Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Dishtowel Weaving Adventure Continues

AT November monthly weavers study group meeting, we enjoyed
looking at handwoven towels from our past to learn about
our future weaving.

We continued our conversation about hems.  Interesting how each
weaver approaches the task of hemming our handwoven items
Here is one way to put a decorative edge--hem stitch and then turned
up to finish the hem

Hems are all sizes

Here is hem stitched towel for great look--this technique
is done on loom

Here is an extra wide hem

Hem that is embroideried after hemming

An example ofa really bad hem, done on the sewing machine

No care was taken on finishing--don't let htis happen to you!

Neat hem sitched down with needle and thread

We looked at many different types of woven towels
to learn about techiques that would give us a good

How do you decide on the width of the hem?
should it be narrow?

Or wide?


Some hems include hang tabs woven in 

How will you handle the next hem on your handwoven towel?

Two more samples of woven in tabs.
Our next discussion will be on warp setts and fiber content.

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