Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Road Trip!!!!

October 31 might be Halloween but we are road tripping to West Texas for the International Chili Cook-off, held in Terlingua, Texas near Big Bend.

52nd Annual CASI
​Terlingua ​International
​Chili Championship
​Oct 31 - Nov 3  2018

Three nights of great music
Five of the World's Largest Food Contest
(chili, traditional salsa, non-traditional salsa, buffalo hot wings, beans)

We're not cooking chili, making salsa, beans or buffalo hot wings--we are there as volunteers to judge a few competitions, listen to some good music, see the sights and enjoy the cool Texas mountains!

More information on our travels upcoming...........................

Monday, October 29, 2018

My Latest Reading List

I just couldn't resist!  We went to Costco today and while
there, I thought I'll just pop by the book table-
certainly can't do any harm......
no harm, no foul! Books in my basket for checkout!

I'm ready for any bad weather day, a lazy day, a cool day or just a reading day!

David Limbaugh with "Jesus is Risen: Paul and the Early Church"
a book about the birth of Christianity as it uses Book of Acts and six
New Testament epistles for the author's guide.

Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard take us to the "Killing of The
Third Reich"--all of their Killing books are outstanding reads.
And this one will be more so for me, as I have visited some
of the horrific sites in Germany that Hitler ruled.

John Sandford gives us another one of his Virgil Flowers novels--
although, I'm not a real big fan of Virgil, I enjoy reading
all of Sandford's stories--"Holy Ghost"

An author that I've been waiting for gives us
"Bridge of Clay".  Markus Zusak wrote "The Book Thief"
a wonderful read!  I'm looking forward to turning the pages
of this one.

This book had been sitting on my nightstand for awhile--
I picked it up last night to begin and I really didn't want
to put it down!  Why hadn't I begun it before--sad I didn't;
a good read about the young women and those who couldn't
go to battle but helped win WWII

Whatever you are reading, It's a good thing!!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Countdown to Christmas!!

Are you a Hallmark Christmas movie junkie much as I am?
My family moans alot when I say it's time to DVR the latest
list of Hallmark Channel movies--but, sometimes, they'll 
sit and watch with me or sometimes, you can see them
watching out of one eye...

I don't care--this is a great time of the year--preparation for
the greatest holiday of all times--
the coming of Christmas season!

I can sit, knit, stitch, spin and maybe shed a tear or two,
but can bet the movie will end happily ever after--
nothing better than that!
First movie begins tonight--My DVR is set!! Is yours!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Sew Goodness!

 Diary of a Quilter hosts 
A blog that will give you insight into opportunities to sew with
your heart and hands for charities:  Since this is Breast Cancer 
Awareness month, she is giving you several different patterns
that would be useful for those facing breast surgeries.
Breast Cancer Awareness is just not reserved for October--
it goes to every month, every week, every day of the year!

The website lists several projects for each month of the year.
October is the month to sew these heart pillows that can
be useful for those undergoing chemo-check out other
opportunities to sew--

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Day of the Weavers

It was a cool rainy Tuesday when I gathered my 'show and tell' and headed to our weavers' study group--well, it's rather a group discussing everything from daily life, our summer adventures, weaving techniques and other sundry items of topic that needs to be aired.................
What do you do when you're laid up with a broken leg and
can't get to your big loom?  You can still weave, according to Penny,
who had just that situation this summer.

She and her partner in crime, Peggy, hosted a Cricket weaving workshop.
Penny could warp as she sat in her wheel chair and warp she did--
putting lovely warp on ten different crickets for her class.

The students got the weaving knack down but didn't
have time in their class to finish so Penny/Peggy gathered up
the looms and Penny finished each warp to return the
scarves to the weaver at a later time.

She brought along for show and tell these scarves--
each a delight with their novelty yarn warp and weft
all completed and warp tied neatly into fringe

I'm thinking--these recipents are going to be 
thrilled with their project and go on to future
Cricket weavings

Each one of the ten scarves felt soft and fuzzy--something
you would love to wrap around your neck

Penny finally lost her boot and wheel chair to return to her
big loom and began with this weaving project

The pattern is pinwheels but to my eye it looks like
rick rack--doesn't matter--just great weaving ability--
warp and weft is cottolin yarn

Look closely--Marion chose to use linen for her
weaving--she did her 'tree' pattern with revisions--
really shimmered in the light

Ahh, a tartan--a Texas tartan!!

This is the bluebonnet tartan

from this book of District Tartans

Connie was working on her latest shibori piece for the
upcoming guild sale--she had linen with resist areas
and she stitching over the white areas to give this
piece additional depth--she'll pull up the threads
and dye in another indigo bath

Connie thinking holidays with her cotton rug mat

What a fun way to invite your guests into the room!
Each weaver gathering is a delight--always something to
learn anew and an outlet to share your thoughts and experience 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Strings for Michael!


What can I do to assist the Hurricane Michael victims?  I gather staples,
water, some other sundry items to send along with a monetary donation--
in my world that isn't enough!  These folks have lost EVERYTHING!
I know that feeling--having lost everything we owned in a fire--
you feel shocked and dismayed about your next step.

Here is a project I can get behind--
That Fiber Feeling blog is on board to assist with this
massive under taking which is sponsored by  UMW Quilting Group at 
United Methodist Church, Montgomery, Alabama.

