Saturday, April 3, 2021


 Since tomorrow is Christian holiday and religious celebration, why not talk about the meanings of rabbits, chicks, eggs, etc.

Did you know that a group of rabbits is called a Fluffle?  I didn't know that term either--just thought it was a flock of rabbits or a herd?  All I know about rabbits is they produce quite frequently--then you would have a Fluffle!  and that's how they became associated with Easter--  

I had Angora rabbits for years and never knew this fact--of course, I didn't have a huge amount of rabbits.  Grandkids had their rabbits as pets.  A spinner friend had several rabbits that habited her house--yes, you can teach rabbits to be potty trained. 

You may ask—what’s the difference between a rabbit and a hare?  That’s another story for another blog! 

And why dye Easter eggs?  

Easter Eggs

Easter is a religious holiday, but some of its customs, such as Easter eggs, are likely linked to pagan traditions. The egg, an ancient symbol of new life, has been associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring. From a Christian perspective, Easter eggs are said to represent Jesus’ emergence from the tomb and resurrection. Decorating eggs for Easter is a tradition that dates back to at least the 13th century, according to some sources. One explanation for this custom is that eggs were formerly a forbidden food during the Lenten season, so people would paint and decorate them to mark the end of the period of penance and fasting, then eat them on Easter as a celebration.

Easter egg hunts and egg rolling are two popular egg-related traditions. In the U.S., the White House Easter Egg Roll, a race in which children push decorated, hard-boiled eggs across the White House lawn, is an annual event held the Monday after Easter. The first official White House egg roll occurred in 1878, when Rutherford B. Hayes was president. The event has no religious significance, although some people have considered egg rolling symbolic of the stone blocking Jesus’ tomb being rolled away, leading to his resurrection.

Will you dye eggs? Have an egg hunt? Eat Easter candy? Have that Lamb roast? display your Easter lily?  When you do, just remember when and why these traditions are celebrated? 

Whatever fun you have with your family and friends this Easter--just remember the real reason..................................

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Searching for An Avocado

 The other day I was in mood to bake--nothing fancy or elaborate; something simple and ready to eat within a few minutes--and let's make it chocolatey and chomped full of nuts!  I found my favorite Keto recipe--all the ingredients on hand--just needed to find that one avocado.  In order to find that necessary ingredient, I must clean out the freezer--

I freeze my avocadoes when they get ripe and there is no immediate use  for them--freezing keeps them fresh, green and handy when you need to satisfy an urgent quest.  One problem --the freezer is packed!! with all sorts of other sundry items.

Hubby says 'why don't you label what's in the package?'  I say--"Oh, I'll remember!"  Yeah right like I will!!  I think it's more fun when you have to guess! And it can be a surprise what you pull out to prepare for dinner.  

I remember many years ago, one grocery store had a sale on unlabeled can goods--think they were like 10 cents a can--I bought up plenty and each night, it was a 

surprise and fun to see what we were having--one night we had green beans and peaches!  that was a delightful meal--kids loved it!  Oh, you could shake the can to see if it moved or was solid--guessing--hmm, refried beans? 

Each item in my freezer is a surprise when I pull it from it's frozen haven--oh, somethings, I can see what it is but when it's in a container--not so easy unless you pop off the top--and then you still can make out what it's suppose to be.

I digress--I found the one avocado I needed for my recipe--and carefully placed everything back in a freezer space--going on to happily mixed up the batter for those delicious avocado chocolate cookies-- they smell so yummy when baking--

You are probably wondering where is the recipe--I'm gladly sharing here: 
Chocolate Avocado Cookies
It only takes one avocado--frozen or not for some delicious low carb goodness.  We serve one of these cookies topped with fresh sliced fruit and no sugar added whip cream--delicious!


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Thinking BABY!!

 I'm thinking BABY! oh not me--but GREAT grandbaby!  It feels like that should make me OLD! that we are having a great grandbaby in our family--our grandson and his wife are expecting--so every time we see each other there are photos of the 'baby to be'!  They are so proud of their little 'bean' in the belly--but quite frankly, I need to stare a long time to make out anything--I'm sure over time as the little dude (and yes, it's a boy!) grows, the sonogram will appear to be more apparent to me!

So, I'm thinking baby things--I already have a quilt for the little tyke--his Name will be Waylon Michael--I hope he'll like being a cowboy--anyway.  I made the quilt many moons ago and decided it would be for the first grand child--but I just couldn't let go of my precious work--now, it's time to let it gooooooooooooooo-oh so hard!!

