Monday, June 8, 2009



Our mid day begun with fine bar-b-que lunch at the famous or is it the infamous? Swingin' Door--a favorite location for all locals and guests to head where one can chow down on the best smoked meats around (brisket, pork ribs with meat that falls off the bones, turkey, chicken, sausage). That served along with sides of the old standard faire (cowboy beans, slaw, potato salad) will get you the best eatin' around. Sorry there is no photo of the food--it was goobled up too quickly to satisfy hungry appetites. Y'all just need to get you some!

It was graduation weekend in our area with different ceremonies for each of the seven high schools. Seniors were handed their diplomas and sent out into the world. Some will carry on with their education to attend colleges, universities, or technical schools while others will enter military service and some will jump right into the business world. Are we ready for this new generation of young people who have their own 'bright' ideas of how the world should run?

This was the event for our senior granddaugter and her fellow graduates. There were so many empty chairs on the floor of the convention center; waiting, just waiting to embrace those anxious bodies--close to 600 bodies would soon be waiting for that moment when their name would be called to receive that piece of paper that certifies they have accomplished 12 years of learning. Time to move on and out the door.
The chairs begun to fill slowly to the beat of all time 'Pomp and Circumstance' as high school seniors took their place to the hoots and hollers from family and friends, who had crowded the lower and upper stands to view this highlight moment. Never would there be this time again--lost forever but saved in memories and photos.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happenin' Saturday

Saddle Up!

It's one of those busy Saturdays! As we took our early morning walk along the green belt to our breakfast spot, a beautiful blue/green parakeet with long blue tail feathers landed right in front of us on the sidewalk--what a pleasant surprise! Whether he was wild or just an escaped caged bird--who could tell. He just paused for a short moment and then took wing to the nearest tree. Lap swimmers were already taking their exercise at the neighborhood pool before the heat of the day evaporated the coolness from the water.

Breakfast place was packed. Text appears on phone--GD's cheer team is having car wash today, which will be added to our morning agenda. Break our fast, fill coffee cups to the brim, head to the car and out to the ranch--a leisure drive of 15 minutes.

GS is showing off his horse to Louisiana family members who are in town for the GD graduation. The official greeter on the ranch grounds is EllyMae, who pokes her head into the downed car window. She is burro extraordinary and nonchalantly will walk across the gravel road in front of your slowly advancing car.


Meet Scout: four year old half American quarter horse and half Morgan. A gelding that stands at 14.2 hands high; a gentle horse, who lost the sight in his left eye three weeks after GS had purchased him. It was a freak accident that took his sight and even though they rushed him to the large animal clinic at Texas A&M, there was no way they could save the sight but the eye socket was saved. Scout and GS have bonded and GS feels very confident in teaching Scout new tricks.
Scout and Grandson show their latest and greatest trick. Scout will place all four legs on the box, but today he just wasn't in the mood!

We give high fives to all and head south for the GD's car wash venture. The line is only four cars long and there are several girls plying their car washing skills. GD isn't even wet as she is in charge of hose. We empty our billfords for donation to receive a clean car. The car feels grand.
Pulling up just a few feet and what do we spy? This crawfish sign! Whoa! Boiled crawfish, spicy and juicy--quick! anyone else have money? We find the right price and fork over $14 for 3 lbs of mudbugs!

Now, off we go and it is only noon! Back to the house to bake cookies and brownies; prepare a watermeleon basket for evening cook-out!

Friday, June 5, 2009


She Likes It! GD loves the purple yarn! What a relief! Now, it's not necessary to produce more purple stuff--hurrah!! Now, to work on the beret--wonder what pattern will suit the color best? Maybe Emily's Pointy Beret ( Nah, she wouldn't like that one. How about Now, that one is much better suited to her face and hair! Okay, pick up those pointy sticks and that PURPLE yarn--knit away! Anytime there is a need for a knitting pattern, just check in with no better place to find the perfect pattern of your choice and it is free!
Early morning walk was like tackling an obstacle course--dodging sprinklers, lawn maintenance guys, bikes, other walkers and runners--but, it's all worth it. There was a "cool" front that passed through two days ago; temperatures dropped slightly. At least for one day temps remained in 80's but 90 degree days are forecast for the weekend.

Last evening we took in not one but two free outdoor concerts. Our evening meal was accompanied by CNC Band, country/rock band. This group has myspace page ( ). The lead singer and guitar player is nephew to Clint Black. The guys did a good show for the crowd. The fun came when their 'dancer' Eli was called to the front of the stage to do his little dance! What a hoot! This town center has much to offer in food ranges (Italian, Greek, Mexican, Japanese, Irish, good old American sports bar and to satisfy that sweet tooth--gelato and South American pastries ).

We sat around the fountain to enjoy the full impact.

We traveled just a short two miles away to the another town center where we sipped from a plastic glass of red wine and enjoyed the sounds of Scenic Route, a jazz trio, a collective of professional jazz musicians from the greater Houston area. Members perform with local and regional bands, as well as with national touring acts.

