Thursday, September 15, 2016

Quilters Exchange!

The other day we exchanged 5" squares of fabric.  We'll blame Sandy!  She brought her quilt that she made from 5" floral fabric and the idea of fabric exchange popped into our heads.  It was not my first fabric exchange or will it be my last as exchanges are always fun!
This is the quilt that Sandy made from Susie's Scraps, only Sandy add some extra borders to make a
bigger quilt

Don't you just love Judy's pumpkins!  Anyway, here is another photo of Sandy's
finished quilt

You can see that the 5" floral prints make for a nice size block.
We each received a good selection of Texas wildflowers and Western theme fabrics.
There were 9 of us in the exchange--we each cut 14 different fabrics (total 124) for each person.
Now, we're off to make this quilt!
Maybe, you'll join in with us.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Work in Progress--WIP

Whenever we travel I make sure to take plenty of projects with me--you just never know when
you'll have some down time--a flight delay, long plane ride, or just plain boredom.
This past trip I took a UFO that I found in the bottom of the bin before I left.
I faintly remember when I bought this
pattern from Crabapple Hill--oh dear!  I just flipped to the website and saw another
pattern I want to do!  Anyway, I like their patterns and this one was no exception--just
let it age way too long!  And with fall approaching, it was time to get to it!
So, I traced off the pattern, gathered my supplies and packed!

Luckily, I had this box of Crayolas--I LOVE Crayolas!  Just love them!
I have several boxes, tins, special collections--and the worse thing about me--
I hate, yes, hate to use the Crayolas!!  I Want to keep those sharp points, you know!
It was time to use these though--what am I saving them for?
I have no little grandkids anymore

This collection contains, 'retired' colors (hard to believe they retire some of my favorite colors!)
plus this box of 64 colors--just what is needed for this pattern.  Then I'm looking at the pattern
and the colors--did you know there are such color names as 'goldenrod', dandelion, tumbleweed,
wisteria and macaroni & cheese!!?  I never took the colors out of the box--I just collect!
It was a surprise to me!

you're saying--why do you need colors?  Because with this pattern, you color first before
stitching--this was way too much fun!  I enjoyed fondling my colors and reading each
name on the wrapper--I think I was good with the points too.
I know--Crazy me!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Dealgan?? What??

Check out this video on how to use a Dealgan.   This is fascinating to me!  Why not--there are so many different versions of spindles and this is the most interesting one that allows you to spin and when finished slip off the ball of yarn.

What's a DealganIt's an 18th century Scottish spindle. A little piece of wood, really, about 5-6" long with a knob at the skinny end and a bulb at the far end, with a flat bottom and an X cut into that flat bottom. Why this shape and size, then? Portability, durability, utility. All are possible. It's one sturdy piece, so it can be dropped, tucked away, or even thrown with little chance of harm coming to it. It forces you to wind a sturdy ball similar to that wound on a nostepinne, and the conical shape means you can pop the ball off when you are done.  The Dealgan is clearly a historical spindle.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Breakfast on The Road

When we stay in a condo with a microwave, I know I can prepare a quick breakfast!

All we have on hand are eggs, cheese, some cream cheese, bagel and milk

I found a nice size bowl in the cupboard (I've also used a coffee cup)
Small amount of milk in the bowl (about tsp.), crack in an egg

We had some cheese from snacks last night, so a few crumbs on top of the egg

Beat! Beat! That egg--place in microwave for 45-60 seconds (I always
cover with paper towel).  Ta Da!  It's done!

See, a nice little omelet!

smear on some cream cheese (if you have it) place your omelet
and you have your breakfast in less than 2 minutes!!
In a coffee cup, you will have higher and fluffy omelet egg dish!!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

We Remember!

Every day of the year, someone celebrates an anniversary--whether it's a happy occasion like birthday, wedding, friendship, etc.  Or whether it's just a special day you mark in your life.  Every day is a day to remember.

this day is one we will never forget:  September 11, 2001--

each year, on this day, we mark the anniversary of the death of many; there will be the ringing of bells, the reading of names of those who perished, tears, hugs, good memories, sad memories--


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Today It's Good-bye to Vegas!

Once again we have completed a journey to adventure.  We boarded our plane this morning and headed back to the mundane and routine from whence we came--all good things come to an end!

It was a relaxing time--we walked miles each day to satisfy the Fitbit, ate some good food at marvelous restaurants to satisfy our appetite.  We used public transportation (Monorail--perfect way to get from one end of the strip to the other!) to save some time and energy.

We enjoyed special celebration at the top of the Eiffel Tower restaurant.
We use Opentable for our reservation center--

From our window table we could view the amazing 

Fountains of Bellagio while we dined! 

And we saved the best for last--our evening with
George Strait!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Body Beautiful!

Being in Vegas means more than just casinos and gambling.  There are shows and good restaurants.
But, there are also these wonderful exhibits and this was one of my favorite to visit.

The art of Richard MacDonald reveals the infinite beauty of the human body. The characters he creates are playing forever in the theatre of life,” Guy Laliberté The galleries are born out of a relationship between Guy Laliberté, Founder of Cirque du Soleil, and Richard MacDonald, a master of figurative sculpture. MacDonald feels that he and Laliberté are “similar in life long creative goals.” His work focuses on the spectrum of performing life, capturing a fleeting moment in time and immortalizing the grace, strength, joy and discipline of dancers and acrobats. His artistic vision shares the creativity and imagination that fuels Cirque du Soleil and conveys MacDonald’s sense of energy and passion. 

It is easy to take a stroll through these artistic features--

The body forms are exquisite!  you can see fine lines down in this interesting
patina of the bronze figures.

You take a walk through Bellagio casinos to find the "O" theater, where
Cirque del Soleil performs

The exhibit is free! 

Such works of art that takes months to accomplish


Squirrel Here--Squirrel there!

 Just blew up my thinking!  Let me get back to what I was thinking—I was knitting away on Elizabeth Ravenwood section of February—Estonian L...