Thursday, June 22, 2017

Next Quilt To Bust!

Any idea how long I've had this pattern in my "to do" box??

I always liked this pattern, which would be great for the fall.

The pattern was published in 2005!  2005!  Gee whiz--
that's a long time to keep something ready to sew!
Why didn't I do it earlier?  Haven't a clue!

I requested batik fat quarters for one of my birthday gifts
one year--maybe two years ago? or three?
anyway, my expatcher friends came through and
I got enough batik quarters to make this quilt

A nice variety--so here we go--finally, going to work on this pattern!

I've got half of the pumpkins cut out--

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Knit Awhile.........................

I'm trying to keep up with the monthly pattern updates--
not always done in a timely manner.
Here is June's pattern for Estorian scarf designed by
Elizabeth Ravenwood on Ravelry.

I like adding the beads--adds some contrast to the stripes

Wish while I was spinning, that I had taken out the brown
section of the wool roving--hindsight is always 20/20!
We knit on......................

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Stitching We go.................

Wool work.............oh so comforting while you relax; just a few stitches here and there on this mystery project by Rebekah L Smith.  I found the group on Facebook, which is a closed group now.  We bought the year long pattern and each month a different pattern is released.

There is still much stitching to do--May's block is still waiting for more
stitches to be added--I'll get there soon! 
This is May's block--not a great photo though...

Monday, June 19, 2017

One Day Quilt...................

With a little help from my friends, I was able to sew up this fabulous
quilt in one afternoon!  And I was able to sew on my granny's featherweight
machine!  I forgot all about this machine until I needed a machine for the
summer and there it was!  It sews beautifully!

This was one of those summer projects that I brought with
me to the summer house--I found the bag in the bottom
of the stash bin--out of sight!
The best part of this quilt was that our group had shared
5" squares last year.  The squares were to be Texas themed

All the squares were ready to be used--just follow the pattern
and sew--Thought I was good to go when I laid out the major
part of the quilt--Well, NOT!  I didn't pay attention to the
way the background sections went--rip, rip, rip
out two sections and turn the block
and now we're good!

Borders are on and now we can say complete--the blue was
batik Texas bluebonnet fabric--don't have enough for binding, 
which means back to quilt shop or think of something else that
will work!
such a good day!  

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Summer Projects

We have moved to the summer house for awhile--Can't be there
without some projects--I looked into one of storage boxes
and found all these pieces--2" squares and some units

And there are a few finished blocks--my memory faded
till I remembered these were the blocks for "Hopscotch,
Butterscotch" by Bonnie Hunter--I'd made one quilt with
these units and have oh so many left--enough for another quilt.
I don't have the pattern with me, but think I can 'wing' it
with the blocks and borders till I get to the outside borders--
then what??

I also found a box full of these units that are the next step in
leader, ender pieces--I'll be using these as I sew along..
come join me in a sewing summer time!!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Black and White--FINISHED!

These two blocks following are the last of the black and white--
and I'm happy to see them finished!
It has been a quick journey--25 blocks along the way--some very
large, some standard

some simple, some more complex
and now assembled into one 82" x 82" quilt!

It's hard for me to get a photo of the complete quilt--
I bordered with black although I did think about red
at one time

I'm thinking I'll ask the quilter to do red thread--but then
again, I'm not sure................
A border could be added to make it a larger quilt--
just don't know where I'll use the quilt or if I'll give
it as a charity--
Good-bye Black and White!  Hope I've got that out of my 

Friday, June 16, 2017

Christmas in July!

Oh, yes!  Here come the Christmas in July ideas--good time to begin and this quilt will be finished and ready for hanging by the time December rolls around, if you stay on track...................

It's a Sugar Plum Stocking quilt presented by one of my favorite 
designers, Bunny Hill Designs.  Recently, she held a contest for
12 designs and with such response she has created this
timely quilt using those 12 selected stocking designs.
This will all begin July 7th--if you look at the blog
you can see some of the designers that were chosen.

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............