Saturday, November 19, 2022

OH -- Junk!

 The other day, as we tried to tidy up the house in preparation for Thanksgiving (still no idea whose turn it is to host, but we’ll be prepared if it’s our turn) someone was looking for scissors--not my good sewing scissors please!!!  The voice could be heard from the other side of the house--"look in the junk drawer".   Pull out the designated drawer and there were the all purpose scissors--right there in the Junk Drawer!  

Doesn't everyone have a junk drawer?? What's a junk drawer, you may ask? Then you don`t have a designated place to put your odds and ends of small stuff—

Indeed!  A drawer filled with “junk”—odds and ends of stuff that we might need sometime in the future.  For instance, a padlock with no key! Flashlight, no batteries; glue (that’s probably dried up),  rubber bands—at one time there was a rubber band ball (wonder where that went!?) matches AND a fire stick, of course when one doesn’t work, there is the other! 
There’s string and wire, sticky things to hang pictures on the wall; and don’t forget the batteries!! Probably no good but we saved them in the Junk drawer!  And you can’t have a junk drawer without duct or packing tape! 

Not only do we have a junk drawer, the BOWL is ready to be nominated for the next junk location!  The Bowl, which holds the garage door opener, contains billfolds, keys, pocket knife, business cards, zip tie, reading glasses container—NOT reading glasses!! Loose screws, of course! Oh and least we forget, the car touch up paint pen! 
Every once and awhile, the junk bowl becomes over crowded and spills into the junk drawer. 

Heaven forbid, we get rid of anything or move to another location—we couldn’t find any of that junk—who knows 
When we’ll need a padlock with no key! 
Boy!  I thought we had a messy junk drawer.  Daughter has not one but three junk drawers!! 

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