Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Free Digital Catalog--Unraveling Identity: Our Textiles, Our Stories

George Washington University Textile Museum has this interesting
free digital catalog to view. 
This publication explores some of the exhibition's themes and pieces on display through essays by museum curators Sumru Belger Krody and Lee Talbot, Research Associate for Southeast Asian textiles Mattiebelle Gittinger, and GW Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs Ingrid Creppell

Monday, August 31, 2015

Folded Woven Paper.......................................Art!

We continue with more lovely paper pieces! 

MAYUMI KANEKO works with great sense of design--take a look at the website to see how paper can be transformed into lovely art pieces!

Sunday, August 30, 2015


One of my passions has been Shifu--the art of paper garments.  Using hand pulled paper, which is cut into small continuous strips, is then spun into fine paper yarn.  I have made several garments using this method.  Not only have I used hand pulled Japanese paper but also comic pages from newspapers and tissue paper (the kind used for wrapping gifts).  Today I share with you the technique that is unusual but has a long history.

Paper garments have long been used.
Enjoy this brief encounter into the art of
Shifu and paper spinning.
For more information and the beauty of Shifu,
check out this website

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Nathalie Boutte is a French artist that works with paper strips!  Yes, she cuts long narrow strips of paper and then she patiently assembles, one by one thus creating a feather effect which constantly evolves. 

We call this art too!!


Friday, August 28, 2015

Art Continues--Paper Weaving

Art is many forms--today we venture into the world of two weavers, each with an unique technique to achieve their form of art.  A collaboration of the minds--one from Japan, the other from United Kingdom.

Paper Rhythms features the work of Mayumi Kaneko.  Mayumi is a hand weaver. She has always been developing woven textures and patterns in various yarns to make beautiful and intriguing fabrics.  Recently, her main focus has been the exploration of the potential of Japanese paper yarn. The yarn is made from Manila hemp fibers and a Japanese paper making method is used to make it into yarn. It is a very unique, fascinating and sustainable material.

Jennie Parry works with an interesting loom, ‘Tri Takadai’ which is pictured in the bottom photo.
Whether it's origami or kumihimo technique, we call it ART!  

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Revisit--ART! Paper......................................

On a recent blog topic, I asked "What is Art?"  So I thought it might be interesting to explore different aspects of "Art" pieces.  For the next few blog articles, I will feature art pieces and their makers.  First up is
Helen Hiebert who works in paper!  She features a weekly blog with different topics.
This weeks topic is Folded envelopes

What fun to work with handmade paper.  Her website gives you the opportunity to
enjoy the art of paper making.  Check out Pinterest and the art of envelope folding.
I spent a good hour or more browsing through her artistic pieces and learning how
this 'art' has influenced our lives!
What is Art?--Paper!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Another Pair of Socks?

How many pair of hand knit socks can one person have?  You can only wear one pair at a time.  And if you needed to wear a pair every day, which I don't, why do you keep knitting socks?  Can we call it an obsession!?? 
Here is the yarn for the this pair of socks--never knitted with this brand before. 
I usually begin my socks on four double pointed needles

transfer to two circular needles, knit to heel and once again back to pointy sticks

The pattern is designed by general-hogbuffer and is called "Bovary"
You can find this pattern--where else?? but on Ravelry! 

“Madame Bovary (1856) is the French writer Gustave Flaubert’s debut novel. The story focuses on a doctor’s wife, Emma Bovary, who has adulterous affairs and lives beyond her means in order to escape the banalities and emptiness of provincial life. Though the basic plot is rather simple, even archetypal, the novel’s true art lies in its details and hidden patterns.” ( Wikipedia )
We are heading to the toe!!

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............