Monday, December 17, 2018

Gift from My Hands

Every year our Expatcher group gathers for a Christmas luncheon.
I always hope to have a handmade gift to give each of my friends.
This idea popped into my brain last year--

of course, I waited till the last minute to finish up the
details--why, oh why do I do that?

Anyway, here is my gift for my dear friends.
It is handspun silk stitched on handwoven brown cotton cloth,
which has been handspun as well,
   The silk ribbon and yarn have been dyed
with indigo.
I found the bamboo 3" frames on Amazon--of course.

My hope that they will enjoy this piece from my hands.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

2019 Planning

January 2019 brings new challenges!  
It is time now to plan for those upcoming projects .
One of my favorite designers, Elizabeth Ravenwood, aka
dogyarns on Ravelry is hosting another lace knitting
venture in 2019--a different pattern each month--I
finished my 2018 lace scarf but it isn't blocked yet--

Another 2019 knitting adventure is one coming
from Toni L. Lorenz, aka 

stlorenz on Ravelry (oh how I love Ravelry!)

This is going to be an exciting learning experience!

I've begun to spin while watching playoff football games
This fiber is very well aged!  It has been in my stash bin
for years--it's lovely to spin

The singles are doing well but I'll ply singles for 2 ply before
the knitting begins.  I have attached a small piece of velcro
to the wheel and when I stop spinning I can put the
loose end of the yarn to the velcro and it sticks!!

This lovely fiber comes from my friends at

I sure there isn't any more of this fiber--I love the
name--it comes from her animals, which are all
named wonderful names.
I still need to decide on another fiber to spin........

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Mistakes..................Can Be Corrected............

It must be my month to make quilting mistakes--oh, yes, I'm making mistakes in other routines of my life too; But, do you know, all mistakes can be corrected?  Thank goodness!

When I have a few spare minutes, I've been sewing on Bonnie Hunter's 2018 mystery--I'm liking the color combinations.  So far, I've worked on two clues--making mistakes on both clues--oh, well.......I should read the instructions more carefully--really!  Take my time!  Read thoroughly!

Okay--what does this read to you?  2.5" unfinished--my brain
glazed right over that the "unfinished part" and went to download my sewing papers
for half square triangles

Now, what does this say at the top of the page??

2.5" FINISHED!!  (You can find these free half square papers
at quilting and what not--there are several sizes--)
Yes, so wrong!  I sewed several of these papers and the
brain kicked in----oh, no!  these need to be 2" finished!!

So back to the drawing board--I need to square up all these already sewn
to 2.5" unfinished!!
Thank goodness, I have this tool to make that process go quicker:
You line up on the stitching line that size you want the 
square to be--not pressed yet--and trim.

This tool is product of  New Leaf Stitches--it even trims the
'dog ears'!
Oh the joys of a mundane brain working overtime!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Whew! Finished...................

Well, I thought I was finished---------then, I took a photo of my "finished' quilt top.  The next day I looked at the photo............................guess what??

And there it was!!  a glaring mistake!  A big fat mistake!
Can you see it?

Well, this is the way it's suppose to be--that meant lots of
ripping--goes to prove--you're never finished until you REALLY
look at the finished project!
This was a free project from Fort Worth Fiber Studio and measures
33"X 33"

Sunday, December 9, 2018

All About Socks!!

Oh My Gosh!   Free patterns and tutorials on Socks!
I'm in heaven--sock heaven, that is!
You too can become a sock knitter and enjoy
these free patterns--Knotions has this just for you!
How can you resist??
I can't decide which one to knit first.

Then the other day, I discovered this interesting pair of sock knitters
and oh my--the yarn!  where have I been all this time??!!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Taste Driving---Recipes!

Let's Party!!  We are spending the holidays at the Hill Country house this year!  Yeah!  This will be an adventure--it's a much smaller place but we'll have a grand time with the family.
I'm in the food tasting mode now--found some interesting recipes that family might enjoy but first-- there is the taste driving test!

Damn Delicious has this tasty treat for your mouth!  It sounds so yummy!  and Costco had a special on croissant rolls!  Bam!  we're in business! 
I bought this book just for this one recipe--have you ever done that before?
There are many other good recipes too to try but the one below is one of our

And we have already taste driven this one!  But, I think whipping up
another batch is a go!

Don't they look delicious! Well, they are!

Had to try this recipe, just to use my Instapot, that I received last
Christmas!  Adventures of a Nurse gives us the copycat recipe
of Applebee's artichoke and spinach dip.
when making my list for grocery, I realize that ingredients for
Dip and rolls have the same things!! 
Wonder which one the family will like the best!!  At least,
they will be eating some spinach either recipe!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Advent of Kindness!

Here is a perfect way to celebrate Advent each day--it takes nothing but


 X Y Z   The slang phrase XYZ, meaning “examine your zipper,”  has been used since at least the 1960's  These letters are used for const...