Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like..................................Cowls!

Cowls or Infinity Scarves as they are called are THE thing this winter!  Everywhere you look, cowls/infinity scarves are wrapped around necks.  So many darling patterns too--to knit, to crochet, to sew, weave--you name the technique and you have yourself a cowl.
Can we jump on the bandwagon and finish at least one cowl before the style goes out the window?

okay, I think we can!  I found this one in a specialty shop: 
What do you think about this?  Quick and easy, huh?  Using up all sorts of ribbons and novelty yarns.
There is such a list of cowls/infinite scarves, where to begin? 
This one is great fun and uses stash yarn (as far as I'm concerned)
Hexagon and there is an additional pattern for mitts
Beachcombers is simple, tapered ribbed cowl that narrows slightly towards the neck for a warmer, cozier fit. Another stash yarn user
Look for these patterns on Ravelry
That Nice Stitch by Stitchnerd Designs
Pip by Mona Schmidt
Cupido Cowl by Hiroko Fukatsu

Code: Armonika Cowl by Rutast Designs




Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Thanksgiving Day (Jour de l'Action de grâce in Canadian French) is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well--according to Wikipedia. 


Here is a Thanksgiving turkey for you---presented by FATCAT PATTERNS.  Head over to her website to gobble it up! 

colonial turkey

Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's That Time Again...................................

AdventskalenderschalMini by wollkistchensfotos

I know!  it's hard to believe that we are approaching the USA celebration of Thanksgiving! Where does the time go? And shortly after that big feast day, there is Advent Season. For the past three years, I participated in knitting an Advent scarf==24 days until Christmas, 24 patterns for a Christmas scarf.  It is always interesting to see what new pattern Eva has for us each day--learn something new and unusual along the way, too!  FREE!!

There is an page for  English and a page for  German.
There is also a Ravelry group, if you are interested--join along with us! 

And guess what??  There is another Advent knit along KAL--FREE!   This one is an Advent Calendar and you open a door each day--what fun is that!!?  I'm getting as anxious as my kids did in their younger days....................................looking at my stash yarn.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let's Talk Fibers!

Let's talk fibers--not grains or fibers that build bulk in your body but fibers that clothe your body!  We must begin with fibers before we can even think about anything else--this day was our spinners gathering for November.  I was happy to be back in the group after a long absence........spinning away, getting that touchy, feely satisfaction once again.  We met at Penny's studio Sky Loom Weavers and it was just a delightful day to be out in the country.  The skies were clear, temperature was on the fall side (for a change); our Texas fall foliage was in bright array!
About a walk around Penny's studio--hanging at her windows are hand woven panels--couldn't ask for a better view

She is threading her loom with wool for commissioned blanket.

And look at these fibers--a new way to present wool fibers--punis, used most often with cotton

and a wonderful basket of dyed mohair locks

And look at this assortment of handspun yarns, all from the hands of Penny for her sales.
Let's begin our show and tell portion of the gathering.............. 

First up is Rosemary, showing off her hand ginned colored cotton

some cotton bolls are still intact

Rosemary also bought this selection of wool punis at Michigan fiber event this summer

She has decided to ply these two fibers together for a future woven item

Some sparkle in the red one

Kate had taken a felting workshop recently and presented her book covers

She plans to make individual books for her grandkids--lucky kids!

Louise was showing off her fancy hand knit socks--although not handspun, they are definitely made of fiber!

She was spinning this luscious yummy wool blend--she likes it so much, she had to buy more from Penny's stash!

Lovely bobbins of singles

Penny had purchased this hemp product earlier in the summer--it certainly has an earthy smell

It will take a little more processing before it is spin able--all fibers are good--even if more processing is involved.
Fibers are OUR main stay of life!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wrapped in Love!

It is time for quarterly Expatchers' birthday party! It is not just a time for us to gather and celebrate another year older, but it is also our time to celebrate our love of being together; of sharing our love for others.
A delicious cake to top off a great lunch! and then it is time to 'show-off' our undertakings

Linda presents her recently quilted (by Sandy) blue/white--

This starry quilt will be wrapping around her daughter soon

detail of Sandy's quilting skills

Karen had this delightful child's quilt to show-off

a panel for the center but look at the wonderful checkerboard borders..

and with a minki backing, Karen's grandchild will feel not only warmth but love of grandmother's hands. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Texas Furniture Maker Show presented their finest work in this 14th year at Kerr Arts & Cultural Center in Kerrville, Texas.  What a show!  How can you not love the art of furniture making with the most interesting of materials--natural wood!?
This is the headboard for bed--
Love, love this hutch!
Lots of inlay with turquoise
There were also some 'quirky' pieces, like this wall hanging

and this giant clothespin!
overview of the showroom
why not place this desk in your office?
and this bedroom chest would be wonderful

Texas designed fireplace screen

side board.............
fabulous dining table made from one single slab
display table
jewelry chest
and this whimsical coffee table--these all pieces that you like to take home with you.

What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...