Friday, April 8, 2022

Learn Something New Every Day!

Word of the Day is WORDLE--are you obsessed with this game?

 Doesn't matter how old you are--you can always learn someting new each and every day!  What did you learn today that was new and exciting?   Many are taking up the challenge of the game "Wordle"--

What I've learned is --I Don't Like THis Game!!  will not waste time on it--because, once you begin, you are hooked!  

Another thing I learned today is hexagons can be created in a couple of ways. I should have known that the technique of English Paper Piecing would be easier several ways.

 I've been printing hard copies of one inch hexie, cutting them out, stitching around the piece with needle and thread (sort of my evening tasks as we relax), taking out the cardboard hexie to begin anew--you could also buy the precut hexies as well as making them yourself.

Here are the inch ones ready to be stitched--I like to keep them contained in this bowl--easy to pick up and put down.

and here are my small hexie blooms--these are going into a spool project from Debby Brown Color Block group on Facebook and website
How about stamping your hexie onto cloth, cut and stitch each hexie?  Well, I'll be!  Why didn't my brain think of that sooner??  There are several vendors that sell the clear plastic stamps!
I'm just amazed that my brain took so loooooong to hook into that idea!

Why?? you ask?  
Answer is simple--I used stamps many moons ago to stamp different designs and stitch to create nice small quilts!  I'm like--"duh" you're certainly SLOW to remember that time in your past life.

I collected these framed pieces from mother's house several years ago--I made them as a gift to her and also gave some to my mother-in-law
This is log cabin design

Another log cabin creation.
So, another lesson learned today is--don't forgot your past lessons learned!!
And I'm still not going to play WORDLE!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Family LOVE! Waylon Day!

 April 3rd was the baptism of our great grandson!  It was a perfect day for this happy occasion!  He's now 9 months old--I was hoping he could wear the christening gown I made for our grandchildren--which was made with handspun silk that I spun and wove their mother's wedding dress!

  Alas, the grandchildren wore the gown when they were only 2 months old but our great is a older lad and couldn't fit his arms through the sleeves!  besides, his dad, who did wear the gown at his christening--said, it looked at a "GIRL outfit!  

 I know I could alter--it would have had my eyes leaking tears to see him in that gown from 30 years ago--My eyes still leaked some as I watched a new generation pledge their commitment to raise this young one into the Lord's family.  We celebrated with a family brunch after the service--Lots of good eats and the saying goes "a good time was passed by all!"

Waylon's custom made cake!  Yummy!  white cake with fondant frosting!
Waylon on the back of Joe sitting on his new saddle!  He needs shorter stirrups before he really rides
He wanted to make the horse go--but the saddle needs a longer girth belt--he looks
like he's ready to ride like the wind!
Baptism day—mommy holding Waylon, daddy to left, The Godfather and godmother on end

Godfather, Micky holding Waylon standing with the
dad, Josh aka Boy—as he is called at work and best friends. 
Oma treated him to grassy walk! 
Oh holy day—a real treat to celebrate this special occasion! 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Spring has sprung!!

No April Fool joke here! Just pure satisfaction!

“She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
"Winter is dead.”
A.A. Milne - When We Were Very Young.

Yes, Spring is definitely here! I know the official date was March 20 but that day it wasn't quite spring in our neighborhood! We know spring is arriving when we see the mesquite trees turning that fantastic yellow green--and pollen falls from the trees. The sure sign that spring has sprung--pecan trees bud out! oh, joy! It's spring! The daffodils pop up, bluebonnets soar in the fields, indian paintbrush dot the roadsides with their lovely shade.
Oh new growth for new year! Lean into the feeling of happiness that Spring brings forth--new beginnings! Ditch that jacket; go forth and explore! Plant seeds and enjoy the new growth as it breaks through the soil! There is nothing like renewal--

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Secret Live of Color--World of Colors continued

And now we come to this new addition to my color library.
The author, Kassia St. Clair, has taken 75 shades, dyes and hues of color to tell a story about how color has changed the world.  She has taken brown, way battles were fought, to white that gave protection against plague;  Picasso's blue period to charcoal on cave walls--scarlet women to industrial pink--a thread through history.
As the pages show the different tints and shades of color, we learn how each hue creates
our moods and temperture; how we choose a color to wear, decorate with, speak about--
adventures abound in this book--I'm enjoying each page as I turn from color to color.

