jewelry pouch is definitely needed!!  This one has been taken on many a journey.

Just look inside--what a mess!

How in the world did it get so stained?  Worn out, we know--just so much use.  First, look for info on web!  and there was a good instructable from Cheryl, TX Not this Cheryl, of course, but a different Cheryl.

Next choose two contrasting fabrics.  Our other jewelry pouch was made from our own hand-dyed fabric collection.

Need a pattern--so these two plates will suffice.  Larger one for outside and smaller one for inside pouches.

In a matter of 60 minutes or less, we had a new jewelry pouch.

The inside holds a few bracelets and the pouches will hold earrings.

Just one problem--it's too small!!  Okay, we're off to find a bigger circle and this one will be a great gift for a friend, who just might need a 'small' jewelry pouch.

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