Sunday, November 5, 2017

My Brain Just Went Wacky Again..............

Day 5 of Thanks!  I am thankful to have a great love in my life for over 50+ years!  He has stuck with me through thick and thin--good and bad--dark days and bright sunshine!  

Okay, I was fine until I saw the marriage proposal on national news right after the World Series game--It was beautiful thing to watch and the excitement it created was awesome!  It was a fairy tale come true!  So, My brain begin to wonder

Why do men (or women) get down on one knee to propose?  Have you ever thought about that?
Don't despair, I have--what would make a super power guy get down on one knee in front of all the world to see when he was asking his love for her hand in marriage?  And then he presented her with a smack beautiful ring!!  Unbelieveable!!

But, where does this tradition come from?

Here's what I dug up-- from Engagement Ring Bible

"dates back to the days of knighthood, chivalry and formal courtship (i.e. medieval times and beyond)." Apparently:
"Knights would get down on one knee in front of their lord as a display of respect, obedience, and loyalty. It was also a common occurrence in religious ceremonies, and in those days marriage and religion were intrinsically linked.
"So when a courteous gentlemen was proposing to his lady, pledging his allegiance to her and declaring his undying love for her, getting down on one knee was the natural thing to do."
So there you have it: if your partner goes to the lengths of getting down on one knee to ask for your hand in marriage, what he's really trying to say is that he plans to be loyal, respectful, and do to what you say for the rest of time (that's the obedience bit). If only he knew what he was signing himself up to.
And Why is the wedding ring won on the Left hand??--
The Wedding Ring. ... In that era, the Romans believed that the vein in the ring finger (the fourth finger) on theleft hand ran directly to one's heart. Because of this belief, they called that vein the "vena amoris" or vein of love.

Now, aren't you glad that my mind ponders???

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