Monday, January 3, 2022

Mission Imposible?

 Word of The Day:  Impossible (not able to occur, exist, or be done; very difficult to deal with.) 

"Nothing is impossible. The word it's self says I'm possible!" Audrey Hepburn 

I've been working on this orphan quilt for some time--just wanted it finished and ready for
the long arm!  Finally set down and got under way!  I tried to use up all the small filler blocks
to complete this top.  Look!! there is a hanging portion --I can deal with that--get the scissors and
lop it off!  No problem there! OR I can add another smallerr row--hmm--that would be another 2.5" row of blocks--
A good start for 2022!  I found several 3" squares cut--why?  I don't know!
There they were--and there were also some 3" half square triangles--gee whiz, what could be more perfect--than a star block!  I love star blocks!  I ended up with 24 blocks--odd size top--
someone can use a long skinny quilt, can't they?
The fabrics were all pulled from my stash bin--for some reason, I pull alot of
scraps out and the next time I look, the bin is full again!  Just scraps multiplying
to keep the quilts coming!
Mission NOT impossible and is Accomplished!!! 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Snow globes Please!

 Word of the Day:  Rejuvenate!! Rejuvenate originated as a combination of the prefix re-, which means "again," with the Latin parent of juvenile and juniorjuvenis, meaning "young." Rejuvenateliterally means "to make young again" and can imply a restoration of physical or mental strength or a return to a more youthful, healthy condition. Things that are timeworn can also be rejuvenated.

Red Button Quilt Company  has a free download the first week of each month--
this month's download is Snowglobes!  After the first week, there is a fee.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Welcome 2022!!!

 Word of day:  willie-waught:  a large gulp of alcoholic beverage, a swig, a copious or deep draught!  

How will you welcome the new year??  

We ring in the new year with a toast to good health, wealth, and good times with family and
friends!  Cheers!

Friday, December 31, 2021

Another Year, Another Challenge

  •   The first challenge for this new year—remembering to write 2022!!  Seems just like yesterday we were writing 2021--time does fly for sure--especially when you get older and you want time to slow down!
  • Challenge #2 finish up one knitting project from 2019--Japanese Sampler Scarf--I know!  I know! it's about time.  For some reason, I lost interest in knitting this after clue 2 and it just sat to 'age'! 
  • Challenge #3--finish at least one quilt that was begun and again 'aged'!  All the pieces are there, ready to be sewn into a quilt top!  Just need to get to it--what does it mean to get to it?!  There I go again--procrasting!  
  • Challenge #4--Write more blog enteries--well, in order to do that, I must have more opportunities and seek more insights into blog writing.  We'll see if that happens.
  • Challenge #5--Do Not begin a new project until Challenge #2 or #3 have been completed!!!!
  • Challenge #6--Be prepared for anything that gets thrown into my path--good, bad, ugly!
  • Challenge #7--Chose One word that will emphasize my daily life and use that word every day!

Is this a good motivation photo?

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wrapping up This month!

 One of my friend's birthday is January 1--can you believe?   But, we have a way of celebrating--we close out the old year by attending the ball drop in our neighborhood plaze--and then, if it isn't too cold, we have a birthday party minute after midnight on January 1--always fun to have cake and champage in the same hour

  • It’s also time to work on my gifts for friends—since we ddidn’t meet in December, it gave me extra time to decide what to make. 
  • Since most of my friends are quilters, I decided on pincushions—who can’t use another pincushion?

I had handwoven fabric with handspun weft--no intended purpose--ah!  I have an idea!

I had scrap pieces of wool fiber--not going to spin that stuff
and I had these milkware pieces from my mother's estate--wasn't going to use themandand no family member wanted them==been in
my pantry for years and no occassion to bring them out anyway.
So--I cut into my handwoven, handspun fabric to make circle, stuffed with the leftover wool bits, sewed it up and ta da--pincushions!  Hope they like them.
Now, if only I could think of someway to use the milkware plates that came with the cups.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Boxing Day 2021! Another QAL

 My photo of the day is Leftover Cookies!

Boxing Day got its name when Queen Victoria was on the throne in the 1800s and has nothing to do with the sport of boxing.

The name comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor.

Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants, and the day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters.

The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families.

Another way to end 2021 and begin 2022– is with a mystery by Jessica Dayon!  Each week Jessica will release a scrappy block, which I'll enjoy as my scrap bin is overflowing!  Jessicain.blogspot

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............