Thursday, July 23, 2015

If These Buildings Could Talk..............................................

"come on in!  Make yourself at home--pull up a chair,
if you can find one"
If we listen closely, you might be able to hear what this building is trying to tell us.

I've always been fascinated by old buildings--weathered buildings,
those which have withstood the test of time;
maybe, they could tell me about the family that resided here

about their transportation--wheels turning to bring families from place to place

The walls are empty and contain nothing but memories

The lumber shows the route of many a bug
If only, these buildings could talk...........

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cowboy Down!

Yelp!  It's that time again--another two blocks from
this summer sew along. 
Every good cowboy knows you need a few things to make it on the range.
You need a good hat and good boots!

What would a cowboy be without his horse?
We are coming to the completion of this quilt top--
anxious to see the final layout.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tumble--Lead or end?

Every year, Bonnie Hunter gives a pattern for a quilt that uses
leaders and enders--this is a good way to save that thread
and create a quilt top as you sew along.
This year's leaders and enders quilt will be
Never mind that I haven't finished the 2014 leader and ender quilt
Yes, I'm still working on 2014 but now I'll think about

Monday, July 20, 2015

Nope! Don't Want To Do That!

The Bonnie Hunter Group is working on Easy Sunday quilt top
-- and my first thought was to play along with them.  I shopped for the fabrics, keeping in mind the original quilt.  It is a lovely quilt and the pattern is challenge to make.
Then I looked at the colors and said to myself "what am I doing with these colors?"  I don't even have anything that would remotely coordinated with these.  So, I chucked that game plan and deviated from the rest of the group!  Yeah, I'm a rebel!  I'm going off course!  Taking a detour! Bucking the trend!  Venturing outside the comfort zone- Being different!
I decided I like star blocks!  That's what I'm going to do.  In order to be a member of the BH group, the rules are you must do a BH pattern.

I have so many scraps!  So I settled on Sister's Choice
Make a nine patch

and add the star points!  I can do that!

Emery's Stars was my next choice--this one will be in red, white, blue!
Okay--BH gals, I'll be working with you during our next gathering, but
I'll be seeing STARS!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

This Little Piggy...................................

You see I have a traveling companion--he doesn't eat much; doesn't talk much; sleep a lot.  Actually, he doesn't take up much room in the traveling bag.  He carries his own backpack with his own supplies and clothing.  His name is Little Piggy!
Little Piggy had car envy when he saw this slick red car in the show room.
Sorry, Little Piggy--you can't afford it.

Don't say 'when pigs fly'--because he has flown--didn't go far, but he did fly!

He plays hide and seek amongst his friends--can you spy Little Piggy?

He couldn't believe this sign in Kentucky!  Yes, thank goodness, this state doesn't rent pigs!

He has been known to take a drink occasionally.

He really liked the Glacier Park--

Then he traveled to the Southwest to have some good food

He couldn't go out to the lake in Canada--too cold!

He thought he had found his mother when he saw this golden pig in Seattle

He was telling jokes while we rode the ferry

He made friends in Old Mexico

He put on his warm weather while he built this snowman in Vermont.
Yes, Little Piggy is constantly in my traveling bag.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Wine + Jazz ==Two of My Favorite Things!

We love July in Keystone, Colorado!  It is time for the Keystone Wine and Jazz Festival!
The weather is perfect!  The setting is beautiful!
We reserve our condo weeks ahead
Buy our tickets to wine seminars early
and make our plans for
plays, concerts, other events in the area!
What a view!  The plaza is just right for walking for coffee, sitting by
the open fireplace, visiting with companions, meeting
new people, seeing old friends.
Wine 6
First up for the day is the music--jazz all day!
Totally free jazz music!  with great international artists!

And then there are the wine seminars and special events--there is a price for
those though--not a problem--we have been coming for years; think we only missed couple
of years--one year when the event wasn't held.
We are groovin' to the music, enjoying the international wine selections!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum

Today I'm on my way into the mountains, but the first stop will be at Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden, CO.  This quaint town hosts one of the foremost museums of quilts!  Here you can see outstanding works of quilt art.  Today I'm seeing works by two well known quilters--each with a different and unique technique.
Gwen Marston's work is liberated!  Know the name?  Sure you do.  Gwen is the author of over 20 books on quilting:  Minimal Quiltmaking, Liberated Quiltmaking I and II, Ideas and Inspirations:  Abstract Quilts in Solids just to name four of her titles.
Patsy Heacox is another quilt artist that has her works displayed at the Quilt Museum.
Patsy works with Native American themes.
Check out Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum Face Book page for photos from this exciting exhibition
Ah, yes, I'm excited to view these outstanding works of art!









Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...