Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ruby Celebration!

Where were you Forty (40) years ago in late October?  Were you fortunate enough to attend that first quilt festival?  I wasn't there!  But, over the years, it has been star on my calendar--Quilt Fest--a place where you meet other quilters, learn new techniques, sew up a storm, admire craftsmanship of many hands--a marvelous place.  This festival has grown from one hall to many halls in the convention center.  A few vendors to many rows of vendors. 
This year was Ruby Celebration of the Quilt Festival--a must to attend, even if only for a short time. 

What a grand entrance!!  Everyone a Red and White Quilt!  There is much to admire--so little time to stop and see each one in all their glory.

Small quilts!


Traditional quilts worked with all reds.

It is said that all reds work well together and this is proof!


The circle of Ruby!

I concentrated on interesting and unusual. This was a special exhibit to support Libby  in battle to pay for medical expenses
Words of Libby!

A whole wall of support!

Special exhibits...............

Don't we feel like we are swimming upstream at times?


Quilts with small pieces in historic textiles

Just a plain four patch--

small pieces in contemporary

colorful ones

busy ones

more color

Let's do Dolls!

I admire this creativity!

A special dinnerware setting exhibit

Looks delicious enough to eat!

Definitely miniatures!

more colorful quilts

Busy works of art!

Leaning houses!

contemporary quilts--row by row!

And wow! circles!

The day I visited the halls were sparse with attendees, so was perfect time to walk through the halls and dream of being back here again next year!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Case of The Three Warps!

The Case of The Three Warps is a solvable mystery!! If only, my mind would sort through all those files in storage and come up with the answers. 
Here is the mystery. 
There are three warps in the weaving room.  The white one on the warping board; the multi-colored one on the right--it's handspun wools; and the blue, gold cotton warp in the middle.
Let's look for some clues.

I know I had these handspun yarns in my stash.  And I know they were wound and looped into a warp.  I can measure the warp by undoing the warp--ah, it's 3 yards long and it looks to be 6" wide.  Now, that makes perfect sense.  Mystery solved!  This is meant for a scarf!

Second warp--the blue and gold cotton warp.  Clues--it's at least 4 yards long; there are 8 gold and 8 blue in each section.  I discovered the cones--it is 8/2.  And there are 4 sections of each color--after that, I ain't got a clue!!  I found this warp in the yarn closet.  Do you think it's possible for warping gremlins to be working without my knowledge?  What to do with this warp is beyond me?  Must have been a good reason to wind the warp and braid it.

and the third warp--is 20/2 (as I had the cones right there!) cotton from two cones--about six yards in length.  First clue tells me that it isn't finished warping!  Second clue tells me this is yarn for towels or washcloths--there are NO notes with these warps--how could a person be soooooo spacey not to include notes with each warp? 
Oh, well.................................................guess we'll get creative and use the warps since they are already wound.  BUT< next warp will have attached notes with them!! 
Stay tuned to see if the mysteries are solved!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October Spinners Gather!

Even though it was a spinners gathering, we don't always talk strictly about spinning!  Of course, not!  When you get a bunch of fiber oriented people in one room, the discussion is wide and varied and since we haven't been together for several weeks, there was much to talk about.
Rosemary just returned from her summer Michigan home.  She found this delight at a sale and just had to rescue it.  It's in poor shape but there is still a story there to be told about the weaver.

It is cotton warp with indigo dyed wool weft in this overshot coverlet.  In the above photo you can tell some of the threads had been dyed with cochineal or madder but now, the color has faded; although, a small amount of pink remains to give us that hint

It is a darling of a hand woven, even with it's worn away threads

Connie had a basket of her handspun cotton yarns--gee whiz!  these are plied too!  All spun on her charka wheel.  These fabulous fibers will be woven into gifts to be presented at our local Menil Museum for a Gandhi exhibit.  She will be demoing on a large charka wheel that her husband has built for her November 1 and December 1

Such fine threads!  Love the deep natural brown (red) cotton!

Carolyn was pleased to show off her second knitted scarf from her own alpaca fleeces!  Perfect handle with a blend of 20% bamboo from The Fiber Lady.  The pattern is Knit Along (KAL) on Ravelry group "Simply Notable"

Dottie, our hostess, always has something for show and tell.  These wonderful placemats were woven by children during her church's summer programs.

Oh My!  Marian outdid us all!  She had purchased these colorful shoes from SAS but the shoe strings didn't suit her so what did she do?    Weave her own laces!!  Inkle loom woven so perfect!

And her earrings were a treat to see! 

I always enjoy visiting Dottie's house--so many treats for the eyes.  She is so talented and her house showcases these little ditties everywhere.  These are Rosepath pattern--sachets

and the colorful play on the warp is evident with these

Dottie does everything well!  The eggs to the left and the wool hooked sheep are just two of her talents

Needle punched reindeer!

and such tiny pumpkins she will use with her hand woven witches!

Just a little mat, but such lively fun!! 

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............