Thursday, December 9, 2010

We Gather To Celebrate

It's the time of year we gather together as friends and family. We gather our personal celebrations of joy--the things that make us happy, the small reminders of good days and sad happenings. Bringing out the boxes loaded with ornaments, tree trimmings, table toppers and wall hangings give us pause to just remember. Each piece holds a special place in our hearts.....
like this wall hanging.
quilted by the hands of 92 year old mother-in-law. You can hear her speaking about her younger days as she sat under the table of her mother to push the needles back up to the quilters.
She talks about the short stitches needed "can not be big enough to catch your toenail on", she says. You have heard the tale a hundred times but it still means something to you and her. Her quilting was always done with white thread and it was a novel idea to use a colored thread on this piece.
And ah, the JOY you feel when you visit with friends--this quilt (made and quilted by Judy M, hanging in her newly built studio) expresses the satisfaction you feel when you see friends' smiling faces. Hugs all around to calm the difficult days, ears to listen to problems, and just being there helps. Sandy brought Karen's Christmas quilt to ring in the season of celebration. We all loved the setting--quite simple and scrappy but worthy of display.

Walking into Judy M houses is a delight--always festive for whatever season of the year. This hangs in her dining room.
And the snowman proudly declares--"peace, joy, love, and a wide open heart"!

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