Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's That Time Again...................................

AdventskalenderschalMini by wollkistchensfotos

I know!  it's hard to believe that we are approaching the USA celebration of Thanksgiving! Where does the time go? And shortly after that big feast day, there is Advent Season. For the past three years, I participated in knitting an Advent scarf==24 days until Christmas, 24 patterns for a Christmas scarf.  It is always interesting to see what new pattern Eva has for us each day--learn something new and unusual along the way, too!  FREE!!

There is an page for  English and a page for  German.
There is also a Ravelry group, if you are interested--join along with us! 

And guess what??  There is another Advent knit along KAL--FREE!   This one is an Advent Calendar and you open a door each day--what fun is that!!?  I'm getting as anxious as my kids did in their younger days....................................looking at my stash yarn.


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