Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Painted Churches

Painted Churches of Texas not only means the churches are painted on the outside but inside as well.  This is a great tour of lovely churches, where worshippers can still kneel and pray weekly.  Their doors are always open to the beauty of the brush.  We took a short trip to visit a few of these marvels.
First stop was at High Hill, just a short drive from Schulenberg.

The doors are open on this Sunday to welcome all comers to view.

Through these swinging doors you can enter into the halls of peace.

The first view from the back is awesome, to say the least! 

Even the statures have that painted artistic touch.

No--not stain glass, but painted windows.

Ahh, the arches in each alcove takes you to a wonderful setting.

Notice the columns--they are painted too.

And the pulpit holds lessons from our Lord and Master.

Onto our next stop--just a quiet out of the way little town where this white church sits.

Prayers aloft!

Once again, painted windows--although simple in style, mighty in looks.

The Altar.................

No words can describe this setting; feast with your eyes.

Our next visit was to the tiny town of Dubina.  From a distance on our drive down the country lanes we can see the steeple.

Maybe not as elaborate as some of the painted churches, this quiet location is a restful respite from the daily grind.

It was here that we met others who were taking the journey.  In our conversation they told us about other painted churches that were off grid.  Now, for our next trip we'll take that side drive off the major interstate to find that peaceful painted church.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dyeing to Color!!

The One Pot Rainbow Dyeing workshop at Kid 'n Ewe & Llamas Too featured some really great colors from the dyeing pots.  What a fun two days of dyeing we had and colors galore were pulled from the pot.
Using only three color choices, this great combination of color burst forth in this one pot.

Using a camera lets the participant see where the powder hasn't dissolved yet.

This dyer used several shades of red to achieve this bright colorway.

Looking like the three witches from "Macbeth", the gals are marveling over the color blends.

Only two dyes were used in this pot.  You can still where the powder needs to be dissolved.

One of the trees was adorned with dyed wool and mohair fiber.

Lovely shades of blue and lavendar..........

Taking a break to visit one of the local wineries.  This one, Sister Creeks in Sisterdale, uses 1880's cotton gin as their winery base.  Here you can take a self guided tour, then sip samples of their blended wines. 

We are back to day two of the one pot dyeing workshop.  First pot is ready with dye powder--just a little dissolving is required.

What great color combination this is!

We have a chance to make a blend of colors in one pot dyeing method.

These gals couldn't resist spinning some of their dried fiber.



Loving these colors!  It was a fun dyed filled two days.  Now, waiting to see the final results from the participants.....................................

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fiber to Fashion

Fiber to Fashion or Sheep to Shawl--doesn't really matter what title you give this competition
it's all good!  Here we are back at Kid 'n Ewe & Llamas Too to give an overview of those finished items from the morning session.
Finished! except for the final hem stitching--makes for a lovely shawl.  This group used fibacconi series for the stripes.

Off the loom--great look with natural fiber.
Lovely deep twill pattern...............
This group started their loom off right with a different pattern than most--huck lace.
Seems twill was a favorite among the weavers.  Each team could have their loom pre-threaded to their pattern and ready to pull through the warp...............
Interesting weave structure................the saying is always "it takes 11 spinners to keep one weaver busy".
Anyone for a rigid heddle weaving?
And a new weaver takes her turn at the treadles as spinners tromp their wheels to produce more spun fiber.  This is a great way for teams to learn to work together.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We're Not Kiddin'........................

Nope--we're not kiddin' about Kid 'n Ewe & Llamas Too--a three day conference filled with fiber happenings.  This was our first visit to the 23rd year of this festival in the small Hill Country town of Boerne, Texas.
This wheel display was advertising Mo Ranch, located west of Austin.  A place to regroup with friends and family.
The three metal buildings hosted a variety of vendors with their fiber wares.
Spun fiber, unspun fiber and completed fiber!

Colors galore with vendors from far and near.
And let's not forget the animal barns as well.
Spinning groups relaxing, chatting and treadling luscious fiber such as this silk.
Now, which one to choose?
And this vendor was very clever with their display--a salad buffet of solar dyed mohair locks.
And oh, the people you meet--willing to share and discuss their wearables--felted wool with mohair locks fringe.
And sparkly woven shawls & carded batts ready for the felting machine.
And let's not forget the ongoing classes like this back strap weaving.............
Or rigid heddle weaving........................
Or needle felting...................
Here is that felting machine working its magic......................
And you can't have a festival without ribbons--ribbons for prize fleece.............
And ribbons for finished fiber pieces.............................more later on the festival--so much to cover in such a short period of time.  Next blog we'll feature the one pot dyeing workshop we taught and the sheep to shawl competition.  See you soon........................

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...