Saturday, August 15, 2020

About Time!

This book has lingered in my stash basket for ages--let's not count the number
of months--it's just one of those 'aged' projects or UFOs if you prefer.
Quiet time was spent as I stitch--this 'lock-in" pushed me to find something
to do with my time and hands.

Completed all the embroidery on the blocks this week!  Just need to do
the interlacing stitches between the blocks, add borders and we're good to go.

I liked doing all the blocks--at one time, I ran out of black thread & had to
wait for an order to replenish my stock

I cheated at times for the small pieces--used a permanent marker to
fill in--e.g. light bulbs on Kingle block, lights in Village, etc.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Doodle Cloth

Do you Doodle??  

YES!  There are videos for doodles!  I usually doodle if my brain is in overload or someone is lecturing--it's a way to not think about what your fingers are doing.  But, my doodles don't look like the above!

IN hand embroidery, a doodle cloth is usually an extra piece of fabric that you keep on hand,
to practice embroidery stitches on before you apply those stitches to am embroidery project.  A good idea if you are a beginner and want to see how your stitches will look.

REasons for doodle cloth:

  1. Practice makes perfect
  2. A doodle cloth saves your project
  3. A doodle cloth creates a record
  4. This doodle cloth can become a project!
And it opens up possibilities for endless projects--one stitch becomes another stitch and so on and so on.
I love these handy ways to learn as you stitch!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Star Gazing .....................

Did you step outside your door during the lovely darkness to view the Comet Neowise--
We did view the comet couple nights--to us it was faint because we
have some city lights obstructing the sky darkness.  But, it was fun to
look for it--I have an app on my phone--Sky Guide--which helps locate
the constellations and the best way to view this once in a lifetime event.
While looking for the comet, I saw a couple of shooting stars!
Good luck in my book!

Here is Stargazer Shawl to knit with the event--you can locate this free pattern
The solid bands of stockinette show off the nuances of the colorway you’ve chosen, like the night sky once your eyes adjust to the dark. The simple stitch patterns allow highly variegated yarns to shine. And just like a shooting star, this asymmetrical, one-skein shawl will be done in a flash!

Now, to decide on the colorway and yarn to use on my needles.

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............