The area was alive with parents visiting with friends as their small children romped around the shooting fountains. A perfect way to cool off from a hot summer day's activities. The music was lively and energetic. There was even a slow tune or two that we could dance to, even though we wore our flip-flops! By now the sun had set and night skies were twinkling with stars and an almost full moon. Schools out and summer has officially begun!

Monday, June 1, 2009


GD wants a purple hat-'not too purple' she says as she rolls up the front window of her car and starts the engine to back out of the driveway.

How purple is not too purple? Purple is NOT my favorite color so this is going to be a real chore but it will force that notation of 'working outside of the comfort box'. Let's dye the yarn purple--there are plenty of dyes in the bin--all it takes is a red and a blue to make purple--right? Oh, crunchberries, what red and what blue will give us the perfect purple to suit her pretty brown/reddish hair (oh, what color does she have it dyed now anyway?) There is a bright red and blue, a navy blue and brillant red, a fushia and teal, turquoise and red--who can tell is the correct PURPLE? Does this mean many batches of purple have to be mixed to obtain the right one? OH, joy of joys! purple on hand for the ages! Maybe, the yarn can be given away if it isn't the one that suits her taste. There are lots of 'purple' people out there who would just love to have another purple yarn in their stash. Today the hands and fingertips are blue and specks of red show on the dyeing apron--rinse, rinse that stuff right out of the yarn. Isn't that from a song? Hang to dry along with the dishcloth that just happen to be used to test the color--wait and see if this is the right shade of purple.
Is this Purple enough or not purple enough? Notice that the linen cloth took up the blue color from the dyebath.

What is Purple? from "Hailstones and Halibut Bones" by Mary O'Neill and illustrated by John Wallner--a favorite book of colors

Time is purple

Just before night

When most people

Turn on the light----

But if you don't it's

A beautful sight.

Asters are purple,

There's purple ink.

Purple's more popular

Than you think. . .

It's sort of a great

Grandmother to pink.

There are purple shadows

and purple veils,

Some ladies purple

Their fingernails.

There's purple jam

And purple jell

And a purple bruise

Next day will tell

Where you landed

When you fell.

The purple feeling

Is rather put-out

The purple look is a

Definite pout.

But the purple sound

Is the loveliest thing

It's a violet opening

In the spring.

Then there are the wonderful purple plants--lavender! ck out Blanco, TX 5th annual Lavender Festival, June 12-14.

Closer to Houston is Chappell Hill Lavender Farm

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Up, Up And Away

"Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?
Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?
We could float among the stars together, you and I
For we can fly we can fly
Up, up and away
My beautiful, my beautiful balloon"

This song by the Fifth Dimension ran through our heads this morning as we traversed on our early morning walk through the green belt. There was that 'swoooosh' sound of the hot air traveling into the balloon as it floated over our heads. Quick! Grab the phone and turn on the camera before it sails away! Butter fingers--have to take off the security toggle; now, aim and shoot! We watched as the balloon went on its merry way. Then there was another 'swooosh' overhead and a second balloon appeared through the trees as it continued on its journey! What a magical sight.

What is that delightful smell? Ahhhh, sweet smell of bakery goods! You know that smell that waves across your nostrils as you try to avoid the temptation. But, somehow, our foot steps led us directly to the doorway of our local bakery. We ordered jalapeno cheese sausage kolaches to go and out the door we headed home to a pot of coffee that would be iced.

Friday, May 29, 2009

How did that week vanish so quickly?

Here comes another wkend and we always ask ourselves 'where did the week go?' Can you account for all your time during the past five days? Did you make a dent in any chores or do all those needed errands? Did you accomplish anything of importance? Where in life would we be if we didn't make a list of all those things we want to do? It's like the top ten list of 100 things that must be done this week! Only, we didn't even scratch off one thing on that list because other things just cropped up during the week. For this, the blame goes to email. Yes, email! That instant message system that puts you on the spot to accomplish that list of demands from emails! Committee reports; set up yahoo group; answer inquires re happenings this summer; send out announcements re family matters and happenings; check necessary facts and figures. And then there is the occasional written correspondence that comes via snail mail--dreaded letter from IRS! Need to return another piece of information for them to review what you have already sent.

onward and upward to better news--dear friend has been given a clear bill of health after a scare of colon cancer--now, that's worth celebrating! Cousins did their greatest on Today show, telling their tale of recovery after 20 yrs of carrying scars from a terrible fire that took the life of their mother. They did themselves proud! Oh, yes! there are few things that were ticked off the list--June calendar wall hanging almost finished; pumpkin BOM quilt top has been pieced together and will be given to quilter next week (that's a big whoop as it was two years in the making).

There was some good fun along the week's pathway--early morning walks that brought sweat to the brow and livelyness to one's energy; day time meetings with grandchildren; fun evening at local wine bar, sitting on their patio as one tries to enjoy the booming soul music from the plaza--the first summer concert in this new location. Lots of people gathered, enjoying other outdoor food venues--this could become a common sight until the summer heat really sets in. And then there is the upcoming Dinner with friends that only meet once a year.

Ahhhhh, the weekend cometh! and we rejoice!


Leftovers!  What to do with leftovers?  Never know what to do with all these leftovers--hate to pitch them.  It's all good stuff and sho...