Tuesday, August 10, 2021

This and That

 My friend and I are using Tuesdays to quilt our tops.  Here is C’s  on the machine ready for her artistic design

She made this one as block of month-$5 club
If you finish the block and bring it to next meeting you get the next block pattern with fabric

My layout for July block for Hands all around—I’m a little behind.  I had these half square already made—they are 3” squares.  Now need to make August block

Here is my quilted top from our first Tuesday long arm quilting day!  Great fun to do and I thought I’d never want to learn!
And look at these sweet faces!  My granddaughter holding her three week old nephew! How precious!  So blessed to have these two in my life! 

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Pet Peeves

 Why is “pet” involved with peeves?  “Pet” peeves are particular and often continual annoyance; personal bugbear:
pet peeve is a behavior or display that generates slight annoyance in people. They aren’t things that are so inappropriate and rude that they necessarily warrant taking action, but they’re generally bothersome in a way that will make you roll your eyes in frustration.
My pet is warm and cuddly—definitely not a peeve; well, there are times a pet can be my pet peeve!!
Here’s my list of pet peeves:

  • People who have a neat studio!  Mine is always a mess!  Never putting things back in place. 
  • People on their phone while I’m talking to them—hubby! 
  • Squeaky noises! 
  • Chewing gum or eating loudly! 
  • Incessant talking!  No rest for my ears!
  • Rude inconsiderate drivers
  • When my computer takes tooooo long to load a page! 
  • People talking during a movie 
  • Someone singing (off key) when I’m listening to my favorite song
  • Forgetting what I came in the room for! 
  • Cleaning under your nails with a knife
  • Cars with no blinker fluid! 
  • Waiting in line at stores and no checkers at registers
  • Scraping your plate or bowl when it’s empty
  • Stirring stirring your tea continuously 
  • Ear worm songs!
How about your pet peeves?

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Odds And Ends

Today I’m working on things that need to be tied up and ready for another day of quilting, stitching or whatever. 

I bought two different blue fabrics to use in the borders for this charity quilt.  Auditioning them along side the quilt and photoing them didn’t help me decide which one to use.  I like them both!  Maybe, I’ll use one for border the other for binding—decisions, decisions, decisions!

I’m sewing on these tiny blocks—at least I can use triangle 
Paper to get exact measurements.  Easy to do the stripes but, I sweat the tiny pieces!
You can download these sheets —nice to have ones that size up at 1.5”

I found these dye packages—I need a backing for two fall quilts—maybe, combining these together, the outcome will be a shade of fall—

This is the look in dye pot.  More red orange than I wanted but after rinsing it just might work. 


Friday, July 30, 2021


 You’ve bathed, brushed your teeth, said your prayers, put on your nice clean sleeping clothes, ready to slip between freshly laundered sheets—the pillow is fluffed up so your head falls onto the pillow, ahhh, here it comes——sleep!  

An hour later—where is sleep?  Where has it gone?  so many thoughts run through your brain—what’s for dinner?  Make a shopping list—what household chores need to be done?  Where or where is the “sandman”?  

Another hour passes—still sleep is nowhere! I’ve penned the great American novel, wrote a symphony, organized the pantry, cleaned the kitchen, bathed the dog, but still sleep evades me!  

Let’s count sheep—that doesn’t help! Saying over and over “sleep” doesn’t work!  Thinking of a beautiful spot on earth doesn’t work! 

Don’t look! But, I do—the clock is ticking the minutes and hours away—soon it will be daybreak—my eyes are not heavy laden with sleep yet.  Okay, I’ll listen to my calm app—only I’d need to get out of bed to retrieve my phone—can’t do that as sleep will come any minute now!  Alas, NOT! 

I give up!  And the next thing I know, the sun is shining through the window and it’s 7 AM!  Sleep came and went and I didn’t even know it. I hate those sleepless nights! 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 Over the past weekend, we journeyed South to visit my mother--there were several of the family there to show our happiness as we celebrated her 101st birthday!!

Mother seemed overwhelmed with surprise when 
She entered the room.  We had reserved a hotel meeting room
For the celebration.  My brother picked her up from her assisted living facility.  We hadn’t seen her in over a year and half.  

My brothers and myself with Mother

We had a charcuterie board for refreshments plus my brother ordered a huge cake that we shared with hotel staff and assisted living residents.  
After all the planning and anticipation, it was All too quickly finished and we went out separate ways. 

Saturday, July 24, 2021


July block from Santa Fe Trail, hosted by Melva --
we are traveling along the Santa Fe Trail as we read the diary
"The Land of Enchantment--Memoirs of Marian Sloan Russell along
the Santa Fe Trail" 
It has been a fun adventure and the blocks each time have been
interesting and diverse--for some reason, the above block
beat me up pretty good!  My brain was foggy that morning and I
ripped and ripped more times than I want to count--evidentially,
I got it together and it's a pretty block!
Next time, I'll eat breakfast before I tackle a complex block.

Tally Ho!  I've finished the row along--well, it does need a border--got to think on
what I want for awhile--anyway--this was a challenge to finish--
"Serendipity" a charity quilt along by Moda Fabrics on
Fat Quarter Shop--I used fabrics from my stash--

A lot of my time I spent doing Tour de Fleece—I finished one roving bundle, worked on the one pictured above as well as plied several singles.  It was the most spinning I’ve done in some time.  Now, I’m sorry the race is over—maybe, I’ll spin during the Olympics.   I would like to finish this brown cotton bundle too! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

One Fabric

There was a challenge thrown out on Facebook group--Quilts R Us--I just ignored it!
I don't need another project at this time.  Then, of all people, a friend challenged me
to take up the challenge--how could I refuse a friend?
All you had to do was choose a number between #1 and #15.  Me thinking it had to do
with how many quilt tops you made within the challenge time--chose the number 3.
seemed right to me.
Then, then, then the leader of Quilts R Us told us what our number meant--
What?? Number 3 means to do a One Block Wonder??  I've never done a
one block wonder!  Never wanted to do a one block wonder! 
Can I change numbers?  NO!  was the answer!  I'm stuck with One
Block Wonder--
Okay--now to do research--I don't want to buy a book--I won't do another
One Block Wonder--YouTube videos are a huge help!
Now, to choose a fabric--from my stash--I don't want to buy a new fabric--
four(yes 4 yards) are required to make a quilt--

Searching through my stash for at least 3 yards--I AM NOT doing
a whole quilt!!!  I found this fabric--I have no other use for it at the
present time--maybe, this will work.
I cut my 6 sections of fabric required and line them up--it states it
must be perfectly lined up--one on top of the other--
I did my best-- cut the first 4" section--oh, then I
read instructions that you needed a special ruler--off to find that
ruler since of course, I didn't have that one in my numerous rulers.

Ruler arrived and I cut the pie wedges and then I played with the
turning this way and that to see what I could get
out of these wedges.

Okay, now I'll sew the wedges together--
which wasn't hard to do--three together and then
the other three and seam them across the middle

I had enough of the pie wedges sewn to do a layout--
Not finished yet--and it was only going to be a table runner!!
Then I read the rules again--the minimum size is
LAP size--oh Joy! 
I guess it's a challenge--which takes me out of my comfort zone
well, I'm definitely outside that box and I'm squirming!--
check in later to see if I complete and how it will look--
I have a deadline of December 31!


Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............