Sunday, December 13, 2009

Past Comes Alive

While rearranging the guest bedroom closet for upcoming guests, my eyes spied a quilt that was long forgotten. It was buried under loads of holiday decorations. And bringing this work out into the light, brought back memories of the days of years gone by. Memory comes into play as this was made for the first grandchild, born in 1990. What fun it was to savor this pattern again!
Oh, there are many handstitching errors, but who cares? It brings back memories of the grandbaby lying on the quilt to play or sleep under for warmth and comfort. You see this grandbaby was born right before Christmas. So, it was perfect to find it again at this time of year.
This was the first applique quilt done by these hands. And look it's tied! not quilted by machine or hand. If you stop to think about time, nineteen years seems like a long time but then sometimes, it seems like it was yesterday. When this grand(child)adult has her own family, this quilt will be handed to her along with the memories.

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It’s not too late to work up Hearts!  For Valentine Day.  Below are some Free projects to create your own hearts!  A Quilting Life offers th...