Monday, June 28, 2021

Ready Set--Spin!

 Warm up those spinning wheels!  Prepare the fiber!  It's that time again--TOUR DE FLEECE!

This event runs concurrently with Tour de France bike race.  Spinners/participants try to spin on the days that cyclists are racing on the tour.  You can rest on their off days--but there is nothing to say you can't spin on those days as well.

The tour began June 26 and runs through July 18.  The mountain stages are July 4, 5, 7, 11, 14 and 15--those should be challenge days for spinners.

This 22 day spinning event gives you a chance to hone your skills--giving you confidence in your spinning ability.

Here are some suggestions for your spinning days--not rules (which can be broken!)

try to spin at least 10 minutes a day--just make that a goal--you can spin more or less

maybe make your challenge to spin a fiber you haven't tackled before

Think about joining a support group--you can find several on internet; face book has a group.  Maybe, you can gather spinners in your area to encourage each other.. 

What will you spin?  I'm still working on my cotton--white, green and brown.  I need to weave more towels!  

Friday, June 25, 2021

Baby Things..................................

 I don't want to bore you with things happening around our first great grandbaby--but I will!  There is already been two baby showers and another up coming June 27 where both men and women are invited.  Guys are to bring diapers--cool idea.  And a children book is being use as cards-- a super idea!  I have my favorite:

"A  young woman holds her baby
and looks at him lovingly
Softly she sings to him
I'll love you always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be"

It gets me every time I read this book--and the tears flow!  And another favorite is:

If you have a chance, go to youtube and watch the video of a grandmother reading
this book to her grandbaby!  Hilarious!  Love this book!  Here is the unofficial song--
you can't help but laugh out loud when you hear this or read the book!

now for gifts from my hands already given:
Here is the quilt I appliqued for the baby--there is much love that went into this
top--I didn't quilt but tied--hope the baby loves the softness and the teddy bears
I also made two flannel receiving blankets--I tried to find horse fabric but
found this farm one--which works.
And this one has dogs--well, the baby will have three dogs to play with.

The next shower--she's getting CLOTH DIAPERS from me!
I had to really search to find cloth diapers on Amazon--there were lots of
books on how to fold etc.  Microfiber ones--no!  I wanted to get good ole
COTTON diapers--finally found it on one of the back pages--here is their description:

  •  10 Pack Birdseye Cloth Diapers 100% Organic Cotton Reusable Diapers Cloth for 
  • Newborn Reusable Un-Paper Towels, Dust Cloths. Extra Large 24 X 24" Burp Cloths 
  • for Babies, Boy, Girl/Toddlers.
  • if you have read one of my early posts--you'll know she asked me "have you ever heard of cloth diapers?"  Bless her!  Now, she'll get some cloth diapers and find out--the greatest invention to a mom!  You'll use them after the kid is out of diapers!  

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Busy June!

Yes, it has been a busy June!  And it's just going to get busier before we hit July!

Jessica Dayon is hosting TWO quilt alongs this summer--this one will begin
June 25!  It's Christmas village quilt along--I did her earlier village quilt-which is still
on her website--great fun to create cute houses for a village.

This is the other one she is hosting--each week a different block--hopefully, by Christmas it 
will be ready to quilt---if only I had begun!

I've had this kit since February 2020--bought it at QuiltCon in Austin--
this thing has been staring me in the face for months and yesterday
I decided to tackle it!  It wasn’t hard to cut out--you can find digital
My fabrics were different--lots of orange tones and purple (yuck!) but
it works!

Laid it out on floor to assemble and sew the rows together!
Border?? That's the question--it's just the right size for laps now.
Added border to Pat Sloan "Home" top--I'm thinking I'll add another
border--just looks like of blah now! 
Decided to call it quits on this orphan quilt--borders?
No--I'm finished!  just need to quilt and bind!
How busy has your June been?


Saturday, June 19, 2021

Zucchini Time!!

 Do you relish zucchini time in the summer?  Or do you dread the bounty of your crop?  Do not fear--zucchini time is almost here! and there are so many recipes to try with those big fat green vegetables!

We love chocolate zucchini cake--kids could never tell it have that green veggie mixed in the batter! Of  course, the always famous zucchini bread!  my mouth is watering! 

