Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weaver's Delight!

When we return from our summer away, it is always the highlight of the month to return to our regular scheduled programming and the first week of the month, we are delighted to visit with not one but two weaver study groups.  WSW (West Side Weavers) continue their study of waffle weave.  But, before we launch into that topic...................................
Our hostess, Scharine, brings out one of the towels she purchased at the recent guild show/sell.  It's a lovely towel woven by fellow weaver Marian, who just took up weaving a short time ago.  She has progressed by leaps and bounds! 

Okay, onto study topic at hand--waffle weave.  This hand cloth is the product from Penny's loom--great handle and perfect for washcloth and just the right size.
Connie's silk noil scarf reminds one of spring days and colors.  It is light and airy and she worked hard to achieve the waffles right where she wanted them.
Our newest member is on the learning curve--almost there.....and she wove this great cloth but there were some treadling errors---she is definitely going to give us a run for our money!
Dottie, who is master at whatever she sets her hand to, showed off one of her Christmas ornaments--felted fabric, hand embroidered and she recycles as well (using one of her empty yarn cones as a base).
She shows off one of her 'postcards' before it is placed in the mail to her dear friend.  Ahh, to be one of those 'dear' friends.
Scharine models one of the 'rejects' from the recent fiber artist show.  "Reject?" we say--"no way"!  Scharine uses her family tecniques to fashion this interesting fabric for her jacket. 
She has used traditional Japanese flower fabric and her fermented dyed fabric as accent.
Another reject--her lovely silk fermented dyed scarf.  She uses indigo leaves for the dye process, which takes several days to achieve.
What can you do with linen paper yarn and stainless steel/silk?  Easy, knit a scarf--that is exactly what Scharine did.  And this scarf was accepted into the fiber artist show.  Can't wait to see it in person!
Can we say color!!??  This is a warp that Scharine is to thread on her loom for the upcoming Ruby Leslie workshop.  It's all about color, which fits nicely into the second weaver study group's work for the year.
D'Anne, from the WOW (Way Out West) group has this warp for the workshop.  Ruby has wound all the warps for the participants and sent specific instructions on the threading. 
Ahh, a blast from the past!  But, now look ,this complete study session has been printed in lovely book form.  The old one on the storage shelf is on loose paper printed by the hand of Else herself.  We studied with Else many moons ago and had a wonderful learning experience.
Our faithful leader, Leigh, brought some of the yarn cones that she wants to weave with.  She was asking for suggestion of weave structure.  Oh, we had plenty of ideas for her!
Barbara had her weave draft at hand--a colorful crackle variation.  We'll see the real deal soon, knowing Barbara, who does wonderful weavings!  In all, it was a super week filled with so many ideas that could explore one's brain!  Home to weave, if only..............................why is there always that excuse standing in the way??

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