How do you use color in your daily life?  Or your work in fiber?  
Pat Sloan is taking this book to task--she is going through the colors to create a quilt with
her shoofly block.  There is purpose!  Makes for an interesting project and goal in mind--the hardest thing to do is achieve each tint, shade or hue in each color section--

I've always thought of white as the absent of color--boy, was I wrong!

White light is a combination of all colors in the color spectrum. It has all the colors of the rainbow. Combining primary colors of light like red, blue, and green creates secondary colors: yellow, cyan, and magenta.

And now, a whole new can of worms has been open for me to explore!  Pliny Elder, 1 A.D-100A.D was the first on record of trying to make white color--never heard of him!  But, now, I"m curious and tried to track down his recipe for white--here you have it!
Think I'll just buy my white already made!  Although it would be fun to mix all the above colors to see if I can achieve that "white" which I know now is a COLOR!

How do you see "White"? 
Purity, virtue, innocent, delicacy.
white calms, balances, purifies, brings clarity
cleaniness, elegance, simplicity, goodness--
bland, unfriendness, emptiness, coldness

Here is Mary O'Neill's thoughts on WHITE

White is a dove and the lily of the valley 
and a puddle of milk spilled in an alley--
A ship's sail, a kite's tail, a wedding veil, Hailstones and Halibut bones and
some people's telephones.
The hottest and most blinding light is white. 
 and breath is white when you blow it out on a frosty night.
White is the shining absence of all color, then absence is white out of touch, out of sight--
White is marshmallow and vanilla ice cream
and the part you can't remmeber in a dream.
White is the sound of a light foot walking; white is a pair of whispers talking
White is the beautiful broken lace, of snowflakes falling on your face
You can smell white in a country room toward the end of May in the cherry bloom.

And so my reading and studying will continue into the world of color--


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Colors of the World

Who doesn't love color?  And me, I love to find books on color--since I'm a natural dyer, I always like to know the history of certain colors.  Just recently, this book "Secret Live of Colors" came on the market.  I ignored it for the longest time--why read another book on color?  Could it have anything else to know about color?  Finally, I succumbed and purchased the book.
This book is a different approach to how color is viewed in the world.  So, it does belong in my library along with my favorite books.

Oooh, this book is absolutely lovely!  filled with Blue from beginning to end!
Blue that is derived from indigo!  What mysterious dye gave
us such lovely shades of blue--Indigo!

Blue!! “Trustworthy, peacefulness, logic, calm,
Sensitive, patient” 

"What is Blue?
Blue is the color of the sky, without a cloud, cool, distant, beautiful and proud
Blue is the quiet sea and the eyes of some people
And many agree as they grow older and older
Blue is the scarf spring wears on her shoulder
blue is twilight, shadows on the snow
Blue is feeling way down low
Blue is a heron, a sapphire ring, 
you can smell blue in many a thing:  Gentian and Larkspur, forget-me-nots, too
And if you listen, you can hear blue in wind over water
and wherever flax blooms
and when evening steps into lonely rooms.
Cold is blue:  flame shot from a welding torch is too.
Hot, wild, screaming, blistering Blue and on winter mornings, the dawns are blue"

Mary O'Neill--Hailstones and Halibut Bones

Here is the history of Cochineal--a red color you can achieve from a tiny little insect, that
thrives on cactus.  How is that possible?  All things in nature are possible--this is a fascinating
journal into the life of that little bug that colored the world and made RED like nothing the world had ever seen!

