Friday, August 7, 2015

Winter Wonderfland Sew Along!

Okay, it's hot outside!  Now is the time to think about sewing for the winter and
this is the perfect sew along!

This And That website has guests quilters along the way.  Let's join in for this cool down sew along!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

God's Eyes or Ojo de Dios

Have you ever made "God's Eyes" as a child?  did you know the history of this interesting art craft?

God's Eyes aka Ojo de Dios originated from the Huichol tribe in the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico. The Huichol call their God's Eyes Sikuli, which means "the power to see and understand things unknown."  When a child is born, the central eye is woven by the father. Then one eye is added for every year of the child's life until the child reaches the age of five. 
Here is more info

Take a look at this
Jay Mohler art work

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Felted Handbags!

I'm on a handbag saga!  I'm liking all these cute handbag patterns.  Today I'm looking at felted bags--off the knitting needles. 
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting         

Aren't these the cutest handbags you have ever seen?!!  And you can create them in any color--
check out this website for patterns--some free, some purchased--but, all so much fun to knit and create!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mystery 2015

Let's Quilt!  with Lyn Brown as she hosts the 2015 Solitaire Mystery Quilt
Look for a different step each Monday during August.
Here is the supply list:
Supply List   
Background (Light/White)   2 1/2 yards Dark (Red)      3 1/2 yards Medium (Blue)     1/2 yards Bright (Gold)      1/2 yard 
I have made at least two of Lyn's mysteries in the past--great sewing fun!
Join me in this mystery!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Small Quilts

Okay, there are small quilts, miniature quilts and then there are tiny quilts!  Have you made a quilt for a doll?  Or even a small quilt?

There is a Small Quilt group on Facebook and Yahoo.  I joined because I'm fascinated with small quilts.  I did make one (1) small quilt--Amish style--and the dog took a bite out of it!!  it was just too small, but it was perfect for a little girl that visited our house often--that would be our granddaughter!  Years ago we had a miniature quilt workshop when I was Education Curator at Historic Plantation.  We had Tina Gravatt in as our mentor.  Tina makes miniature doll house quilts!  I was blown away with her work!  Her pieces are authentic to antique quilts.  We had a fun time together--

Sentimental Quilter has some wonderful small quilt patterns.  Check her out!

Shop with Us

Temecula Quilt Company is one of my favorite websites to visit!  I wish I could visit her shop, but she offers free patterns often for small quilts.  I made the alphabet small quilt blocks--not assembled yet though.

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts is a place for small quilt lovers!  Follow along with this group.
children's quilt patterns
American Girl Dolls  has many patterns for all those American Girl Doll lovers

doll quilt tutorial

craftaholics anonymous has this excellent tutorial on how to sew your own doll quilt

Country Lane Quilts tells us that doll quilts are not just for children!  I like that!

Fave Quilts--Mini quilts and doll quilts
Find fun mini quilt patterns and dainty doll quilt patterns here. When you're looking for small quilted projects for practicing new techniques and playing with fabrics, free mini quilt patterns are just what you need.
Ruby and Mahoney Miniature Quilts has tips to make that perfect small quilt.  I'm thinking this might be the way to make quilts--takes up less room and doesn't take as long to make! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Crochet Art

I'm in Awe!  I've been researching crochet art-- and here is what I found........
Xenobia Bailey landed on my radar!  Oh My!
What great work coming off her crochet needles!

OLECK has such imagination and style!

check out this on Pinterest!  Crochet Art Galore!
The Radder Blog for my inspiration.  This piece is created by Miyoshi Barosh


Jo Hamilton works magic with the hook!

Prudence Mapstone!  Oh yes!  I was fortunate enough to take a workshop with
Prudence many moons ago--turned me on to artistic crochet.  Here is Prudence's Pinterest page
Gwen Blakley Kinsler's work is whimsical!
And to learn some of those crochet art stitches, check out
Crochet art is exciting, inspirational and cutting edge!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Waffle Irons--Not Just For Waffles!


It's been hot!  Too hot to heat up the oven, which heats up the kitchen.  We are trying different appliances in our kitchen--ones we don't use often.  We've been experimenting with waffle iron.  Yes, I know--it's good for breakfast and those standard run of he mill waffles; but why not try a lunch or dinner item?
First up--we didn't have an idea what to do for dinner--there was leftover chicken, cheese and flour tortillas--ok, let's do quesadillas, but use the waffle iron instead!  Right on!  

Omelet Waffle

Omelet Waffle  Just open frig and look to see what's leftover--there are some egg whites, sausage, onions, bell pepper, broccoli, bacon--let's add an egg, some milk, little cheese, beat--pour into hot waffle maker!  Yummy!  If leftovers, pop in toaster for tomorrow's breakfast or late snack!

Zucchini Fritters
Zucchini-waffle-recipe  lets us use up that plentiful bounty of zucchinis--add some pine nuts for crunch, little different cheeses and good veggie compliment.

Waffled Falafel
Falafel Waffle--what a treat!  we love Mediterranean food!  so this was perfect for our evening meal--delicious!

And for dessert!  Especially when we found these giant square marshmallows!

Recipe: S'moreffles — Will It Waffle?
How about trying out your waffle iron for something besides just plain old waffles? 

Old habits revived

 Years ago I had a habit of listening to podcasts on a regular basis.  That was the way I could listen to classic books that I never would...