Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What About That Kiss?

The history of mistletoe, which can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, is long, strange, and full of contradictions. Certain varieties are poisonous, for starters, and ingesting their toxic white berries has been known to cause a host of stomach problems (some poison control centers send out "holiday safety" fliers every year). Yet Hippocrates used other types of mistletoe to treat menstrual pains, and through the centuries it's been enlisted to fight leprosy, infertility, epilepsy, and even cancer. Then there's the plant's semi-parasitic nature. Mistletoe, a relative of sandalwood, attaches itself onto other trees to steal its host's water and nutrients. Unlike sandalwood, however, mistletoe seeds are dispersed by berry-eating birds, which allows the plant to grow on branches high above the shade, freeloading on other trees' sunlight. Mistletoe has been called a symbol of virility. According to Smithsonian Magazine, its seeds are coated in a semen-like substance that allows them to stick to tree branches once dispersed by birds — allowing a new mistletoe plant to dig into the host tree and begin to take shape.
Why, then, do we kiss each other under bunches of the devious, toxic plant every Christmas?
The common explanation says that early Christians integrated mistletoe into their celebrations as the religion spread across third-century Europe. The rationale predates the early Christians and goes back to the Norse god Baldur — second son of Odin, god of truth and light — who was so beloved by the other gods that they sought to protect him from all the dangers of the world. His mother, the goddess Frigg, "took an oath from fire and water, iron and all metals, stones and earth, from trees, sicknesses and poisons, and from all four-footed beasts, birds and creeping things, that they would not hurt Baldur." And thus the beautiful god was deemed invincible. What does this have to do with mistletoe? Bear with us...
At a large gathering soon after, stones, arrows, and flame were all flung at Baldur to test his might. Nothing worked, and he walked away unscathed. Jealous of Baldur's new powers, the mischievous Loki set out to find the one thing on Earth that might be able to hurt him. He found that the goddess Frigg forgot to ask mistletoe — tiny and forgotten — not to harm her beloved son. In the end, a dart fashioned from the little plant was used to murder Baldur in front of all the other gods who loved him so dearly.
Frigg, of course, was devastated. Steve Whysall at the Vancouver Sun explains that the tears of Baldur's mother became the berries of the plant, and it was decreed that "mistletoe would never again be used as a weapon and that she would place a kiss on anyone who passed under it."
And thus we hang mistletoe underneath our doorways come the holidays — so that we never overlook it again.  In my youth, we could buy mistletoe plants on the street corner during holiday season.  Also, friends who lived near woods would shoot down mistletoe from the trees--it was a way to practice their aim.

More fun facts about mistletoe:
Birds can eat mistletoe berries, but they're highly toxic to humans.
  • Approximately 20 species of mistletoe can be found on the endangered species list.
  • Celtic Druids believed that mistletoe contained the spirit of the tree in which it grew; this was the only part of the tree that stayed green all winter.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Candy Canes?

According to folklore, in 1670, in CologneGermany, the choirmaster at Cologne Cathedral, wishing to remedy the noise caused by children in his church during the Living Crèche tradition of Christmas Eve, asked a local candy maker for some sweet sticks for them.[3][4][5][6] In order to justify the practice of giving candy to children during worship services, he asked the candy maker to add a crook to the top of each stick, which would help children remember the shepherds who visited the infant Jesus.[3][4][5] In addition, he used the white colour of the converted sticks to teach children about the Christian belief in the sinless life of Jesus.[3][4][5]From Germany, candy canes spread to other parts of Europe, where they were handed out during plays reenacting the Nativity.[4][6] As such, according to this legend, the candy cane became associated with Christmastide.[1]
A recipe for straight peppermint candy sticks, white with coloured stripes, was published in 1844.[7] The candy cane has been mentioned in literature since 1866.[8]It was first mentioned in association with Christmas in 1874,[9] and only as recently as 1882 was hung on Christmas trees.[10]

Monday, December 12, 2016

Wreaths On Your Door?

The Christmas wreath is another tradition that has been around for a long time and was initially created from fresh evergreens. Since evergreens are green year-round, they were the obvious choice during the winter months. The word 'wreath' is derived from an English word meaning to twist, such as in a circle. 
In ancient Rome, people used decorative wreaths as a sign of victory and celebration. the custom of hanging a wreath on the front door of your home probably came from this practice. At Christmas, the wreath is symbolic of Christian immortality. ... Red symbolizes the blood that Jesus shed at his crucifixion.
In Christianity, the Christmas wreath was used to symbolize Christ. The circular shape, with no beginning or end, represents eternity or life never ending. The wreaths were typically decorated with four candles, three on the exterior and one in the middle. The middle candle was lit on Christmas Eve to symbolize the arrival of the Light of the World - Jesus Christ. A tradition began in the early 19th century to lay evergreens shaped into wreaths or crosses on graves to honor the dead. Family members would bring them home to use as part of their Christmas decorations during the holiday season.
At Christmastime, it only makes sense to combine two of the most symbolic icons together, giving wreaths as gifts. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Why Hang Stockings?

Hanging stockings over the chimney is an integral part of Christmas, and these oversized stockings are reserved for smaller gifts like candy and action figures. But why do we hang stockings anyway, and how did the tradition start?

