Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Did It or Did It Not?

 That is the Question? Was there an alien spaceship that crashed near the little town of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947?  Believe or not--this little town has made their living on this myth or legend in every sense--what do you believe?  Here is what we found during our visit--

first off, read some background.  We never really understood Roswell at all--how many times had we driven through and never stopped, just cruised by; but this time, we spent the night!  Hoping, we would learn some truth behind all the hype!

What we discover—aliens everywhere!

They greeted us at McDonald’s

Advertising burritos

Ice cream

McDonald’s is a spaceship!

More aliens saying welcome in

Big fat aliens too!

Weird ones

Welcome to our hotel even

Even the street lamps downtown are lit with alien eyes
Cosmic murals decorate store buildings

Cue the music!
Roswell has embraced the myth/legend and welcome this with open hours!  If traveling this route, stop and hug the aliens! 


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