Thursday, November 17, 2016

Santa Comes To You!

Quilting Digest has a simple but effective Santa pattern for you!
All this from a Log Cabin block!

So great for your tree, the mantle or gifts for friends.
Happy stitching!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I recently came across an article from Civil War Blog by Barbara Brackman that jogged my memory of a covering that we wore when we worked on the plantation demos.
Then again, Outlander book and TV series has also featured this interesting weaving apparel. 

I knew it by Bosom friend as it covered your  front to keep you warm during those cold days as we did our demos.  This type of garment stayed tucked into the back and did not hang loose to fall into an over pit fire as you cooked in the hearth. Here we have another name --Sontag--and you can find many different patterns and styles that fit that title

Sontag, Habit Shirt and Bosom Friend----- a small shawl

Cephaline - something to wear on your head

What a fascinating history about Sontag or Cephadine!  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Revisit to Boro

Julie B Booth has an interesting article about a thread technique that I wrote about several weeks
ago--Boro.  If only I knew about this stitching effect years ago when I tried to darn the kids clothing--they would have had some fancy look; but, then on the other hand, they probably wouldn't want to wear it!  Anyway, in this article Julie shows how using the simple running stitch can create some interesting looks for your mending.

Mending takes on a whole new look--don't throw away those holey jeans, just boro them!  We might set a whole new trend in the fashion world!

Monday, November 14, 2016


An earlier blog I posted about that pretty sock blank
And super free pattern
I found this yarn in my stash and I have plenty!
I jumped at the chance to knit that shawl

This yarn is well aged!  I remember buying from a
Local yarn shop that sold by the bulk--of course, I bought
This at a bargain price. Just one problem--
Don't make any mistakes!  It's a devil
To take out!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Time To Color and Fold!

I love this!  You can print off these interesting holiday paper globes,
cut and fold your way to marvelous decorations!  It's a good way
for the kids.
There are also other super decorations to color and use in your home!
Have fun and check back often to see what else is available.
What about this 3-D trees?!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Impulse Buy

There it was!  This awesome looking sock blank from The Loopy Ewe was staring me in the face--I so love
orange or shades of orange and the blue combined gave this fiber the look
of ME!  So, without hesitation I ordered immediately!  I don't do that
often as I like to use my stash--of which I have plenty!
But, this was right there--right in front of my face!  How could I resist?
It wasn't long before the fiber arrived and my first thoughts were--
what do I do with this?  I don't want socks--no one would see them.

Now, the search was on to find the right pattern--there are so many out there
that use gradient yarn--nothing really caught my eye 
this pattern popped up
and it was free!  Oh, how I like free! 

Shells and Tide  would be just perfect!  Alas, there isn't enough yardage to knit this yummy scarf--
oh well, I have the perfect pattern for another yarn.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veteran's Day!!

Friday, November 11
Veterans Day 2016

Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans, that is, persons who served in the United States Armed Forces. It coincides with other holidays, including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I; major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. The United States previously observed Armistice Day. The U.S. holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.
Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who died while in military service.[1]

On November 11, 1919, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issued a message to his countrymen on the first Armistice Day in which he expressed what he felt the day meant to Americans:
"ADDRESS TO FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN The White House, November 11, 1919. A year ago today our enemies laid down their arms in accordance with an armistice which rendered them impotent to renew hostilities, and gave to the world an assured opportunity to reconstruct its shattered order and to work out in peace a new and juster set of inter national relations. The soldiers and people of the European Allies had fought and endured for more than four years to uphold the barrier of civilization against the aggressions of armed force. We ourselves had been in the conflict something more than a year and a half. - With splendid forgetfulness of mere personal concerns, we re modeled our industries, concentrated our financial resources, increased our agricultural output, and assembled a great army, so that at the last our power was a decisive factor in the victory. We were able to bring the vast resources, material and moral, of a great and free people to the assistance of our associates in Europe who had suffered and sacrificed without limit in the cause for which we fought. Out of this victory there arose new possibilities of political freedom and economic concert. The war showed us the strength of great nations acting together for high purposes, and the victory of arms foretells the enduring conquests which can be made in peace when nations act justly and in furtherance of the common interests of men. To us in America the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with - solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service, and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of nations.

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............