Wednesday, April 15, 2020

WIP--Or Off The Needles

I can call this one FINISHED!  Done!  well, not complete--needs to be quilted--
so glad to have this one off my project list!  This was a difficult pattern--many
mistakes written or drawn--I took lots of liberties with this.

Off the needles--FLG (Fingerless Gloves) for March--
Cloudburst pattern by Ariene Grey--fun to knit--
Moving along with this hat--easy to knit; just get bored with it so move on to something else--
not a good idea! 

This is April's set of blocks from Kathleen Tracy's small quilt group on Facebook--these may look 
like 12" or 6" blocks--But they are not!  Next month we'll set them together!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Naked As A.............................................................

Do you have a Naked TeaPot??
I do--in fact, many naked ones--
and I love teapots! and teacups!

During my younger days, I collected teapots and cups--such fun and then..............I ran out of room
This isn't all my pots by far--several more sit in my kitchen waiting for that special pot of tea to be made and poured!

I am ready for this mystery knit along so my teapots won't be naked anymore!
Here! is where you can sign up--begins April 13th-
Further info here and it's free if you join now and collect the clues before end of May!

Saturday, April 11, 2020


NOw we are on 'lock down', we are cleaning closets, cabinets, storage bins--anything to keep ourselves sane and busy--we have no routine anymore--don't know what day it is--everything blurs into another.  While sorting through my big file cabinet--I came across these old Warp and Weft booklets, published by Robin and Russ back in the day!  Oh, what joy to see them again!  to turn the pages, remember when!

It's a sad time too--remembering! 

Each month (except July and August) you were guaranteed a new Warp and Weft with a Sample too! 
Of course, they wanted to sell their yarn and they did have good prices on their yarn.
So missed!  But, I have these to read and re-read--maybe, throw on a warp. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Finally Did It!

Yes, I finally did it!  Cut off that Laurel tree (Bay)!  It had grown so
unruly and so tall--I wanted to keep it as a bush but it got 
away from me.  Besides, there are lots of 'suckers' coming up
around the base of the trunk.

Now, I have a TON of bay leaves to sort through and dry--
I usually give them to my friends as they use them in their
kitchen/bath room cabinets to keep away bugs--

Naturally letting them dry--stuff into bags and will have a gift
for each friend that would like.
Since I had all these leaves, why not try to use them in dyeing?
I had some silk scarves (that I found when stash diving!)
laid them out with an assortment of leaves
I don't think I know what I'm doing--just wingin' it!  and success is not forthcoming.
Doesn't mean I'll not do anymore only I'll do more research!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Things on My List..........................

This is not a completed project yet--but one in progress
"Stay Strong KAL 2020" designed by Julie Kubitsk
This is a free pattern that will use up those stash fibers
First clue, using 3 ply Panda yarn(Merino, Bamboo, 
Nylon—Lily Pond—knitting on the patio with wine 
At hand and virtual musicians—

Bonnie Hunter has a sew along during this home period
Mondays are the days to download her directions
First clue of this medallion quilt!  Wow!  
She keeps you on your toes with this step! 

If you are a spinner--why not begin to spin the oldest fiber in your stash?
Well, in my case--I don't know which one is the oldest--probably brown cotton--

Sunday, April 5, 2020

And We Are Treadling................

Wish to say I was treadling on the loom--Nope, I'm treadling away on my spinning wheel..
Not much of this fiber to spin, but it's a nice merino wool and the colors are soft and pleasing--
suitable for Easter theme 

Plied and ready for the needles!  What will it be?  Thinking April Hat or FLG (Fingerless Gloves)

Friday, April 3, 2020

How About This?

You can find any of these fibers at several online fiber suppliers

Looks lovely, doesn't it? This is a new cellulose fiber on the market--
It's called Mint Fiber!  Yes, a fiber that is infused with peppermint leaf
powder extract!!

This very soft and lustrous biodegradable cellulose fiber is infused with peppermint leaf powder extract which imparts natural antibacterial and cooling properties.  Similar in color and texture to Muga silk top.
Perfect for spinning and blending with cotton, silk, wool or flax.  Does it smell like Peppermint when you spin it??  Will need to try ..............
How about this fiber?  soft and lustrous biodegradable cellulose fiber is made from rose bushes.  Similar in feel and appearance to that of bamboo top.

And then there is soft and lustrous biodegradable cellulose fiber is infused with pearl powder containing natural amino acids and other trace elements.  The pearl powder imparts a natural UVA protection in addition to a wonderful hand and drape.  It’s excellent moisture absorbing capabilities make it wonderful to dye.  

OR Biodegradable cellulosic fiber harvested from pineapple plants.  Cool to the touch, an ideal fiber for next to the skin fabrics.     

For my spinning pleasure--I'll stick to wool, silk or cotton!  All good natural fiber!                                                          

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............