Sunday, August 14, 2016

Mustgo Omelet

It's Sunday and I prepare a dish that can keep all week for breakfast---maybe it will be egg muffins, BLTE sandwiches (for this one, fried bacon is on hand, just fry up an egg the morning you want to make the sandwich--oh, I guess I could hard fry the eggs and keep them in refrig--I'll have to try that next time) or today I'm making MUSTGO Omelet!

You see I'm a lazy cook at times--sometimes I like to cook--but most of the time--NOT!  I'm heading to the grocery later so must see what I need to add to my list--and clean out the frig at the same time.

Oh, look--here are the makings for my MUSTGO Omelet--few eggs, cottage cheese (oh yes, have that because I made Enola's shrimp enchiladas (her recipe calls for crawfish, but I like to use shrimp)

I bought this cookbook just for that one recipe--and it's a good one!

anyway, crack some eggs in a bowl, beat them good!!!  add cottage cheese and now, I've found some ricotta cheese hiding on the top shelf-what did I use that for??

Oh yeah, the ricotta lemon blueberry pancakes last Sunday-- oh, talk about delicious--yum, yum--this recipe is the greatest!!  I use Bobby Flay's recipe and kind of tink it some for my use.

Okay, we have eggs, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese in the dish all beaten up--oh, there is small piece of onion and red bell pepper (why? would I save such small pieces?)  doesn't matter--chop up and add to the egg mixture--found some fried bacon in the freezer--in it goes!  Anything else I can find?
oh, yelp there are a few small bags of shredded cheese--in it goes--
whisk whisk like crazy--anything else?
okay--there are few packages of crushed red peppers left over from pizza the other night--in it goes too.  
sometimes, I'll add broccoli or peas or carrots, even cooked potatoes--left in the frig, it's game for the MUSTGO Omelet!

I think it's ready for the greased pan (no crust--just all goodness!) --pour the mixture in, place in 350* oven and bake for 25-30 minutes and we have Breakfast. 

When it comes out the oven, it's so nice and fluffy!
But, now it's half gone and the other portion is cut into squares and ready for
a handy breakfast during the week--bet this will be gone by Wed AM!
There you have MUSTGO OMELET!  

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Antique Quilt VS Modern

For years, I've had a love of antique quilts--just thinking about how pieces of fabric from various resources came into being a quilt is a fascinating study.  Thank goodness, many of these antique quilts live to tell their story.
Take this quilt from collection of Mingei International Museum
Just look at all those blocks of diversity!  Small to large pieces combine
to give us a visual interest into this quiltmakers life.
Temecula Quilt Company is hosting their Olympic challenge during the 2016 Olympics
Their version of the pattern is on the website free of charge throughout the duration of
the games.  I'm going to see if I can recreate this antique quilt--how about you?
Are you up to the challenge?

Friday, August 12, 2016

Baby Time.............................

When a friend or family member is having a baby, I go to my favorite thing to give--
flannel receiving blankets!

It takes two pieces of flannel, each at least 1.25 yards in length, 45" wide
I always wash my flannel before sewing--
place two pieces right sides together--I mark to make rounded corners and 
stitch around, leaving a small opening to turn right sides out--
once turned, I press lightly, stitch the opening closed and
then comes the fun part---
I do button hole stitch around the outside of the blanket with perle cotton--
Ready, finished, wrap for the new baby--this one is a boy--
as if you didn't guess that already!
I usually buy a small gift if there is a brother or sister involved--
they won't feel left out.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Quilt Time With Friends!

It was time to visit with my expatcher friends!  Yeah, I hadn't been with these gals for some time
so I was anxious and excited to be with them again!

Linda brought these woven mats and ask "do you know what these are?"
I took a look at them and said--these are tapa, dyed with mud

several years ago I had taken a mud cloth workshop
and last summer, Denver Art Museum had an excellent exhibit on tapa

The reverse side is woven with split reeds--one on right is doubled in half

Linda was working on her doll quilt
She works with Dolly Mamas  

Annette brought her charity quilt that Judy M (right) will quilt
This is the back for the top

The quilt top on left is the disappearing nine patch pattern

Judy M has her strips cut and at the ready for the machine

She is using this pattern

From this book--I know I have this book in my stash!

On Judy's wall is this charity quilt--great looking

Judy always finds the best flannel combination.
I want to buy at this Wal-mart, but it's in another state--sigh!

Linda was stitching the binding for this lively small wall hanging.
She did this block of the month at her local quilt shop

Sandy did the quilting--love the bright neon green she used!
We have a good time together--laugh, swap stories and tales of our daily
lives--what a super group of friends!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Needle Time!

Oh Yeah--I'm finished knitting July's pattern for the 2016 lace scarf--okay, I know it's August, but I'm happy to have finished July pattern!
The pattern is called Wharves and Warehouse!  
designed by Elizabeth Ravenwood on Ravelry!  

I'm using my handspun wool/silk two ply.
I would have finished sooner IF I had read the pattern correctly!
you know, it really helps to read the pattern through
to make sure you know what's happening!
I wasted alot of time ripping out stitches to begin again!
Onto August pattern---reading carefully....................

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

There Is A Need..................................

For Hats, scarves and gloves--Can you help?  Do you like to knit or crochet?  Have some free time and spare yarn on hand?  This is the project for you!
I've already downloaded a few patterns that will work; and I'm digging through my yarn stash to see what I have to make these wearables.  I'm thinking I could use different techniques and learn new skills while helping someone in need.
The following is the information:  

SOLID black, gray, navy, brown, dark green, and red winter hats, scarves and pairs of gloves primarily for men but some can be in unisex patterns to accommodate women. 

All items must be suitable for people who are living outdoors in rain and snow. 

In total, we need enough hats, scarves and gloves for 1,200 adults.

These items will be equally divided between the three following organizations:

Homeless Bus

New York City Relief

NJ Food & Clothing Rescue

We need your donations by November 1st, 2016.

Have a question? Please inbox us privately.

Do not post questions here. We will probably not see them.

***NOTE: Be sure to include your e-mail address in all shipments in case we need to ask you a question.

Thank you.

Please send all hats, scarves, gloves to:
Emily's Hats For Hope Initiative
PO Box 2374
Morristown, NJ 07962-2374

Monday, August 8, 2016

Time To Cut The Losses......................

For the past few weeks I've been knitting on Gerda by Bethany Hait.
there were a few kinks at the beginning of the pattern, but it was 
soon worked out and I continued.

I left it lay for a time while I traveled and upon returning to the pattern
and the yarn

I just knew this wasn't going to work!  The yarn just wasn't the right
one for this pattern--it needs a soft plain color to show the pattern.
I had half a thought while I was knitting--so guess it's a good
think I let it lie for awhile--
the only RIGHT thing to do was

pull out the stitches, wind into a ball and let it 'age' a little longer.
It was time to cut my losses--even though there had been days of knitting and
pattern reading--it was time! 
This wasn't going to work!  So, the yarn lives on another day--
some day, yes, some day I will find the perfect pattern for this yarn.
happy sleeping little yarn ball!

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............