 How about Z-apple pie?  One of my favorites when you don't have apples but plenty of Zs on hand.  

there are baked Parmesan cheese spears--
-we like Z fritters--easy recipe to prepare.  Now, comes the sweet Z muffins and

 have you tried that recipe with Greek Feta cheese, tomatoes, garlic --since we don't do much pasta--we use Zoodles--delish!   
I topped with cheese--
super yummy!  I even use my z-noodles in chicken soup--replacing the

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

They’re Back!

 What’s back you ask!  Radio shows!!  Before TV there were radio shows—everyone had a little table radio.  I was no exception—every night I would climb into my bed to listen to those serial shows—inner sanctum,

only the shadow knows, Lone Ranger, 

The adventures of Ozzie and Harriett--plus musical shows like Louisiana Hayride and Grand Ole Opry!  What fun to listen and use your imagination as to the scene taking place on the radio!
Here's a complete list of those 'old' radio shows--did you listen to any of them?

Well, guess what--radio shows are back--and they are called Podcasts! But, instead of that old table radio we have various listening devices--and you can find a podcast for any feature of your interest!  Even my brother has a podcast!  If you are feeling down, just pick up your headset and plug into any podcast that suits your fancy!  You might even find one of those old-time radio shows/programs!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Interesting Historical Features

 The Year was 1841--The Rajah vessel was loaded with 180 women convicts heading to Hobert, Australia from England.  These women were given ten yards of fabric, four 'balls' of white sewing thread, a ball each of black, red and blue thread, black wool, 24 hanks of colored thread, a thimble, 100 needles, pins, scissors and two pounds of patchwork.  Although there were a few seamstresses on  board , most of the women were not schooled in stitchery.  By the time, the boat reached its destination, the women had created one of the most profound pieces of art!  It was titled Rajah Quilt and now is featured in  National Gallery of  Australia

The Quilt was sent back to Britain as a gift to Elizabeth Fry.  It is unknown whether she ever received the quilt.  The whereabouts of the quilt from then until it was rediscovered in 1987--handed over the the National Gallery of Australia as most treasured items— is unknown. 

Between 1788 and 1868 about 162,000 convicts were transported from Britain and Ireland to various penal colonies in Australia.  The British Government began transporting convicts overseas to American Colonies in early 18th century.  The majority convicts were transported for petty crimes.

A book of the Rajah Quilt was published in 2016; also, a pattern to reproduce the quilt was published in 2014. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


When I'm working on different blocks and want to take a break
between sections, I will use a #leader or ender-- or header/footer!
By the time you have finished one major top you have a second one began or
finished.  I'm working on two different leader/enders--one with 2.5" squares and
the other with 'strings'

The one with strings uses paper backing-- and that is recycled
as well!  I cut used paper to 8.5" square-- and sew
After I have a pile of squares on paper, I'll sit and tear--let
me tell you, it isn't always easy to pull paper off the back of
fabric.  It does help to shorten your stitch length, but I don't
want to keep changing my length between sewing.
Some people stitch on used dryer sheets— 
Maybe, you will try his method to use up all those small 
pieces and strings that accumulate in your bin.


Saturday, June 5, 2021

Look Ma! I Finished Something!!

Another Pat Sloan finish.  This one is called Home—each Wednesday another step is published on her website

 I decided on red white and blue to make this finished top a quilt of valor 

Finally!! The rows are together!  Just needs a border--
I want to think on that for awhile!

So happy to be finished with this 'aged' row quilt--I didn't know that was
aged until I found it in my stash bin!  wonder how many other things I've 

started and put away somewhere safe!?

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

I’m On A Row!

 It seems all I'm doing these days is making rows!  Why did I commit to so many row quilts!??

This one is Fat Quarter for their 2021 charity quilt.  The next row is flying geese--think
I can knock those off quickly!

This is from one that I began ages ago--began it with two rows, got 
bored with making rows and put it away--
the other day I was sorting through boxes and came across the
rows, pulled it out and told myself--"finish it!"

Another row--do you call them blocks?  Yes, you can call these blocks!
As you make eight of these 'blocks' to make a row!!
This is for Tuning My Heart--Joy in the Journey

Another row Serenity charity quilt from Fat Quarter Shop

Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...