Red is Strong, ambitious,outgoing, color of heightened emotion, power; invigorating, intimidating and it's never boring!

What is Red?  red is a sunset, blazy and bright.  Red is feeling brave with all your might.
Red is a sunburn, spot on your nose; sometimes red is a red, red rose.
Red squiggles out when you cut your hand.  Red is a brick and a rubber band.
Red is hotness you get inside when you're embarrassed and want to hide.
Fire-cracker, fire-engine, fire-flicker red-------
and when you're angry Red runs though your head.
Red is an Indian, a Valentine heart; the trimming on a circut cart,
red is a lipstick, red is a shout, red is a signal that says: "watch out!"
Red is a great big rubber ball.  
Red is the giant-est Color of all; Red is a show off no doubt about it-----
But can you imagine living without it?

Mary O'Neill Hailstones and Halibut Bones

I love color! I can't imagine not seeing color-- my husband is color blind-- he can't distinguish between brown and green. 
What does colorblindness mean?


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Art of the Palm

Have you ever had your palm READ?  I'm told there is a whole history about you, just in the palm of your hand.  The other day a friend said to me "look at your palm--do you see your life line? and do you have a M there?"
I never thought about reading my palm--but now, I"m looking more often about my palm to see how
close to my life enfolds.

I have this letter in the palm of both my hands...
How about you?
“Palmistry is an ancient method of predicting the future and interpreting a person's personality from the pattern of the lines of the hands. Sometimes these lines can form even numbers and letters.
One of these letters may be the letter M, the meaning of which has been investigated by many mystics.
As many believe, the lines on the palm reveal our character and destiny.
The letter M is assigned to truly special people.
They are endowed with extraordinary intuition and represent the ideal partners for any business.
If the people you love have the special letter M on the inside of the palm, you have to know that you cannot mock and you cannot lie or deceive that person in any way.
Being very intelligent and intuitive, people with the letter M in the palm of their hand easily realize that they are being lied to or deceived.
Women who have the letter M on their palm have a stronger intuition than men, even those who have this letter.
They are gifted with the power to manage and overcome any obstacle in life, and they know how to exploit the resources and opportunities that are offered to them.

The letter "M" on your palm can also mean:
• Leadership skills
• Can
• Joy
• Excellent opportunities
According to popular tradition, this sign is characteristic of the prophets ... So if you have this letter in your hand, you are really a special person! Some people hold it in one hand and others in both.” ~ Martin Santos
Credits: Quantum Physics and Kabbalah

Sunday, March 20, 2022


At A Loose End*!  Definitely, I don't know why this town was abandoned some years ago!
I recently looked for the box that contained the patterns and instructions, only because, 
Pat Sloan was reviving the sew along--Will You Be My Neighbor?"
When I saw that notice--I said to myself--"self, you have this somewhere in your studio"
Look for it--and there it was--all neatly bundled up in a box with fabric I decided to use--plaids.
I had made four of the blocks and then--bam!  I abandoned the whole neighborhood!

It's big blocks--18" so it's doable and I have all the fabric selected--now is the time
to pick it up again and make another street or two or just finish the town!

Only three more streets to do--it can be finished if I put my mind to it!
So why 'be at a loose end"?

*"if you see children mooching about, apparently doing nothing recognizably useful, you are likely to say--they are at a loose end.  Why not send the little dears off to sea on an old sailing ship.
That is where the phrase was coined!

As with spinning a yarn, on quiet days at sea when the weather was good, sailors would have to perform ordinary tasks.  All the thousands of ropes of sheets making up the rigging needed to have their ends bound with twine to prevent them fraying.  Anyone with no other duties would be sent to
"tie up the loose end"
*Rigmaroles & Ragamuffins, Elinor Kapp author!


Good Day To……..

 It's always a good day to take some time for yourself.  it's also a good day to do nothing when the day is rainy and no outside act...