Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fantasy: An exhibition of the Front Range Contemporary Quilters

In the Community Gallery of Foothills Art Center in Golden, Colorado you can view "Fantasy"!
Ann Johnston juried this fanciful quilters exhibit, featuring Front Range Contemporary Quilters.

Here I'm showing you the up close view of these wonderful art pieces--

"Deep Pool" by Charlotte Ziebarth

Susan Apte "Inner Strength"

Laurie Hill Gibb "Eternally Bound"

Margaret Abramshe "Synchronized in the sea of love"

Susan Brooks "Magnifying Glass"

Do Palma "There's a Crack in Everything"

Karen Stalgen "Fractured"

Dorothy Raymond "Persistence of Tangerine Dreams"

"Ziggy"  sorry didn't get the artist's name

"Fantasy Forest"  Karen Stalgren

Margaret Abramshe "Rumi's Two Step"

Ann Johnston "Gold"

Vicki Carlson "Points in Time"

Patti Hawkins "Mirage"

Ginger Quinn Munoz "Cirque:  Hanging by a Thread"

Jean Herman "East"

Jean Herman "Northeast"

Ruth Briggs Wilson "Security Blanket No. 6"

Christi Beckman "Warped Weft NYC"

"Red Canyon Spring" by Patty Hawkins

Now, you have seen some of the pieces up close, visit the exhibit to take in the full effect of the pieces--these artists have created masterful art pieces--well worth a trip to the Foothills Art Center!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Threads of Change: Colorado Textiles Now

Foothills Art Center in Golden, Colorado is hosting "Threads of Change"  featuring a selection of Colorado artists and their textile creations.  This is a diverse showing of fiber arts and the exhibit runs July 13-September 1, 2013.  With your small admission fee, you see some outstanding expressions and concepts of fiber art.

Check out these artists that are featured: 
Theresa Anderson

Regina Benson

Anne Bossert

Lynn Cornelius

Jo Fitsell

Kevin Kissell

Tom Lundberg

Mary McCauley

Amy Clarke Moore

Jill Powers

Sara Rockinger

Carol Shinn

Rebecca Vaughn

Sara Goldenberg White

Thursday, July 18, 2013

This And That!

Okay, a few things to mention here..................We've been busy at the sewing machine again.
Remember this one from a previous blog post and

another quilt top that was in the wings...........

Paper pieced BOM from Carol Doak It was one pattern each month than the wrap-up in May

Another BOM from The Painted Quilt blog, a little red work as well as some piecing

One more row to add and then this top will be ready for the quilter

Finished top!  Another border could be added, but alas, we have run out of the solid yellow and it's so hard to match

And this is from previous blog post--with borders; so glad I didn't do the piano keys!

Of course, there are a couple other charity quilt blocks in the wings--like this one using scraps from the stash................

This pattern comes from Film in the Fridge blog--Hooked Hexagons--little complicated to sew, but fun none the less--it is using up scraps!!  There are recipes for 12" & 10" blocks.

And from Fatcat Patterns we get another one of the owls in the series

Hoot!  Hoot!  yes, another stash buster each month!

More brightly colored fish from Fatcat--Sindy has mastered EQ for sure!

And new to her list of BOMs will be dogs--two times the fun with free pattern on first and fifteenth of the month--download yours now! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Woven Together: Firestorm"

The last two years have brutal years for wildfires!  By early August 2012, over 42,000 wildfires had been recorded in the US database and 6,000,000 acres had been turned to char.  Many of these fires consumed a record number of homes, claimed lives and displaced people from their homes. 

How does anyone cope with these disasters?  For artists, there is an outlet in their work and a chance to use their medium to design and create pieces that express this emotional turmoil they feel.  Business Arts Center in Manitou Springs, Colorado offered artists from around the country and world an opportunity to show their emotion through a juried exhibit which runs through August 2, 2013.
Curators for this exhibit were Holly Parker Dearborn and Patrick Bohnen. 

Recently, we had a chance to view this exhibit and here I share some photos. 
Juror for this exhibit was Jeanne Steiner, Arts and Crafts Program Director at Colorado College.  This was one of her pieces entitled "Smoke"
Maryse Levenson is the featured artist.  Maryse is a weaver, dyer and Kumihimo braid artist.
Close-up of "Out of the Fire" by Maryse
One of the wearables "Falling Ashes" by Anne Evans
"Hot Spot" by Cathy Coatney
"Signs of the Times" by Patricia Dunston
"Night of Anguish" by Carolyn Wostenberg
"Fire in the Forest, Fire in the City" by Jan Seltman
"Peaks" (front) "Elements" by Janet Birch
"Spark Blaze Afterglow" by Urban Jupena
"After the Dark Comes the Light" by Sharon Crary
"Fire Echo" by Sharon Crary
I've included these photos to show the wide range of textiles in this exhibit.  There are large and small tapestries, weavings, baskets, wearables
This show expresses bare emotions for the artists as well as the attendees.  Take the time to visit this exhibit and let it surround you with rare feelings but at the same time it gives you comfort.


What did you do last week?

 In the past few weeks there has been talk about reporting “what did you do last week?” This report will hold me accountable!  I should like...