Sunday, May 7, 2017

May Brings Challenges

May brings a challenge--

Luckily, I have the yarn for this project--
that doesn't happen too often either!

I bought this sock yarn several months ago--really liked the
look of the 'double dip' effect.
And this yarn has been in my stash forever!!

Here is the pattern--designed by Mary-Ann Lammers

It's a rocky start since the cotton is thick and thin,
but this one challenge that I can overcome!
Yesterday i  cast on and knitted several rows while
binge watching 'Supernatural'--still in the first
season--there is plenty to knit to! 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

It's Derby Time!

What an Adventure!  Derby time is the fastest 2 minute sport in history!  
The pom and circumstances for days before hand and then it's all over
and you wonder WHAT? happen!

We were at the Kentucky Derby several years ago--a bucket list ticked off!
we reserved our lodging months in advance; even planned our
dinner reservations then as well.

We attended the Oaks the day before the big day; We were ready for the BIG
day--sat through several smaller races and THEN, it was time

we had our big hats and
special dresses, guys in their cool shirts; 
we had seats right at the finish line--Whoa!  could't be any better than

And here they came to the finish line and
everyone stood up!  I couldn't see--
what horse came in first?  I missed it!

Oh, well! I was there!  I experienced the excitement of
the time!  Even if I didn't see the winner cross the finish line!

Here is the post for today's race--
have you picked your favorite?
We are headed to a Derby party and it's for sure
I'll see the finish at this one!

Good luck with your pick!!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Cinco de Mayo!

Let's Celebrate!!

Give me a Margarita-- 

Some Guacamole 

Fresh tortilla chips

and throw in some chile con queso


And We have a Party!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

No Scrap Left Behind.................

No Scrap Left behind could mean couple of things--you are a member of the 'clean plate club' or you are a quilter that wants to use up every little bite of scrap fabric.  I think I could be a member of both of these clubs, but I'm thinking the scrap fabric club has less calories and takes some energy to accomplish.  There has been a blog hop  that features a new book by Amanda Jean "No Scrap Left Behind".

As usual, I'm days behind the official beginning of the hop and playing catch up is fun!  There are so many wonderful

featured on Needle and Foot blog--She took the idea from another free pattern
and ran with her idea!

Little nine patches!  what a great idea from Why Not Sew--
This is what friend Annette did with her small nine patch blocks--just
perfect scrap usage--in fact, she took all the birthday fat quarters we
had given her and made this lovely quilt!

Sew Something Good created this
Now, how could you not want to purchase this book?!! 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

PLARN Anyone?

You can find Plarn anywhere!  I have several in my house; am sure you do too.  In some countries Plarn is banned!  Some grocery stores don't even offer Plarn anymore.  What is one to do without Plarn?!

Oh, you're asking--what is Plarn?  Plastic bag yarn--here you go--a tutorial!  and a video to assist
with the madness of creating Plarn!

Okay, you have your Plarn, what to do with it?  There are many suggestions--take a quick look
at Pinterst.  Here is a group that is turning Plarn into sleeping mats.
The next time I bring home one of those colorful plastic bags, it will become Plarn!!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Two--Two--For You On Tuesday!

Come Quilt Along with Joanne!
You can make two quilts at the same time?  What?
I'm all for that--when you are sewing why not be productive
with your squares.  While sewing this one, you can also

make this one--Here are the detailed directions--
sew on!  

Monday, May 1, 2017

Tangles, more tangles........................

Okay, so I'm working on my Intarsia Brawling Shawl pattern from April's
(yes, I know it's May, but I'm still stuck in April!) 'Year of Techniques'

I'm over half way finished--I'm on the down hill side of the pattern--decreases--
but as usual--with Intarsia there are tangles

and with this yarn, there are more tangles than I enjoy!  With Intarsia,
you twist the threads around each other as you meet--which means
every time you twist to seal the joint, you are create a tangle down the line.

I did have a problem with this yarn becoming untwisted in skein,
so I took the advice of someone smarter than me to place the yarn
in plastic bags--that problem was solved!  But, the twisting
and tangles---there is no way, there will be a quick solution.
Just finish........................

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............