Saturday, March 5, 2011

Visit to Skyloom Weavers

Although it was a cloudy day, it was the perfect day to visit Penny at her new studio. Penny, along with her business partner and BFF Peggy, have ventured into the world of marketing. They call their business Skyloom Weavers. Penny is smiling proudly in front of her studio. Take a step into her world.........
Marvelous warmth surrounds you, from the wood floors and walls to the fiber abounding around the studio. On her large floor loom, she is busy weaving away on her latest design.
The large triangle loom sits in the corner by the window. It is dressed with her very first handspun wool yarn! What lovely natural colors. This shawl will be a keeper for Penny.
Other triangle loom shawls grace their presence in other sections of the studio. Here are two luxury pieces just waiting for the perfect wearer.
Other shawls wrap these mannequins with color and happiness.
Penny and Peggy dye their own yarn; some of which is handspun. Each unique color has an intriguing name. Some are dyed with chemical dyes while others are natural dyed (two on right).
These are one of a kind yarns. Buy two skeins if you like them; most likely you will not find another quite like it again. Penny and Peggy are enjoying their adventure into the creative dyeing world.
This art yarn is perfect for just that accent to a collar, sleeve cuff or small scarf.
Penny's studio is located on acreage which gives her the privilege of raising animals. Here is a pen of 'Mos' or angora goats.
Llama roam in another area--curious as one presents the camera. Stand those ears up, boy! and do not spit!!
We have come not only to visit with Penny and view her studio, we have also come for llama 'berries' or poop! Okay, there is a story there--right! We have a friend who also lives on acreage and has a deer infestion. They are not allowed to eliminate the deer, which eat all new growth. Upon learning that llama poop was a repellent to deer--the rest is history! Scoop a little from one friend to share with another. In fact, Penny's llama yielded two large bags of berries (and we didn't work hard at collecting either)--now, we'll see if it works. Penny says, "I've never seen a deer on my property", so maybe that's a good sign.
We tour her property in her little 'rover' vehicle--her tubs are springing forth with new growth. Tansy in this one....................not much natural color from this though and hard to get rid of!
This is the beginning of new madder plants--lovely colors will come from these plants and roots. Another bin has the beginnings of cotton plants (for spinning) and marigolds (another great color producer).
A perfect day and visit with Penny in her studio--all days should be this good!


  1. Beautiful yarn, but I really love the pattern she's weaving in that first picture of the loom! Awesome!

  2. thanks for the mini tour! Lovely yarns and projects and beautiful animals!



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