Thursday, June 11, 2015

Okay--I'm Playing Along.....................

Oh My Gosh!  I've got to stop looking around on the Internet!
I have found way too many things that take my attention away from
what I'm suppose to be doing.
Just look at these nifty action loaded creative projects!

Babble Dabble Do website is not only creative but here we use our heads with math--
geometry--Yes!  I was horrible at Geometry!  If the math teacher had given me
this for a project, I would have learned so much.
Take a look at the website--view the video, print out the template for Flextangle:
color, fold, and have fun!
This website is just not for kids!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hi Ho! It's Off To The Quilters We Go....................................................

Well, it's about time!
These tops have been sitting around
aging too long!
I contacted two of my Colorado quilters
to see if they were interested.....
and the answer was resounding
So, this week we are off to meet up with
the quilters who will turn these
tops into quilts!
This was a monthly ROM (Row of the month) project.
Really enjoyed doing this one--each row was easy to complete

A finished orphan block top that I finished up last summer!
this was so much fun!

Now, why did I do this top??  These penguins were just too darn
cute, I couldn't resist!  I'm sure someone will want it.

This was the BIG project from Bonnie Hunter gathering last summer--see,
I said these were well aged tops!  It's a huge top--106"x106"!  Should have cut it down

This is 2015 top--not so aged!  It was Ebony Love's pattern for
Downton Abbey series.  I didn't buy the fabrics; instead used all stash fabrics
and I think it turned out pretty good.
Ok, Hi Ho--off to the quilters I go!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Sculpture Ranch and Galleries

One afternoon as we drove outside of Johnson City, Texas we took a detour into the Hill Country.
It was a scenic drive with views of pastures filled with grazing cattle, creek beds and gurgling streams to view this 142 acres of wondrous sculptures that dotted the roadside.
The setting is peaceful
and the art pieces enchanting!
Take a drive with us as
we view some of these
special pieces
The property was purchased in 1999 by Italian artist Benini who turned a large part of these 143± acres into "The Sculpture Ranch", a showcase for international sculpture enhanced by the natural beauty and views of the Texas Hill Country.

At this time, more than 100 pieces are installed outdoors by 44 sculptors.

Viewing is free, just register at the main office

Check their website for hours open to the public

The galleries are filled with paintings and sculpture ~ a 50-year span of Benini's paintings and divertimenti as well as guests artists from Italy and smaller sculptures by sculptors who have largescale pieces on the hills and trails

This piece was intriguing with the hills in the background and the lake in the fore ground.
and then we walked into the gallery space.........

The gallery is located in the former hanger of President Johnson's helicopter that he used for

The gallery is spacious and the art is outstanding!
This was an oh WOW time!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Locked in Love............

A recent article in Wall Street Journal came to my attention....
How can this be?!
Love Locks are to be shorn away in the most romantic city?

Oh, how can they do that? 
So many couples have walked across that bridge
just to place their lock of love; turn the key in the lock onto the railing,
kiss the key and together throw the key into the Seine--therefore,
sealing their love forever.

So many locks--of different sizes, shapes and colors.
There are even vendors who will sell you the perfect
lock/key to place on the bridge

How can so many lovers cause such a hazard?
Love does create heartbreak, but who would have
thought locks of love could cause a bridge to break and fall!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Ode to Loom

There comes a day when you just have to let go...................
You need to say good-bye to an favorite friend
A friend that has served you well
But, it is time for this friend to move on
and make someone else happy
and serve them well.
I'm saying good-bye to my 8 Harness Macomber Loom--

It has been working well, weaving many wearables, towels, rugs, etc.

There has been the happy sound of moving shafts

The tromping rhythm of the treadles

We have warped many a thread through those heddles

Oh, yes, there is tears in my eyes and sadness in my heart
It is time for #5816 to move from my home to another.
Good-bye good friend--you will be missed!  But, loved by someone else.
Happy tromping!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Urban Cowboy! 35 Years Old??

Here is the June cover of Texas Monthly.  I could not believe that it has been 35 years ago that this movie was released!
Yes, this movie was released on June 6, 1980!  Do you remember the dance craze from movie?
Well, in Texas--those dances have always been around. 
A night club went wild!  The movie spawned an outstanding music album.
And now there will be a special viewing in Austin, TX on June 16.  There is even a beer
named "Gilley's", made by No Label Brewery, Katy, TX.
There are rumors that there will be a reboot of the movie for a TV drama series-
will wonders never cease! 
I'm plugging into my mp3 player and listen to that music all over again and remember those days when we two- stepped across Gilley's dance floor!
Those were the days!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Under The Moon--Farm to Table Dinners

It's Spring time turning to Summer time
Let's enjoy a Farm to Table Dinner
The Tables are set

The chef is preparing the food

He has the grill hoppin' hot with sausage, pineapple, steaks

Now the tables are filled with hungry people

This was a dinner with beer tastings
Under the full moon.
Look for one of farm to table dinner in your area


 X Y Z   The slang phrase XYZ, meaning “examine your zipper,”  has been used since at least the 1960's  These letters are used for const...