Friday, November 25, 2022

Today! Is The Day!

 Yes!! We have arrived! The day after Turkey day! While others are out shopping till they drop—Today is the day we begin bingeing on Christmas movies! Oh yes!! And we’re not just watching movies but playing bingo as well!  This game is called Christmas movie bingo!  Last year it was Hallmark Christmas Bingo but this year it is any Christmas movie since some of our participants don’t have Hallmark Channel. 

You generate your own bingo card from several different sites—e.g. Bingo Baker or

We’ll begin on this day to watch and mark our cards—hopefully! The stakes are high!  Losers pay winner 5 bucks!  

I’ve got my shirt from last year’s contest, which we cancelled when one of our friends became very ill—we just couldn’t  go on without her.  But, she’s  well and chomping on the bite to beat us this year!  

The first movie I want to watch—? So many to choose from, so many streaming services.  Where do we start? 
And I can accomplish some knitting or stitching as the movie plays on!  
Look at me—I’m multi—tasking!!
Maybe, I can shout “ BINGO!” Soon!!

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