Tuesday, August 12, 2014

On The Table--August Break--Day 12

Okay--let's put all our cards on the table! Have you ever said that? What does it mean, anyway?
Honestly--I don't think I've ever said that phrase to anyone--But, I'm going to lay all my cards on the table for this post....................................................................................................so you can see the neat and not so neat tables that I use every day.  First table I see out my slider to the deck-- 
And the table is fairly clean and features summer potted plant.  Soon, we'll be changing to fall colors, but for the time being--we'll enjoy this table view.

In our downstairs room, we have a really neat table--only because it is rarely used! 

The table and features some items from our younger days--okay, I'm dating myself when I say mid-century!  I don't know if I like that term, but guess I'm stuck with it!

Now, we are getting to the gritty part of the house--the studio--which is always messy!  and who can work with a clean table?  Not me--my table always has needed items close by.

Another table in the studio--stacked with projects to work on.  And please--please, don't move anything because I know exactly where everything is!  Now, where did I put that 6" ruler? 

Monday, August 11, 2014

August Break-Day 11 HandWriting

  BY HAND--do YOU?  Or is your writing being done by your computer--just as I am doing now.  Our days

 of learning is long gone.  My dad when he was in school (70 years ago!)  had a class on penmanship (do we even know what that is today?) and oh, yes he had the most masterful signature!  It contained lots of circles and curls and you knew it was him that signed that report card--no forgery there!

Do you struggle with your P's and Q's?  Are your sentences incomplete?  Or do you write text?  LOL, BFF, ADIP, B/C, B/W--and the list goes on for pages! 

OK--yes, we are not alone!  The world has become words of meaningless letters (unless you know or have a reference guide!)  Look at corporations (CBS, NBC, ABC) and organizations (AARP).

Even I don't hand write my letters anymore--when I do hand write--my penmanship looks awful!  So, today I promise to HAND WRITE at least one note! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August Break-Day 10 DRINK?

DRINK! DRANK! DRUNK! What is your favorite beverage? You can guess by the photos that mine is wine!
Wine is the nectar of the gods--as it has been stated!  Maybe, I like it because of the glassware--

maybe, I like it because you can enjoy it on a warm afternoon as you soak up the envirnoment--

Maybe, I like it because of the variety--

But, most of all, I like it because it is shared with someone you love! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August Break==Day 9 Pieces of Life

Ever feel like your life is in pieces?  Here a piece, there a piece, everywhere a piece!  And are there times when you wonder when all those pieces will fit together in one happy place?
It's like a patchwork quilt--all those tiny little fragments scattered around the room.  But, once sewn in a reasonable pattern, you create one marvelous creation!

And there are those days filled with chaos and hectic routines 
But, upon closer inspection, we can visualize how we break down each section--make it work--just bite off one section at a time. 
Oh My!  what problems surmount daily--how do we fit everything into one nice package?

It is the bigger picture of our life--all those little pieces make us what we are--it can overcome or we can conquer.   how will the pieces of your life fit together? 

Friday, August 8, 2014

August Break=Day 8 SELFIES!

Oh My! How we like that word!  Why?  Because it is Our person--ME, MYSELF and I!  Oh!  How we like ourselves so much that we'll use the camera to take our photo anywhere or any time. 

The word "SELFIE" is relatively new to the dictionary--SELFIE can be used in a game of Scrabble!  There is nothing formal about a SELFIE--It's just you and your hand held camera!  Let's get along with this and upload my SELFIE

How will you place yourself into a SELFIE today?

Thursday, August 7, 2014

August Break=Day 7 TODAY!

TODAY is.........................................................................

a warm summer day

 in a peaceful setting

 with rushing thoughts

of color and wide open spaces!
Today is ..............................................................

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August Break=Day 6 REFLECTION!

August Day 6 brings us to "REFLECTION"--When this word popped up for today's theme, my mind swirled with various thoughts and images. This word can be intangible.   
Can we not see 'reflections' in the water?  
Can we not see a 'reflection' of ourselves in nature? 
  • Our eyes see different 'reflections' than our souls. 
  • We can reflect on movement;
  • we can reflect on past years;
  • we can reflect or give consideration to a thought;
  • we can reflect as we meditate;
  • we can reflect on something said in anger.
How will you reflect today? 

Stitchin' and Listenin' !!!

 We're just a stitchin' and a listenin' while we work! I'm on a roll...........all is going well........... Then...............