Update on my works in progress—
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
W. I. P.
Sunday, February 25, 2024
What’s Happen?!
Report from the homeland, if you’re interested. It has been such a week that was exciting, exhausting, exhaling, exceptional time! The whole gang celebrated the first birthday of our little warrior! He was exhausted after the big bash and conked out on Oma’s lap.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Life Is Good!
“Life is good, for the vast majority of us, when we see all the good in our life, first, before the negative. Life is good when we can recognize the good in other people, first, before the negative. Life is good when our lenses for looking at the world are trust, respect, compassion and genuine love.”
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Happy stitching all you stitchers out there! Beginning today, February 18, you can begin 100 days of Stitch Meditation--join their Facebook page. There will be lots of ideas popping up to assist you in your stitch meditaion. During these quiet days and Lent reflection, we can use some meditation to keep our minds sharp and relaxed.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Hearts to You!
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Sock It To Me!
Laugh- In! A super oldie but goldie TV hit! There was a bit of comedy that said "Sock It To Me"! Oh yes! what a laugh! Sorry to say, that sock it to me has been in my life lately!
Yes, I'm addicted
to sock knitting now! Having so much fun with different yarns, patterns, designs--My pattern for February is of course, hearts in Fucsia
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Now, For Something completely different!
We were always Monty Python fans back in the day—loved when they made this announcement! Our ears perked up to learn what was “completely different”!
I definitely don't have anything different, though! Sorry! It's the same old, same old. Oh, we did have a winter event that forced us to stay indoors--that's unusual for us Southerners! !Of course, if you are forced to stay indoors, you just WANT to get out! This forced me to do some chores I haven't done in the past few weeks. There was a quilt that needed to be bound--first, needed to cut binding and make it ready to sew on the quilt. Thank goodness, the evenings will still be quite cool and the quilt will be a super cover to my legs as I sit stitching the binding!
Deciding on dinner is first on the agenda--what will it be? It seems when it’s cold weather, you want to cook more and eat more! Decisions? Pizza and salad? Cioppino? Cottage pie? Stuffed peppers? OR I just might go with my first thought--"MustGo"! There is plenty in refrig to make a good Mustgo. The start of fresh baked bread is in the rising period--last week, I made an attempt at King Cake-- it was okay--we did eat it! So couldn't be too bad.
Okay, back to recipe for Mustgo==actually, there is no recipe for Mustgo--Just take any leftover food from frig and repurpose it for another meal and hopefully, fingers crossed, you will not have any more leftovers! I love this recipe--(Mustgovian)a fabulous name for a simple meal.
Having read the book, "Kitchen Front" by Jennifer Ryan--Oh the joy of cooking during WWII with rations. These women were quite ingenious with their menus--today, we'd have a terrible time working with such shortages,
Here is your wartime food rations for one adult for one week
- meat in value 2 lbs mincemeat (hamburger) or one lb steak
- 2 oz cheese
- 4 oz margarine
- 2 oz butter
- 1 pt milk
- 8 oz sugar
- 2 oz jam
- 2 oz loose leaf tea
- 1 fresh egg plus 1 pkg dried egg powder, making 12 eggs, every month
- 3 oz sweets or candy
Saturday, February 3, 2024
Here comes another month--a short month too! The month of love, according to advertisements. We will celebrate Mardi Gras most of the month, then Fat Tuesday leading into Lent and here comes the best thing to do during Lent, especially if you knit.presented by Victoria Methodist Bristol Knitalongs--join their facebook group to receive the directions along with reflections as you knit along.
I just returned from a whirl wind trip to Japan and the Far East—and I didn’t even leave my comfy chair! Blogs will do that to you—catch ahold of one and off you go! We sailed through cake baking, doryaki making, sock knitting techniques, whiskey making, and this Swedish Noir
I seem to be on a food craze lately—love reading books that Circle food with people’s lives. After finishing “Kitchen Front” by Jennifer Ryan, I found other books along food lines. One tells the history of Chinese foods—history, myth, and legends of your favorite foods.
Sloooow Stitching!
What is slow stitching? Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...
As someone who has participated in Mardi Gras parades, let me tell you this is ONE PARTY! There is nothing like being there in perso...
So you have a few small blocks just sitting idly by and you don't know what to do with them. Then try this method, Potholder Quilts or ...
Thank goodness, on our Costco trip today, I didn't find one single book that I wanted to read,........ BUT, that doesn't mean I...