Monday, June 22, 2015

Being Creative

How are you creative?  When do you become creative?  Is there a space where you are creative?  A time?  A thought process that allows you to become creative?

Recently, I heard a musician say, "I'm most creative when I'm in the studio"--does that mean his 'Muse' only hits him when he is in the studio?  doesn't he have any other times to channel his 'muse'?  Then he said, "we were walking and discussing a topic and it hit me--let's go back to the studio and make music!"  So, his 'Muse' struck him outside the studio!  But, he was most creative when he returned to the studio.....................................I find this very interesting.

Then, the other day, I was visiting with a long arm quilter--she does free lance quilting--no pano for her!  She said, "some days I put on a quilt and I know immediately what design I should do" but "other days, I sit and sit--wondering what I should do"--Her "Muse" comes and goes. 

We had a lovely lady in our spinning group--sadly to say, she has gone to spinners heaven.  Her "Muse" hit her at the most important times--When we needed a skit for our conference!  We could always count on her "Muse" to appear and we would have the most brilliant skit--song, dance, actions, etc.  Her "Muse" was the greatest!   She would always say, "Let me bring in my "Muse" and there it was!

How creative can you be?  Do you have a "Muse" that suddenly appears and offers up the finest of thoughts?  Or maybe, not so fine but some that can be fine tuned to be worthwhile.

Let's open ourselves up to Our "Muse"......................................................When is your "Muse" time?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Patriot Sewing

I guess we should be thinking about sewing Patriot all year long--shouldn't we?  But, somehow, it only comes to my mind when we are close to a Patriotic celebration.  These two quilts popped up on my radar this week.   Both are free projects through Windham Fabrics.

 American Beauty by Leslie Sonkin
 Regal Eagle by Debby Kratovil

Debby Kratovil is the designer behind many excellent patterns. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

I Found Lost Books!

Recently, we decided to clear out our bookshelves--taking time to go through all the ones we had
took hours--did we read this one?  or that one?
Okay, we put those we think we have read in one pile, another pile for me, a stack for hubby, pile for brown headed daughter,
a box to donate to the library and books that can be posted on Paperback Swap
Amongst all those books, buried in the lowest shelf, this was found!
The Bobbsey Twins at the Seashore has no date on the inside cover--
I remember reading all these books when I was 12--oh so many years ago!
what fond memories this book brings back to life!

There was also this book way in the back of the bookshelf--
you can't imagine how many books we have
I love books about fiber related stories
and this is a good story

Oh, another one to re-read again for the enjoyment!

And this one--so beautiful illustrated with spinning, dyeing, weaving--
can't get any better!
We donated 100 books to the library; posted many on PBS, saved just as many as we
donated and posted, but these four books will remain on MY shelf in plain sight!

Friday, June 19, 2015

There's An App For That!

I'm playing!  Oh my how much fun this is!
I found an app (isn't there an app for anything and everything!!)
that layers photos over each other
needless to say I've been having fun with my photos.
Take this photo
I layer this one

over this one

And this one--I layer
this one over

this one

as you can see I'm having so much fun using my photos with this app

I don't know how I'll use this in the future, but there is always a means to my madness!

The app is Diana on I-phone & I-pad

I'm sure there must be a similar one on android systems.
Take a minute or in my case, an hour or two, and explore
your phone and the apps out there.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Brain, please engage!

I'm knitting away on That Bald Guy Knits Mally sock pattern.  You can find it on Ravelry.
I have the pattern on my I Pad app Goodreader.  There the pattern is in text and charts. 
there are the symbols and meanings all written out plain and simple

I'm using four #1 bamboo needles

I'm knitting along and knitting along

Wait, where are you going?  Hey brain come back here!
why do you wander when you are in the middle of knitting
this pattern--just look what you did! 
there's a mistake--way back several rows!

come on Brain, settle in--why wander and think about something else
this is a straight forward pattern--see the charts--
get yourself back on track and quit thinking about something else..........

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

DAM--That's Denver Art Museum

Am I excited?  You bet your bottom dollar!
There is an exciting Tapestry exhibit at the
more than 20 tapestry-woven wall hangings, rugs, furniture covers, garments, and sculptural forms
are on display! 
Whoop! Whoop!

Creative Crossroads: The Art of Tapestry

May 31, 2015March 6, 2016
North Building - Level 6 —
Mark Adams (American, 1925-2006), Flight of Angels, woven by M. and Mme. Paul Avignon, 1962, wool and cotton tapestry; Neusteter Textile Collection: Gift of The E. Mark Adams and Beth Van Hoesen Adams Trust. Copyright of The E. Mark Adams and Beth Van Hoesen Adams Trust

Irvin Trujillo (American, b. 1954), Saltillo Shroud (detail), 2014, wool tapestry. Neusteter Textile Collection

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tour de Fleece 2015

I know it should read Tour de France But in the world of spinners, we make it the Tour de Fleece!  These are the days we can treadle our spinning wheels, watch the race and spin through our stash!
What will you be spinning?  What wheel will you use?  How much will you accomplish on your daily pedaling? 
There is a group on Ravelry, of course and you can join in.  Spin a little, spin a lot--it's all about spinning the stash!!

Here are the (Rules)

Challenge Yourself.
Have fun.

This year, the Tour de Fleece starts on Saturday July 4 and runs until Sunday July 26th, 2015.
Guidelines (NOT RULES):
  • Spin every day the Tour rides, if possible. Saturday July 4 through Sunday July 26th. Days of rest: Monday, July 13th and Tuesday, July 21st. (Just like the actual tour.)
  • Spin something challenging on the challenge day (usually the toughest high mountain stage: this year, it’s Stage 18, on Thursday, July 23rd, when they will climb 5 mountains, including the 1,924m high Col du Glandon).
  • Wear yellow on Sunday July 26th to announce victory. Why not wear yellow on any day you feel particularly successful? (Yellow is the color of the race leader in the Tour - but here we are all ‘race leaders’) Other colors if desired: Green (sprinter - think FAST), Polka-dot (climber - as in uphill), and white (rookie).


 X Y Z   The slang phrase XYZ, meaning “examine your zipper,”  has been used since at least the 1960's  These letters are used for const...