Saturday, June 28, 2014

Where Does The Road Take You???

Where does your road take you?  What if we take this path?  What will we find along the way?

What will your eyes spy? 

What colors will you see?

What will your ears hear?  Trickling waters?  Songs of birds? or just quietness of the day?

What textures will you feel?

What shapes?

What delicate features will you experience?

What will your sense feel as you wander along the path?
Take a walk along any path

experience the breeze in the grasses

smell the freshness of the air

Love every ounce of your surroundings

Enjoy the delicateness of Natures' Queen Anne's Lace and

walk through that tunnel of darkness to the light--
Enjoy that walk you take and absorb every sense of being! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

QOV--Allegiance Quilt

Have you begun your QOV--Quilt of Valor--from the mystery steps that are being given by Alycia Quilts ?  Each Thursday for the next few weeks, there will be steps to complete a quilt and as usual, I'm a sucker for mysteries plus this quilt will go to a good cause.

Step One!  Cut those fabrics 5.5" to make half square triangles--Alycia has good photos to show you exactly how to do that. 

Next step, sew those 1/2 triangles together...........
And now we have those two sections together
Moving onto Step 2

This one was pretty straight forward with little cutting and sewing.  2.5" strips sewn together and cut into 9.5" sections.  We wait for step 3....................................

Friday, June 20, 2014

Bonnie Hunter Club Meeting

It's that time again--a gathering at the Bonnie Hunter Club. We were small group this week, but time was well spent on our current challenge--Mountain Majesties!
This is definitely a scrappy quilt along.  Susan used flannels for her mountains--ah, it feels so good!

She tagged each row with an orange post a note to keep track of where each row went

Pam is using batiks--just awesome!

She had all the batiks in her stash; just needed to purchase the white

Pam also showed off her wall hanging "Wonky Town" taught by Marti French

We found lots of hidden treasures in her 'town'

upcoming quilt workshops at Wooden Spools-- this Quilt of Valor

The assemble of this quilt will be fun and go for a good cause

Another upcoming class--a way to use up those scraps in your stash!

Neat blocks..........

And speaking of scraps--our fearless leader, Jessica, brought a huge bag of scraps that 'exploded' on the table.  "Pick through these for our next challenge"!  There is something addictive about pawing through someone else's scraps! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Usually I don't buy quilt kits. It's more fun to find an interesting pattern and then shop around for the fabric, but I just could not resist these KITS (!) when I visited some Texas quilt shops. They were so tempting! All packaged neat! Pattern and fabric included--all in one little bundle. Okay, it won't hurt, just this once to work up a kit, or two, or three or maybe four!
See just how neat this is--it's hard to resist.  Besides, someone else has already gathered the fabric, cut the length needed and it's folded so nicely.

Making this small wall hanging was fast and fun to create

and included in the bundle was enough fabric for 8 placemats or 4 placemats and a runner.

We certainly needed some new placemats.

Another wonderful KIT was this quilt package I picked up while visiting  One Quilt Place in Fredericksburg or was it when I visited Gone Quiltin in Bandera or might it have been Creations in Kerrville?  The interesting thing about this pattern is the fact that it comes from Mountain Peak Creations, located in Colorado!

And I really like this pattern--okay, it was a KIT too!
The pattern comes from Cross Mountain Stitchery, Fredericksburg, TX--there is no website.  I've left the white star off the blue until it is quilted.
I'm having so much fun with these KITS--that I just might buy more in the future--well, maybe!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Clicking Those Needles!

It has really been slow knitting lately...................just not in the mood to break out the needles and yarn. Some days the mood hits me to stitch a few rows. Here is what is I'm working on (slowly)
This man's scarf is from Brooklyn Tweed's blog.  It is called Noro Striped Scarf, but since I didn't have Noro and wanted to use handspun, this pattern was perfectly easy to pick up and put down.

Two rows of handspun wool and two rows of baby alpaca--of course, it is taking longer to knit due to the fact that the yarn is lace weight--Really?  Lace weight?  Well, it was in the real aged stash!

Ananka by Shannon Squires is being worked in hand dyed handspun wool--once again--lace weight, so taking just a little bit of time to knit; .

easy pattern to follow; another pick me up and put me down knit.  You can find this pattern at Ravelry also.

We continue on with this knit--yearlong , a group on Ravelry.

I'm liking this--a small lace section each month.

Using this handspun with beads (I know, hard to see the beads, but trust me--there are beads)

This pattern comes through another group on Ravelry--Ryan Eejits and those that fit in--Christmas in 12 months.  It took me a few days to get my act together for this month--

It required LARGE needles and bulky weight yarn (which I do not have) but I found this aged yarn.  although it isn't quite what the pattern wants, I thought maybe, it will work, but now that I've begun--I think I'll take two strands of wool and make a bulky yarn--
Okay, the needles are clicking some--slowly, but surely

Friday, June 13, 2014


It is Friday, the 13th!  Does this day send you into overload of worry?

 Do you avoid Black cats?
 Do you avoid ladders?

Do you not open an umbrella in the house?
Do you go into a panic when you break a mirror? Vanity - Bathroom Mirrors

What do you do when you spill the salt shaker?  Product Details

Relax..............................................................Just listen to Stevie Wonder and let those Superstitions go away!

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...