Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fiber, Fiber Everywhere!

What a treat the HAFA (Houston Association of Fiber Artists) meeting was!  Inspiring, inspirational and intriguing--all wrapped up in two hour meeting--lots of show and tell, happenings and activities upcoming with this group.  The program was presented by Emily Davlin,  a member of HAFA and shared her technique of what she called "Heat Gun Fabric".  Here is the description from the newsletter:  "Artistic Fabric Texturing", Emily will demonstrate how heat is used to form texture on polyester lining weight fabric by using an embossing tool. The resulting pieces have many possible applications from jewelry to wearable art garments to wall art.
She had the fabric ready for demo--sprists some water, brushed on some diluted acrylic paint (cheap paint, Emily recommends) and then apply heat!  Must be cheap polyester fabric too.
And the end product--she also did the back with the heat gun for awhile.  Interesting texture for sure.
Some of her samples on display.  Notice the 'burn' out hole in the fabric; a result of the heat gun.
The black was outstanding!
Emily uses her 'heat gun' fabric for many fashionable wearables--purses and jewelry.  She even uses the finished fabric as lining in garments to add that extra touch.
We all fell in love with "Emily's Book"--a creative gathering of thoughts and ideas.
She even uses machine stitching for more detail work.  This was an interesting program and gets your "juices" flowing and thinking "What if...................."  Thanks Emily for sharing your inventive way to change plain ole polyester into a useful fabric.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! This was an amazing demo by a truly talented lady.



 I love books!!  I love to read--I'm using my ears to read also!  Did you know if you have Spotify, you receive 15 hours of Audible book...