Saturday, December 29, 2012

And a New Year Approaches--2013

Bring on those New Year's Resolution!  I'm ready and willing to accomplish whatever the world is ready to offer!
I'm willing to drink more wine!

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables!

Take it slow through the mainstream!

Write more interesting blogs!
Watch the sunrise and the sunset


And celebrate the little things of life!!
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Reason for the Season

Joy, Peace, Happiness, Spirit, Faith, Love is the reason for the season!  May you and your family celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

We've Visiting a Friend's Studio

December is a great time to gather your friends, have some delicious foods, and do some shopping. We are gathering for our WOW (Way Out West) Weavers study group on this Tuesday. We visited our new Guild House that will be used for workshops and other meetings as well as study group gatherings.
We are also visiting a member's studio and shop.  Giovanna Imperia is internationally known for her designs.  She has moved into a renovated carriage house for her studio.  Can you guess what this piece of machine is?

Yes, it's a cone winder.  This commercial piece of equipment will wind off cones onto bobbins, etc.

We are shopping...............

Giovanna has some interesting and unique yarns and fibers for our use

And the best part--things were on sale!

Have a specific color in mind?  Giovanna has it!

And what is this piece of equipment?

A view of the top................

hint........reeds sit close by

as well as shuttles

We're not there yet but here is another interesting piece of Giovanna's equipment--kumihimo.  Just keeping up with all those bobbins would do me in. 

Yes, this is Megado Loom with 32 shafts--a definite complex weaver's dream

Giovanna also has a complete collection of books

Two of these are her own

Kumihimo, written by Giovanna

And a self published Kumihimo book--want to learn this technique, then Giovanna is your instructor.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 on 12

It's the time of year when we begin Advent events. One of my favorite things to do is knit the Advent scarf. This is the third year to knit one of these scarves--this year I got SMART! Instead of casting on as the pattern suggests--91 stitches, I did half that number!  Why didn't I think of that before!!??
Advent Calendar Scarf 2012 is the place to be !  And believe it or not--I'm keeping up with each day.  I'm 12 for 12! 

The previous two years I was struggling to keep up with 91 stitches--sure it makes a lovely shawl, but this is so much more enjoyable and not so hectic!

Each day's section is divided with a spacer that uses beads.

Some patterns I really enjoy knitting while others not so much.  But, it is a learning process too--some new stitches and techniques for me are thrown into the mix.

and the best part--I'm using my handspun green cotton yarn.  I know it doesn't look 'green' but this is a special fiber that came from my dear friend Jo's garden.  She gave me the raw fiber, which she had hand ginned.  I found a mill that would process into roving and I spun it into this soft lovely yarn--it's two ply and I love the feel and the special meaning.  After 24 days it will wrap around my neck with Jo 'love'!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Spirit of Christmas Holidays

We began the spirit of Christmas with an open house at one of our favorite places to visit-- Brookwood CommunityHere lies the spirit of sharing, giving and opening our hearts to others.  The last Friday of November and the first Saturday of December is the open house. 
We find our seats in the decorated auditorium as we await the beginning of the anticipated presentation of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" given by the citizens of Brookwood.   

The bell choir is ready and waiting. 

The mice are up first as the story unfolds.....'not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse', but in this play, the mice were very much out and about!

The balleria gives her little dance--remember those jewelry music boxes that had a balleria dance when you opened the lid??

The toy soldiers did their routine

And since this is a God based facility, Mary with child was present with the angel.  Not a dry eye in the house with this scene.

After the presentation, we took a walking tour of the grounds.  There are 125 acres available for dorms, operations, green houses (44) and this lovely chapel sits at the fore front of the grounds.

As we visited each area we received a stamp on our 'passport'.  The citizens were eager to tell you about their part.

Here ceramics are cut out from clay, sanded and readied for painters.

Next up, painters add their special touches

On the table are samples of the pieces that are made and available for sell in their lovely gift shop

Always smiling, always happy! 

Here is the sand cast portion of one of the buildings.

And the rubber molds that are used for outdoor statues

Brookwood citizens work year round to produce the most prized item of the season--these wonderful healthy poinsettias!

When you come to visit, be sure to make reservations in their cafe where you can enjoy some of their famous Mesibov Dressing--made and bottled right there!  It was a super day spent with the spirit of Christmas.

Sloooow Stitching!

What is slow stitching?  Join in—visit Jen Daly with her #100daysofslow stitching on Instagram Or join with Jenny to stitch her monthly pat...