Thursday, October 16, 2014


I called this post "Renewal" because that is exactly what I was doing with my expatchers friends--renewing our friendship after several months of being apart.  We each go our different ways so much of the summer--especially me!  But, other group members have been traveling as well.  And this day was a chance to 'renew' what has old news, while still current in our minds.
Of course, it is also a time to see what the gals have been creating.  This lovely is a T-shirt quilt!!  Absolutely smashing, Judy M!  She did a super job taking those shirts and making a great remembrance for Chris.

There were even some hearts to be used for the label on the backing.

Nice job with the quilting!

Julie, one of our long distance expatchers, sent these lovely lap blankets for Judy M to quilt.

These will be gifts for wheel chair bound folks.  What a cheerful sight for them to enjoy!

All quilted and bound.

OMG!  This was an absolutely huge quilt created by Debby W and quilted by Sandy W--the pattern is "Labyrinth"   WOW!  Sandy did a fabulous job quilting.

We all liked the design work she did

118"x118" of pure joy for someone in Debby's family

Annette was working with four patches, some equal squares with diagonal corners

Putting them all together, Annette is renewing her love for her mother as she works on these blocks.  She was working on this when her mother passed away.  I know the memories flood back to her as her fingers are busy and her heart is full. 

This is such a simple block to build but has the look of something more complicated when sewn together.

Linda was working on a very contemporary quilt for one of her daughters.

I'm loving this and renewing my to=do list to include a contemporary quilt.

Construction continues on one block

I always enjoy seeing what's on Judy's long arm--this is such a lively, colorful quilt top.

What motion with the pinwheels!

Judy M is much like myself--we love fall and the colors of fall.  Here is her latest creation from Primitive Quilts and Projects--  what a super duper magazine!

Just seeing this makes one ready for those cool temperatures and falling leaves--bring on the orange!

Sandy is working on this batik rail fence quilt for one of her granddaughters.

She uses her I- pad to give us a look as to the finished top. 
What a fun day renewing thoughts and ideas with friends! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Unpacking and Organizing

When we return to our winter home, it always takes me some time to unpack and revamp myself to the location.  I think it gets worse with age, too!  During the summer, I've worked on a few quilt blocks that need to be blanket stitched so I wait till I get to my Bernia machine to do that work; which means there are hours of sitting at the machine doing nothing but blanket stitch.
Finally!  finished all the blocks for this Fatcat Patterns quilt top.  Why I do these I don't know?  Or yes I do--these make such great quilts.

The owls of the wild are ready to be together so I lay the blocks on the floor to get the whole view--it's also exercise from one room to the other!

These fellows are just darn whoooting great!! 

I have three orphan block quilt tops to border and decide on a backing--I'm thinking the backs should be orphan fabrics too.

Okay, here we go at the machine; ready for that blanket stitch as I work on The Quilt Show  2014 BOM (block of the month).

I have the majority of the center finished; just need to work on the border--which includes lots of applique

Another Row of the month (ROM) mystery top--look on the sidebar to find the link

First row is finished--easy to do with paper piecing instructions

Still working on the Penguins from Sindy's website.  Such jolly birds!  Okay, I really should stop making these--maybe, next year--if she doesn't post anything really clever or cute!  I promise!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Weavers' EYE CANDY..............................................

The First of the Month is a brimming with weavers gatherings and along with those meetings come much delicious hand wovens with rich bright colors!
Connie is another weaver that was fortunate to travel with five other weavers to Sweden for a super duper trip  and what do weavers do but find textiles--all sorts of wonderful textiles!  Here are two of the pieces that Connie purchased--don't you love the rich reds and greens?!

Here is a towel--

and this is their washcloth--linen! 

and sponges!!  how great is this!

more linen towels--Connie purchased unhemmed so she can add her personal touch

M's & O's pattern on this linen towel--the beige on the left is one of Connie's hand-woven towels so we could compare the handle of before and after washing

a feast for the eyes

Connie is also a spinner so she inquired about flax and here is what she bought--nice long staple and ready to spin.

Each Jacquard woven towel has the designers name on the info card along with other pertinent information

Such a lively woven towel

Not only do we show off our wovens, we have knits to drape around our shoulders.  This is Susan's latest scarf from cotton yarn

Susan is mastering cables and did nicely with this soft scarf for her granddaughter

Pat said she was swearing off weaving--NOT!  She is back at the loom with this delightful draw string bag.

Don't you think this one yarn is brown in color?  No, says Pat--but purple.  Amazing how colors change with other colors in the warp

our creative Dotty had this needle punched pouch to show off--

We'd love to have one of these in our stash!

Penny, co-owner of Skyloom Weavers, presented her towels for touching and admiring!
In this warp she used a space dyed linen as weft

Same warp, different wefts

What a bargain for these towels! 

Penny will have these in our guild sale mid November

Penny's handspun wool is shown off in this dramatic moss stitch scarf!  WOW!  Soft and drapey! 
What a super morning spent with weavers--now, to get to my loom and weave!!  I'm inspired!!

Good Day To……..

 It's always a good day to take some time for yourself.  it's also a good day to do nothing when the day is rainy and no outside act...