Thursday, December 1, 2022

Holy Jolly!!

 We are at the beginning of December!  Holy jolly!!  How did we get here so fast?  

It’s our granddaughter’s birthday! So one good reason to celebrate the start of Holy month.  

We kick off the day with reading of chapter one of the book of Luke in the Bible.  Each day this month, we’ll read a chapter.  There are 24 chapters, taking us right up to the birth of Jesus in chapter 24.

There are several textile adventures waiting for us  as well—maybe, we can finish by December 25 if other plans don't interfere.

Jen Daly Quilts once again is offering this special holiday quilt.  Her past designs have been added to my quilt memories.  So join in for this year's quilt.

The Glad Tidings Quilt-Along will begin on Monday, November 28th and will continue every Monday and Thursday until December 22nd. Here’s the schedule for your reference:
–  Monday, November 28th – Intro/Cutting
–  Thursday, December 1st – Rows 1, 2, and 3
–  Monday, December 5th – Row 4
–  Thursday, December 8th – Row 5
–  Monday, December 12th – Row 6
–  Thursday, December 15th – Rows 7 and 8
–  Monday, December 19th – Assembly
–  Thursday, December 22 – Finishing

The Glad Tidings Quilt-Along is free to all and there’s no need to sign up. As we progress, she’ll make each set of instructions available on the QAL page and on her blog. If you’re on her mailing list, you’ll receive emails containing links to each day’s instructions ). The instruction sheets will be available through the end of December.

And don’t forget this one!  The first clue went up November 25 and continues through December—be sure to download the clues for future reference. 
Fort Worth Fabric Studio has their new sew along begins December 19–Frozen Memories

Join  Artesanitarium Designs, Mary E Rose , Tanja Luescher on Instagram to knit these advent socks!

Once again, I'm jumping into knitting another advent scarf with Tricia Weatherstone.  The scarf will be a long rectangle shape and is a geometric design. The theme this year is basketweave stitches and using the intarsia technique to achieve the design wanted. 

I’m really punishing or is it pushing myself to think I can do all these projects at once!  This one is from Talvi-knits
After all, I’ll need something to knit while movie watching!

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