One of the stories, it turns out, involves Nicholas passing by the homes of maidens too poor to afford a dowry -- money that a bride gives to her groom for their wedding. The bishop would throw gold coins down the chimneys of these maidens, where they would fall into stockings, which were hung over the fire to dry.
Stockings have been an essential part of the Christmas tradition for centuries (except, briefly, in the mid-1800s, when the New York Times wrote that Christmas trees almost completely supplanted them as the tradition of choice).
In my day, we didn't have a special stocking to hang--we used one of my father's old socks!
and in the morning, we would find fruit, nuts and sometimes a quarter in the toe.  
What will you find in your stocking this year?  

Saturday, December 10, 2016

How Did This Tradition Begin?

Here we have St. Nicholas, a Bishop who lived in the fourth century in a place called Myra in Asia Minor (now called Turkey). He was a very rich man because his parents died when he was young and left him a lot of money. He was also a very kind man and had a reputation for helping the poor and giving secret gifts to people who needed it.  Because of his kindness Nicholas was made a Saint. Nicholas was exiled from Myra and later put in prison during the persecution by the Emperor Diocletian. No one is really knows when he died, but it was on 6th December in either 345 or 352. In 1087, his bones were stolen from Turkey by some Italian merchant sailors. The bones are now kept in the Church named after him in the Italian port of Bari. On St. Nicholas feast day (6th December), the sailors of Bari still carry his statue from the Cathedral out to sea, so that he can bless the waters and give them safe voyages throughout the year.

So, How did St. Nicholas become Santa Claus??

In the 16th Century in northern Europe, after the reformation, the stories and traditions about St. Nicholas became unpopular.
But someone had to deliver presents to children at Christmas, so in the UK, particularly in England, he became 'Father Christmas' or 'Old Man Christmas', an old character from plays during the middle ages in the UK and parts of northern Europe. In France, he was then known as 'Père Nöel' in Germany, the 'Christ Kind'. In the early USA his name was 'Kris Kringle'. Later, Dutch settlers in the USA took the old stories of St. Nicholas with them and Kris Kringle became 'Sinterklaas' or as we now say 'Santa Claus'!
Many countries, especially ones in Europe, celebrate St. Nicholas' Day on 6th December. In Holland and some other European Countries, children leave clogs or shoes out on the 5th December (St. Nicholas Eve) to be filled with presents. They also believe that if they leave some hay and carrots in their shoes for Sinterklaas's horse, they will be left some sweets.
St. Nicholas became popular again in the Victorian era when writers, poets and artists rediscovered the old stories.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Third Times A Charm....

  As the baking has been put aside, I'm working on my advent scarves.

Yes, so the saying goes "Third Times a Charm!".
I'm hoping for a cure to this problem!  The Advent Calendar was available on November 27 
from Tricia Weatherston.  It is a Mosaic pattern--when was the last time I EVER did 
Mosaic ?  Or have I EVER knit Mosaic?  
Anyway, I'm trying my hand at this and you can see what I got right out of the gate!
 A Mess!
I cast on--did dark color first--well, that's not going to work if the chart uses
black and white squares to distinguish yarns as the first square is white--
I will be so confused.
Rip it out and begin again--thought I counted right!  How can someone not
count enough stitches--after all, it was only 47 stitches to begin with--
oh and the edge stitches--begin again.
And now, third time..............right number of stitches, light thread first and then
I'm humming along ---I think!
Each day there are a few rows to knit--it only takes me about 30 minutes--getting into the rhythm 
of knitting and being reverent as I prepare for the Christmas season.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Shhhh---Here's The Famous Eggnog Recipe

Finally!  I'm getting to the eggnog!
Please keep it a secret--don't tell him you got it from me!

 Here's hubby's famous eggnog recipe.  He makes it by the gallon and in our house, it doesn't last long!  I guarantee if you like eggnog, this is the recipe for you!  He got the recipe from an old edition of Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, dated hell's bells, I don't know as the front cover is completed shot!  Anyway, he took this recipe and tweaked it some.  Of course, he doesn't tell me what that extra tweak is--but, I think it's LOVE!

So, here goes--hubby's famous eggnog recipe:

1/2 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 Cups milk (whole milk please--none of that non fat stuff--after all you're making eggnog!)
2 egg whites
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla, but he adds more

Beat 1/3 cup sugar into egg yolks.  Add salt, stir in milk.  Cook over medium heat, stir constantly till mixture coats the spoon!  Oh, yes, give that spoon a good coat!
Cool this mixture.
Beat egg whites till foamy; gradually add 3 Tablespoons sugar, beating to soft peaks.
Add vanilla.  Fold the egg whites into the custard mixture.
When ready to serve, sprinkle with ground nutmeg--we like to use a grater and fresh
nutmeg--enjoy with your plate of cookies.

For him, it takes several hours to make--to me, it's a messy kitchen to clean up!
But, who cares--everyone loves his eggnog! and that's what it's all about!


  The origin of Mother’s Day has been associated with Miss Anna M. Jarvis. Jarvis (b. May 1, 1864 – Nov. 24, 1948), an especially devoted da...