Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No More Mystery

Well, it started out as another one of those wonderful mysteries that this soul loves but...........time got away and one thing added up to another thing. This was where it all began:
She-Knits instructions, Brooks Farm lovely mohair fiber, #6 beads--especially since it was going to be a short mystery--three parts, "easy peasy" this person said to herself as she downloaded step #one . Take up needles, cast on and complete step one. Wow! That was fun and yes, easy! Well, it's not easy if you don't work on the project. So, here it sits...........
in its nice little baggie, along with ALL of the instructions. Definitely, not a mystery anymore and Yes, there was some peeking involved on the ravelry group at the progress of others who have finished. Guess that's okay, but that peeking took the thunder out of the surprise--shame on you for looking!! Now, there is another She-Knits mystery lace project beginning soon--and yes, once again, my name is on the list. Can the first one be completed before the other one comes online? We can only hope!
Then, there is another project that is just one step away from being completed--another mystery that could be solved quickly, if only-- Fingerless gloves made from leftover handspun wool that has already created pair of socks. Just this one step to completion. Goal must be set and met; then, move onto She-Knits mystery already solved but waiting.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Rigmaroles & Ragmuffins

Books! Books! Books! In my way of thinking one can not have enough books! And always being on the outlook for unusual and interesting books is a great pastime. This author, Elinor Kapp, was interviewed on one of the podcast--maybe, Cast On. She spoke about her adventure in collecting unique English language words that pertain to textiles. Immediately, this book was high on the priority list to find.
Elinor Kapp in her own words:
And reading through the book, you can find all sorts of interesting attachments to how our texture language has branched out into everyday life. Here is one that catches the eye:
Now, we would have thought that a lap dancer in a nightclub could be associated with my fiber world?!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spindle Play

Take a box of spindles--each used for spinning silk. Every spindle is unique with different weights for spinning ability. These are all under 1 ounce.
Once your spindle is full, wind the silk off into small balls and store. All fiber, whether spun or unspun, needs to age properly before usage! For me, these little balls of silk are so finely spun (machine thread fine) that it takes at least 4 ply to make a yarn that is knitable.
Ply together--doesn't matter what the colors are--it blends. Below is the result of knitting small squares and large squares.
Here the squares are laid out on the carpet to block and below are squares joined together. If you want the complete pattern, check out Spring 2008 issue of Interweave Knits page 102 Chameleon Scarf by Lorilee Beltman or purchase from Ravelry as Holey Scarf.
And here is the finished scarf.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ex-patchers Back at Work

It is back to the routine for expatchers group. The first meeting of February, not only was birthday luncheon for December (we didn't meet in Dec)& February gals, there was a presentation of accomplishments from the past month. Here is the Sock Monkey fabric quilt being made by Brenda for friend's upcoming baby.
Close-up of fabrics.
Baby quilt made by Linda for her new granddaughter that is due this summer. There was discussion on how to finish off these quilts, since Minkie fabric is being used for the backing--either to tie or machine quilt.
Brenda showed her completed Shop Hop Christmas quilt top.
Machine applique at corners and in center block--look at back--excellent work!
Over all quilt top with smiling Brenda in the upper left corner.

Annette brought her basket of pincushions chickens. The money donated for these little chickens is given to Breast Cancer Research. We could just hear all the chirping coming from the colorful chicks.
This is Annette's little and we are talking tiny, tiny blocks--perfectly matched points--on this completed quilt.
Close-up of one block on back.
Just a lovely piece of work!
Debby, who moved to Louisiana, came to visit and brought her piecework along with her.

Judy M was using this Binky quilt to warm up her long arm machine after an absence of several weeks. Lovely hearts decorate this warm comfort.
Just a simple preprinted panel makes an ideal Binky quilt; add some binding and you have a nice gift.
Brenda's mother was also in attendance. She pulled out her handwork to show us what she is working on--a Grandmother's Flower Garden.
All by hand!! She making two at the same time--one in pinks and one in greens.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wild Spinners!

Head over to this link and watch the 'wild spinners' doing their thing to the tune of "We are the Monkees"! Great showing of skills. The hose they are wearing are handspun, handknit! Something to blow your mind. This group of talented gals had fantastic handspin, handknit umbrellas last year--we can't wait to see what they do with 2011 theme of "Beach Blanket Bingo".

Friday, February 5, 2010


January Spin-in Precision Niddy Noddy Drill Team performs for the crowd! First rehearsal in the hall before presentation.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

More January Spin-in Treats!

Here are a few more of the January spin-in special treats that were shared by participants.
Ron brings his sock knitting machine to work on premie caps that he donates to the local hospital Lovely shawl that was knitted by Tom of Illinois. He learned to spin and knit during those long winter days.
A basket full of wonderul yarns from Gale's Arts.
One of the traveling scarf exchange groups.
One of the vendors says "To Baa or not to Baa". Yes, Baa it is!
A definite sock lady!
Bottom of sock bag--cut up old socks!
Melody with her sock bag!
We were invaded by a group of hippies from the 60's--flower children. There was even a sit-in protest. Here Nancy shows off her first lace project.
Mermaid doll with art yarn hair.


 X Y Z   The slang phrase XYZ, meaning “examine your zipper,”  has been used since at least the 1960's  These letters are used for const...