The Alabama church is asking for 10.5″ unfinished string quilt blocks in any colors you wish.  Multicolored blocks are fine of course.  Quilters on the other end will sew the blocks into quilts, but if you wish to donate an entire quilt or top, they will gladly take that as well.  If you’re like me, you have lots of string scraps lying around.  These go together quickly, are relaxing and make an easy way for helping others.  There are lots of string block tutorials online and this craftsy one is good, even if it’s a different size block.  Whatever tutorial you use, keep in mind to trim your block to 10.5″.  cut your base squares into 11″ squares.  

Send your 10.5″ string blocks to:

UMW Quilting Group, Hurricane Quilt Drive, Aldersgate United Methodist Church,  6610 Vaughn Road,  Montgomery, Alabama 36116

Friday, October 19, 2018

Minus ONE.............

First off, here is a photo from Luckenbach I took--
just gets you in the mood for Fall, doesn't it!

This pattern is another one that has been staring at me for
a long time!  I look at it and think--not today!
Finally I got busy making those leaves

What put me on hold for awhile was the size of
the smaller leaf--it takes 1.5" squares and I'm not
a big fan of doing small sizes, but I knuckled under
and made all 16 of the small leaves--I would
love to make more of the larger leaves but this
pattern only had five

The table topper is together and guess what?!!
There is one extra small leaf--can't believe I
did more than I needed even though I counted
and counted....

so this stray fellow is lost--would I make another
15 so he could have buddies?  I think not!
he just might go on the back......

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Let's Lace Knit...............

What a lovely scarf!  and the pattern is free for you to knit!!
Olann and Design/, designed by Aisling Doonan aka Rubysasha--
using one skein of hand dyed 4 ply/fingering weight yarn

I love Lace! and double yarn overs!  This will be a fun knit! 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Shhh! It's a Secret!

The Quilting Company's Thanksgiving Mystery Quilt
The Quilting Company has their Thanksgiving 'secret' table runner
links up--are you ready to reveal the clues and find out the secret?
I am!  Well, not really--need to go through my stash to
find the appropriate fabrics for this project.

Temecula Quilt Company has a secret Santa project beginning
next Friday, October 19.  Here are the fabric requirements for
this scrappy quilt which will measure 43"x 56"

small scraps of brown prints
1/4 yard of green prints
3/4 yard of red prints
2-1/2 yards of light prints

Beginning Wednesday, October 17, you will find the first clue in solving this
secret project through Fort Worth Fabric Studio.  I got my kit--don't usually do
the kits, but decided I would this time--it's not necessary to buy the kit
as you can use from your stash.
Get ready for lots of sewing in the next few weeks!!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Pumpkins! Pumpkins! Pumpkins!

A well aged pattern for sure--it has been staring at me for
months and months--I look at it and think--I'll get around to it
one of these days!  That day finally arrived!
I found all the oranges I could in my stash and begin
to cut--this pattern asks for 8 fat quarters,which I
didn't have--next plan, cut from yardage--that works

The corners are added and all 25 blocks have been

Stems and leaves added!  Well, that wasn't so hard after all!

All finished!!  One tickled off my to do list!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thinking of Turkeys

I know Thanksgiving is over 6 weeks ahead; nothing keeps our brain from thinking about the festivities of the week--all the turkey and trimmings we can consume; gathering with family and friends--nothing like it!

I've been following this group--saving the patterns--SOME
day I'll get around to it--you know that saying!

Here was their pattern recently for a turkey!! Such
a darn cute turkey--postage stamp size--12.5"x12.5"!
Awesome!  YOu can find the pattern here

And now The Quilting Company will be hosting another
QAL with Thanksgiving theme for your table--begins
October 4--hope to see you there!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Back to It.............................

While I was waiting for next October's clue to be released
for two of my year long knitting projects,
I picked up my Japanese scarf again--

Such an easy knitting pattern

I'm working with my handspun cotton

and it feels so good in my hands--alas, I must
put it down again to catch up on my other knitting

I dd make a few rows of progress though

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Wooly Block Adventure

Lisa Bongean  has her Wooly Block Adventure up
and running-so catch it fast!

Here was the first block--not sure you can still get it free--
but check her blog to find other interesting and exciting
wool works.
Look for the Facebook group too!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Autumn Jubilee Time

From My Carolina Home is hosting An Autumn Jubilee with
Quilt Along, a Sew Along, a Stitch Along, all with free patterns and posts on gardening, cooking, tablescapes, cardmaking and more!! 

first project for Autumn Jubilee begins with a stitch along using wool felt--
She gives an detailed account of how to felt your wool; along
with a pattern to satisfy your wool stitching itch.

large pumpkin designed to be stitched onto a 9-inch square.  Add embellishment to it and add some words in two weeks.  Then we’ll mount it on a 12-inch wool base, and do the final finishing.
This just the first of many projects throughout the Autumn Jubilee!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Another Mystery?  WOW!  How I love mysteries--all kind of
mysteries!  This one is Miranda Jollie Designs .  A fun time to
begin work on a fingerless glove--love my FLGs!

How about a mystery that covers your feet as well
as your hands?  Here is a perfect month long knitting
challenge from Anita Grahn--this one is
Celebrate Life!  I like that title!

You can find both of these mysteries on
Ravelry--the sock mystery is in several languages!

How about a mystery to read?  This is an interesting
story that takes place in Thailand--information about
foods and daily life but a couple of mysteries to
go along.  I so enjoyed this one, I will find the second
one in the series.

What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...