The other day this sweet little grand-daughter asked me if I had ever heard of cloth diapers!!  Oh, Lordy--that's all we ever used--those cloth diapers were so absorptive--you could use them for burp cloths, drying heads and tears, and of course, keeping those tiny hinny's dry and clean!  She said she couldn't fathom cleaning poop from a cloth diaper--I didn't tell her--I didn't relish it either but it was what it was and you get used it.  there will come a day when she'll be cleaning a lot more unsavory stuff from her young one!  Stay tuned for that adventure!!

What else will a baby need that a Great grandmother could give--besides lots of love and kisses?

Here's a handy burp cloth--just 'cause she won't have cloth diaper handy!
25 things for baby-- I skipped over all the cute girlie stuff--
oh so many things they'll need for that bundle of joy. 
Can I find a cowboy hat and boots?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

No Wool = No Sails = No Vikings

 Bet, you have never given one thought to how the Vikings sailed from one place to another or the fact that each boat powered by wind needed sails to maneuver!  It is fascinating to me that without sheep which give us wool, boats would have been dead in the water--oh, you could use man power but there is only so much man power rowing in those ancient days that could achieve the mileage you needed!

When I did demos of wool spinning, I emphasized that in order for one spinner to create enough spun yarn for any type of household item, it would take constant spinning day and night--now, what would it take for spinners to create enough wool to weave a sail!! it's un-fathomable in my mind!  

And on top of that thought, the spinning wheel we know today didn't come into being till 1500--check s history on the wheel invention..

spinning/weaving of Viking Sheep--Utsetøya sheep--
another interesting article of this breed of sheep.

and another article that is fascinating!!!

Okay, you're probably wondering why this came up--Recently, I saw an article, from February, 2016 about Vikings, their sheep, and the wool they used to power their  vessels--
I feel today that I am just plain privileged!! I don't need to spin the fiber to weave our sheets, towels, clothing, etc. 


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Every Day!


 I really enjoy throwing the thread around the needle—it’s fun and relaxing.  No worries about the pattern—just follow along with each easy to read row. This lacy pattern is knit along—just four rows a day—weekends for catch up
So far I’m keeping up during the week—weekends are for other adventures!  

Every day is how I live!  Every day we face different challenges, but tackling one challenge at a time lessens the burden just as I knit one row at a time—no need to look ahead!  The present is now and at my fingertips!   So, knit (live) one day at a time!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"Orphans" Find a Home...................

Two or so years ago, a friend was saying she had all these orphan blocks and didn't know
what to do with them--I said I'll take them--
I love playing with orphans and setting them in a top--
fast forward to this year--those orphans were still orphans but at least there
was a semi plan to join them into a


Arrange, rearrange--take down, put up and then put away for awhile longer
as other projects came along.

Here we go!  A family of orphans—think I might add a border to give this top some zip! 

In the waiting area are other orphans—These orphans are looking nice in this family—just add 
A few more small pieces and they can be united as a quilt top
If you have blocks just lingering, why not gather them into a top—so much fun playing! 


Friday, March 12, 2021

Down The Rabbit Hole.................................

 If you look to the side margins of this blog you will find the link to the Color Block challenge--I didn't participate in January and February challenges--then all the quilt tops popped up on my feed--wow!  It was time to think about tackling March--this challenge uses stash fabrics and Boy! I have plenty-- I  had a small box of 2.5" squares but these tops take more than I had--what to do?

Pull out the stash bin and begin to sort--and there I go!
down the rabbit hole!  You begin sorting--large pieces, pieces that could be
cut to 2.5" or 2" or 1.5" and then there are the strings.
Piles and piles and time runs together--

These could be cut into other sizes--3", 5" squares and we're off 
Each day I sort and sort--but I must stop to stitch at least one or two
of those blocks for March--I'm going for random scrappy look--
some are doing straight colors for each month--that's too much planning--
not for me.
And those strings?  Yep, easy to sew on scrap paper--these I could
plan by color.  Now, just need to find lots of scrap paper--
After I had spent a week or it seemed like a week sorting my fabric scraps,
I came across this article!  "Sorting, Saving and Using Fabric Scraps"--

really!! why haven't I been doing this for the past zillion years--
I'll tell you why--I'm a lazy quilter--just cut and throw the reminders in the bin!
Not any more! I will sort by size when I cut---
Sure!! I will.................................


Leftovers!  What to do with leftovers?  Never know what to do with all these leftovers--hate to pitch them.  It's all good stuff and sho...