Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day of WSW Group--talking weaving

What is WSW group?  Just our Westside Weavers', that's all!  We are an experienced bunch who share our thoughts, ideas, inspirations, failures, and other sundry advice.
Rosemary is our hostess in January and I always love going to her house.  She leaves up her tree for several weeks after the holidays so we can admire all her wonderful handcrafted ornaments

Each ornament is small and Rosemary can tell you who gave her what--there is usually a good story behind each one too.

The front wall of her entrance way is decorated with colorful Molas
Our show and tell begins with Penny, who has her Cricket woven scarves

Penny's business is Skyloom Weavers

This woven scarf has handspun weft

Penny said she didn't feel well for a few weeks--but, she woven these scarves!

She has created this kit for off loom weaving.

This is her hand-woven linen face cloth, weft is African grass

She purchased this linen paper from Habu Textiles and wondered how she could use it.

One of Rosemary's students is really into weaving--being a pianist he has the rhythm to keep good selvedges and loves weaving these delicate patterns; over 140 picks for one pattern repeat.

Rosemary is weaving a prayer shawl for a neighbor friend who is celebrating her Bat Mitzvah.  This shawl is one she wove for her husband.

We are loving this 'newbie' weaver's first yardage!  Four shots of brown and two of gray across a log cabin warp

Another first weaving --purple warp with blue weft--there was a comment about the goose eye not meeting in the center of the white stripe.  Personally, I like the offset of the pattern

Louise showed off her hand painted silk warp scarves--sett @ 32 epi--length was 8 Yds

Weave structure was overshot

Just lovely handle--she was taking her time to twist the fringe.  Great day!  Great Discussion!  Great Weavings!  Inspirational! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What's For Dinner?

Food for the Body--we always need to EAT something!  But, when you are busy around the house, doing chores, working on your projects, watching your favorite TV shows, reading or just being lazy--who wants to cook?  I've bought so many cookbooks--recently, purchased this book  Product Details ! Honestly, who would think I'd cook from this book?  But, I'm going to make at least one recipe since I bought the book--

But, it will not be tonight--I need something easy and quick or maybe, something that will cook all day in the slow cooker--or maybe, I'll just pick up fast food or make a quick run to Costco and pick up a ready made meal (oh, wait, that is never a fast run!) --ahh, I really want to work on this project today.................................................

As I watch the latest episode!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Year of The Beaded Scarf

One Pattern of Lace a month = a beautiful scarf by the end of the year!  Yes, I'm so in on this knitting project--just wish I had a dedicated loom that I could weave one lace pattern a month, but alas, only one loom is available.  This year, once again, I plan to use my handspun yarn for this project.  Just need to dig deep to find yarn that has already been spun OR I might need to begin....................spinning!
Wonder what the scarf would look like if I used many different handspun yarns?

I have several little bits of yarn--hmmmm--I'm thinking of this!

In 2014 I signed up for this month to month lace scarf and finished in time to gift the handspun scarf to the blond headed daughter. 

Let's begin the knit pattern for 2015....................................
January's pattern is PEARL-BARRED SCALLOP PATTERN:  14 sts + 1
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9: K1, +YO, K3, SSK, YO, S2KP2O, YO, K2TOG, K3, YO, K1; rep from + to EOR.
Rows 2, 4, 6, and 8: Purl.
Row 10: Knit.
(Non-Beaded)Row 11: Purl.
(Beaded)Row 11: B, +P1, B; rep from + to EOR.
Row 12: Purl.
Rep the above 12 rows, two more times (3 times total), then knit six rows. (49 sts.)

Designer is Elizabeth Ravenwood:  come join us on her Ravelry group--Big Comfy Doghouse! 

Monday, January 5, 2015


Okay--I'm conflicted!  Why do I always begin my new year with these conflicts?!!  In a previous post, I listed some of the KALs I want to work on and then there is a list of quilting projects to enjoy as well-----plus, our weaver study groups are beginning new studies--oh gee whiz! 

The Conflict--which yarn to use for the knitting projects?  What yarn to use for weaving project? What fabric to stitch on?  Which project to begin first?  Can I begin two at once?  My brain is swirling with ideas! 

OKAY--just calm down (I say to myself!)  Let's take this one step at a time--don't panic; we have a whole year to work on these projects.  Just make one decision and the rest will fall into place.

I searched my stash and found this Malabrigo yarn from a project that just didn't make it to the needles.  This yarn will be perfect for "Rock The Kasbah" shawl with designer Cindy Garland

I do know that one of the weavers' study groups is doing a linen study--I found linen in my stash!  Hip Hooray--just don't know what pattern I'll warp though..............

another stash yarn--Noro blend--bargain yarn that is certainly aged.  This will be great for Gap-tastic Cowl by Jen Geigley.  Easy pattern, simple knit!

And another stash yarn, in the sock bin, for New Year's Socks, designer Maria Rosa Spighetti
Sign of relief--I've resolved some of that panic feeling of what yarn to use for three projects.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Winter Blast!!

The beginning of 2015 has been an adventure!  We classify this start as Adventure #46--

It is a cold wintry blast in Central Texas!  Of course, other parts of the country are having much the same weather.  But, in Texas (!) we don't expect the roads to freeze over and lay down a sheet of ICE!  The landscape is beautiful!  The trees are coated with winter white--but, keep the ice off the roads please!  Even 18 wheeler trucks weren't moving; there were skating!

Our cars don't have ice scrapers--next best thing to use----a credit card, but I found my Safeway card!  It works on ice as well as discounts at the grocery.

And what do you do when you are 'stuck' in a hotel?  We made lots of new friends who were in the same situation as we were; we swapped stories of the road hazards; 'which way did you travel from?'; but, I must keep my hands busy!  I dug through my luggage to find this scarf, needles and yarn (lucky to find a yarn store on the road!!).  I finished up this scarf the day before Christmas for the brown headed daughter--but, it was way too short.   I undid the bind off row, picked up stitches, attached the new yarn and we're off and knitting!!  The pattern is Mistaken Rib--easy to remember and work on.
I pray that you are safe and warm! 

Friday, January 2, 2015

January 2: Beginning the New Year Right!

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?  Sometimes I do--one year I decided I had too many UFO's and made a resolution to finish TWO UFO's before beginning a NEW UFO!--it worked!!  The next year I had less UFO's.

This year in 2015--I'm making a resolution to learn a new technique a month!  It doesn't matter what or how that technique is applied--just learn a new technique.

Up first--learning how to use that darn Magic Loop technique--Two Toe-Up Socks on One Circular Needle  by Kristin Bellehumeur 

Ok--I can knit two socks on two circulars!  I'm happy I can knit socks period!  And I don't have any trouble turning the heels.  but, I've never done anything with that Magic Loop stuff-- so, let's start by buying the right needle for the project!  47 inches is best length of circular needle to buy for Magic Loop, as you will be able to use this length for any project, including two-at-a-time,
Addi Turbo Lace needles

What new technique will you learn this month? 

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............